Team Transform- Shutting down.

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RE: Team Transform- Transforming YOU into a better TCG Player.

Some play PokeHealer, some play PokeDrawer... I play Energy link.

But now I definitely will try out Blissey. Discard for a potion. :O
RE: Team Transform- Transforming YOU into a better TCG Player.

The Power of Three said:
Some play PokeHealer, some play PokeDrawer... I play Energy link.

But now I definitely will try out Blissey. Discard for a potion. :O

Correction, a Dark Energy for a Potion. Even better, no?
RE: Team Transform- Transforming YOU into a better TCG Player.

Ya, but what about Crobat G in T-tar for power spray and cheap spinning tail kos. it now counts as using the power so...
Watch for rogue in WA. The top 4 in the BR i went to was
1: Beedrill
Beedrill isn't rogue but it is uncommon. I wish i played the other katie in round 2 so I could secure a Medal. I've never actually won a premeir event. I just go 2-2 or 3-1 pretty much.
RE: Team Transform- Transforming YOU into a better TCG Player.

Fax said:
Deck Tester said:
FlyNoir, eh?
How are its match-ups against other decks? Porygon-Z isn't exactly popular, but I may want to run FlyNoir as it seems quite interesting and fun. Could counter a lot of stuff in my area with DP Dusknoir tech as well. Thanks for the idea! :3

I am still testing it but I think it has some serious potential. On paper, the only deck that can beat Flygon is Porygon Z so Dusknoir helps out a bunch with that. Dusknoir gets countered by Unown G and other Statiums, and Flygon has his first attack so that works good as well. I think it can beat any deck pretty easily except for T-Tar. I will continue to test it and I will post what the record is for it. So far it is 3-0.

Salamence beats Flygon too technically, yet it gets killed by it too.
RE: Team Transform- Transforming YOU into a better TCG Player.

The Power of Three said:
Anybody else notice? We have only Seniors on this team. D: Where are the Masters/Juniors?

I'll be a Master in a couple months, if that makes you feel any better.

And I'm going to go with Speedrill for my last BR on Sunday.
RE: Team Transform- Transforming YOU into a better TCG Player.

Just don't forget BTS. GL2UzBTW. LOL. Always watch for Gallape though. take it out before the x needs to get involved.
RE: Team Transform- Transforming YOU into a better TCG Player.

Well, I'm going to use either Flygon or Dialga G for my final BR.
I have tested a couple of varients of Flygon (Machamp, Starmie) and I will probably get to testing FlyNoir tomorrow.
Now, if only I could find some SW Trapinch >.<'
RE: Team Transform- Transforming YOU into a better TCG Player.

Deck Tester said:
Well, I'm going to use either Flygon or Dialga G for my final BR.
I have tested a couple of varients of Flygon (Machamp, Starmie) and I will probably get to testing FlyNoir tomorrow.
Now, if only I could find some SW Trapinch >.<'

Haha, I hope you get some! I need to start testing Flynoir as well... On paper it looks really good and so far I have tested it in 3 matches and it is 3-0. I am happy with that result.
RE: Team Transform- Transforming YOU into a better TCG Player.

What does everyone think of the modified sets staying DP-on? Personally, I'm glad because I can still use my Magnezone deck, since it doesn't work very well without Magnezone DP. Also, I got the Lightning banner done.

RE: Team Transform- Transforming YOU into a better TCG Player.

I'm very glad about it. My purchases over the last year or so aren't going to be stuffed in the basement for a bit.
I've got a deck planned for the FBR already.
RE: Team Transform- Transforming YOU into a better TCG Player.

Cool banner *changes from psy after the code is posted because my cpu will only save as a pnc.* i need a good magnezone list(topcut plz)( I've started and I need a good list for engines etc.) just pm. Will trade a GeChamp list.
RE: Team Transform- Transforming YOU into a better TCG Player.

BlazikenEX said:
What does everyone think of the modified sets staying DP-on? Personally, I'm glad because I can still use my Magnezone deck, since it doesn't work very well without Magnezone DP. Also, I got the Lightning banner done.


The Banners are looking really good! Keep up the good work!

I am really happy about the DP-on. I don't think that Pokemon would be as fun without it at all. I love the DP Dusknoir! It is such a good tech in nearly any deck.
RE: Team Transform- Transforming YOU into a better TCG Player.

I am almost disappointed in having no rotation this year. By the end, there'll be 13 sets. That's too much of a variety. I am happy I can use my Claydol another year, but...I think that's too many cards.
RE: Team Transform- Transforming YOU into a better TCG Player.

BlazikenEX said:
What does everyone think of the modified sets staying DP-on? Personally, I'm glad because I can still use my Magnezone deck, since it doesn't work very well without Magnezone DP. Also, I got the Lightning banner done.




BTW: Great job on the banner! :D

Well... at least I can use Claydol another year. And I suppose this prevents Gengar from being broken.
RE: Team Transform- Transforming YOU into a better TCG Player.

Ya, I am happy about it.

What do you all think next year is going to be like? There is going to be a bunch of decks for sure.
RE: Team Transform- Transforming YOU into a better TCG Player.

I suppose. I actually think it's a good idea. It forces players to vary their decks a lot, and there won't be 1 supremely dominant deck at all with 13 sets out.
RE: Team Transform- Transforming YOU into a better TCG Player.

I wonder if the rotation will keep being every other year, or if it's been skipped next year only. Also, I got the Fighting banner done.

RE: Team Transform- Transforming YOU into a better TCG Player.

I doubt that it will continue to be every other year (unfortunately).

So, I have narrowed my deck decision to 4 deks:
FlyVire (Flygon + Electivire)
FlyNoir (Flygon + Dusknoir)
Dialga G + Techs
Mother Gengar with Aerodactyl tech instead of Machamp tech

RE: Team Transform- Transforming YOU into a better TCG Player.

U got a Flygon!?! 0.0
Why Electrivire and why tech Aerodactyl?
RE: Team Transform- Transforming YOU into a better TCG Player.

choccy417 said:
U got a Flygon!?! 0.0
Why Electrivire and why tech Aerodactyl?

Aerodactyl does 20 to Power users when they use their powers. Uxie, Claydol, and other more common power users have 70-80 Hp, letting Gengar oneshot them. I think.
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