The Collector's Showcase: Post Pictures of Any Type of Pokémon Collection!

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Do you know of someone with an up todate completed Pikachu Collection ??? Including all languages ?
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ThatPokemonCollector said:
Do you know of someone with an up to date completed Pikachu Collection ??? Including all languages ?

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omahanime said:
Now that I know about them, I will start collecting them. So Artemis, you are not alone.


I hope you enjoy it! Though, since you are starting to collect, I feel the need to add that abv150's list isn't entirely full. There was also a Dutch Base Set 2, which I only know of because my fiancé has some of those cards from his younger days as a Pokémon player. Perhaps these are somewhat rare? My fiancé's stash are the only ones I've ever seen.

It's been kind of a slow process for me picking up the Dutch cards. I lucked out and managed to get a Base Set box on Ebay for pretty cheap (and got a good set out of the deal too), and also a lot of someone's Jungle cards for cheap. I often see Dutch theme/starter decks on Ebay, but not much else most days. There's one promo (according to abv150 the only?) on Ebay currently, though I got the same one M/NM for much lower than that guy is selling.

Also, look out when buying through Ebay; a lot of sellers seem to confuse Dutch language cards with other languages, particularly German. The easiest way to tell apart Dutch and German cards is that Dutch Pokémon all use the English Pokémon names, whereas German Pokémon have translated names.

I'm hoping I'll be able to add to my collection when I move to the Netherlands later this year and look into joining a league. Where better place to collect? :D

In celebration, here's a shot of some of my favourite Dutch pulls (I'm so terrible at taking photos of cards):

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ThatPokemonCollector said:
Do you know of someone with an up todate completed Pikachu Collection ??? Including all languages ?

I'll be searching for something like this, considering I am interested in collecting Pikachu cards as well. I will let you know if I find anything good!

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The Illustrator is not the only difficult Pikachu card to get.

You also have Number 1, 2 and 3 Trainers from 1997, 1998, 1999, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011 and they're still going.

Also the Snap prize card Pikachu, and probably some others which have slipped my mind.
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@ Artemis

I'm Dutch and I'm a collector from the beginning and have never seen Base2 cards in Dutch. I just asked a few others from Holland and Belgium and they don't know them either. So can you show us a picture?

If you come to Holland just let me know, I have a lot of the Dutch cards and some sealed Boosters if you like.

The Dutch Pikachu is the only Dutch Promo (along with the Dutch Pikachu from World Collection).
That Dutch Promo is not really expensive I think $3,--
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abv150 said:
@ Artemis

I'm Dutch and I'm a collector from the beginning and have never seen Base2 cards in Dutch. I just asked a few others from Holland and Belgium and they don't know them either. So can you show us a picture?

If you come to Holland just let me know, I have a lot of the Dutch cards and some sealed Boosters if you like.

The Dutch Pikachu is the only Dutch Promo (along with the Dutch Pikachu from World Collection).
That Dutch Promo is not really expensive I think $3,--

Yeah, the guy on Ebay is selling it for $25, which I thought was ridiculous. :p

I can't get any pictures right now since they're my fiancé's cards, not mine, and he's currently living in the Netherlands. When I move over there with him later this year, I can get pictures then.

Also, there is a Dutch Pikachu in one of the world collections? Do you know which? Ever since I started to look for Dutch cards I was disappointed that I never saw a Dutch language one, but I'm pretty new to collecting (well, re-new, since I collected back when I was younger), so I doubt I've seen very many of them.
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Artemis said:
Yeah, the guy on Ebay is selling it for $25, which I thought was ridiculous. :p

I can't get any pictures right now since they're my fiancé's cards, not mine, and he's currently living in the Netherlands. When I move over there with him later this year, I can get pictures then.

Also, there is a Dutch Pikachu in one of the world collections? Do you know which? Ever since I started to look for Dutch cards I was disappointed that I never saw a Dutch language one, but I'm pretty new to collecting (well, re-new, since I collected back when I was younger), so I doubt I've seen very many of them.

The card on eBay for $ 25,-- is the Dutch card from the Pikachu World Collection set and not the original Blackstar Promo.

Why are you collecting Dutch cards if I may ask? Is it because of youre fiancé who is Dutch?

When you come over to our little country I hope you will have a great time :D
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I was already with my fiancé when I rediscovered my love of Pokémon cards. He was visiting me here in the States when I bought my first few packs for the first time in about a decade, and as we played and talked, he told me he had some cards from when he was younger, but they were in Dutch. I was super intrigued! The next time I went to visit him in Amsterdam, he told me he would trade me some of his old Dutch cards... but then decided they had too much sentimental value to them and he wanted to keep them. But I thought it was super cool, since I had never known they'd even made cards in Dutch.

Since he wouldn't trade me any of his, I started looking for some of my own! :D Ebay's been a huge help in that regard. I started out getting a few cards here and there, and also a couple theme decks, and then I lucked out with the booster box.

