The Gaming Group - Play. Discuss. Learn.

I remember visiting Magma first, going duh this guys are too tough, went and found Aqua, and easily destroy them with my Sceptile. ^_^ So, Magma are definitely losers!
I'm still working on leveling up a bit so no real updates because I hate leveling which means I haven't been playing much, BUT.... I have caught 2 shinies since my last update! :D One is a Graveler that looked like some kind of horrifying ghost when it first popped up and I legitimately thought it was some kind of weird event. :U The other is a very pretty Liepard. I'm still in the underground area leveling, but I'll try and remember to grab screenshots so you can see the colours next time I'm back at a PC.
So, I ended up deciding to not level up as much as I was planning to (as usual; I just get bored too easily), but I managed to beat Victoria anyway with a Lv. 31/32 team and made it to the next gym. The puzzle for that one was more difficult than the battles! >.< I didn't have to level at all to beat Shelley, just needed some judicious use of Flame Burst to get rid of the forest field effect and turn it into a burning field or whatever. It damaged most of my Pokémon, too, but worth it. Hephastus has been incredibly necessary for many of my recent big battles, even though he's something of a glass cannon. I just beat Cain again in the Graveyard and now I'm heading off for more plotty stuff, it seems.

Speaking of plotty stuff, the little subplot to steal the old lady's Pokémon was hilarious. I especially loved the Princess Bride reference at the end of it. I hope there will be more Magma/Aqua shenanigans.

Current Team!

Lord Death - Lv. 33 Venusaur
Lady Barks - Lv. 33 Mightyena
Skrillex - Lv. 34 Loudred
Felinicity - Lv. 34 Meowstick (F)
Thor - Lv. 34 Luxray
Hephaestus - Lv. 36 Slugma

EDIT: Almost forgot to post my shinies!


I saw a shiny Diglett earlier today, too (a nice teal colour!), but I accidentally crit-killed it. :<
I hadn't been able to play too much recently, but I just got through 7th street.

Gallustion - Blaziken 59
Scrotiptera - Noivern 59
Chaerilodea - Drapion 61
Cingpodidae - Sandslash* 60
Rafflesia - Bellossom 61
Therarchnid - Galvantula 61

On rotation I still have my Vaporeon, as well as Grumpig and Manectric from what feels like forever ago, but I don't know. >.>

I'll post my shinies as well! Some really cool colors in the game.
Those Fearow are from grinding, ran into three shinies and of course had to catch em' all.
Galla - Gallade - Lv.23
Snapster - Mawile - Lv.44
Emolga - Emolga* - Lv.45
Scepticle - Sceptile - Lv.45
Camerupt - Camerupt - Lv.47
Sharpedo - Sharpedo - Lv.43

I also have a high leveled Noibat, Litleo and Lunatone if I want to go type advantage with this Bug gym.

Also, my shinies:
Made a lot of progress today since I was feeling pretty lethargic and didn't really want to do anything. >_>

Beat the 4th Gym and made my way over to Apophyll where I'm currently exploring. Have I mentioned yet that Cain is definitely my favourite of the NPCs? Well, just in case, Cain is definitely my favourite of the NPCs.

Gameplay-wise, I think I'm team is doing pretty solidly. I've got everyone to their final evolutionary forms; Hephaestus in particular went from glass cannon to tank, so he's doing particularly well. I even went ahead and used