As far as the "Why"... it's mostly the language I guess. When I first started buying Japanese cards way back when (I had a bunch of TR and Gym cards), it gave me an inspiration to try and learn Japanese. But now, it's kind of the opposite. Since I'm moving to the Netherlands, I plan to learn Dutch (and I've already started on my own!), and the Dutch cards are kind of a cool way for me to practice my language skills. The language used on the cards is pretty simple, so I don't have a really hard time understanding them. I even made decks for my fiancé and I with the Dutch cards that I have to help me practice and learn. I hope to join a league when I move so that I can be involved more with the Pokémon community, and also have some sweet Dutch card trading opportunities.
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I myself am from Holland though only brought up there for 2 years, I have moved around alot and I had never seen dutch pokemon cards before but I do have the Dutch Pikachu and Plan to get every Pikachu so I have to get the dutch ones if you guys get any that you have in double please contact me.
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I have doubles of at least one, probably more. They'll be available for trade as soon as I get my trade thread up an running (current plan is about 2 weeks; I have a lot of cleaning up and cards to sort through).
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Here is my pikachu TCG collection (started in 1997,with the base japanese pikachu- i had cards before pokemon even came to the US)
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That is the best way to learn Dutch I've ever heard ;P
Is it difficult for you to learn the language?
When you are in the Netherlands and you want to complete youre Dutch Pokémon collection send me a e-mail. I've got a lot of them.

Heel veel plezier in Nederland en succes met je Pokémonverzameling!

@ThatPokemonCollector I've got the Dutch Pikachu - Base Unlimited and the Dutch Pikachu - Jungle first edition if you want.
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Artemis said:
Yeah, the guy on Ebay is selling it for $25, which I thought was ridiculous. :p

I can't get any pictures right now since they're my fiancé's cards, not mine, and he's currently living in the Netherlands. When I move over there with him later this year, I can get pictures then.

Also, there is a Dutch Pikachu in one of the world collections? Do you know which? Ever since I started to look for Dutch cards I was disappointed that I never saw a Dutch language one, but I'm pretty new to collecting (well, re-new, since I collected back when I was younger), so I doubt I've seen very many of them.

It's this pikachu,

If you're intrested I have it 2x; I'm also from a dutch country; Belgium ;P
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Wow so many other ppl collect pikachus! LOL mine looks so terrible compared to alot of others, I never really thought about collecting 8 of the same card but in different languages :/ Its so hard to being married out on my own with no parents and my baby girl having to paying bill after bill and still trying to buy pokemon cards o_0 My animals, upcoming vet school, friends, and my lame full time job keep me so busy I forget about my watch list on ebay sometimes, LOL. I missed out on awesome deals including a gold star pikachu that was won for $32!!! I was soooo close to bidding but had to think about my family though, so I had to pass. -_- I regret it but it was for the good!!! Im lucky I can even still afford pokemon cards that I have lolol. I save $10 a paycheck to buy the latest expansions and games.I may not have the most hxc pikachu card collection but I am very proud of what I have X'D wow if I only had a pair of supporting parents to give me money on christmas like most ppl these days I would be able to massively impress of all ya'll with a neato collection!!! Someday, not anytime soon, but someday I will try to collect at least 40 more different pikachu cards and I will show them off here for the next gen of pokemon lovers to see!! ^-^ I so envy everyone's pikachu's collection though, especially binx345's video! So many cards I never know existed and a lot of familiar prints from my glory days as a 10 year old :p That must have taken a decade or so's worth of work to make it that huge!!! I love it, especially the ANA flying Pikachu!! ^-^ so cute! Congrats for making such a cool collection!! You should pass that down to your future generations as that would be so awesome to pass down. Pokepark Pikachu= <3 :p
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^ at least you have parents :/ lol lucky! I like your pikachu card collection too and your christmas pikachu plushy is so cute!!! My fav plushy is the shiny pikachu plushy from pokemoncenter!! I wonder, does anyone remember all of the topps pokemon cards!? I used to have alot from pokemon the first movie in holo but they got lost hahah! XD Oh hey, and also the Legendary Collection cards where the whole card is holo, does anyone have a huge collection of those!? Those ones where my favorite as a kid :) I had a dodrio, onix, and hitmonlee one thats it but they were soo cool. Id love to see a pic from someone here with a bunch of those!!!
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Well I never see my dad hardly did through my teens, Thanks pikachus are awesome i have a legendary birds holo topps card
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Shiningmilotic said:
^ at least you have parents :/ lol lucky! I like your pikachu card collection too and your christmas pikachu plushy is so cute!!! My favorite plushy is the shiny pikachu plushy from pokemoncenter!! I wonder, does anyone remember all of the topps pokemon cards!? I used to have alot from pokemon the first movie in holo but they got lost hahah! XD Oh hey, and also the Legendary Collection cards where the whole card is holo, does anyone have a huge collection of those!? Those ones where my favorite as a kid :) I had a dodrio, onix, and hitmonlee one thats it but they were soo cool. Id love to see a pic from someone here with a bunch of those!!!

A member on here named SoulWind has, I believe, all the reverse holo Legendary Collection cards, plus extras. It's quite the collection.
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^ really!? weeeeeee! Soulwind, if you are here reading this and you have some, please post a pic if you have time! ^-^ Soulwind always has the coolest cards!!! :p
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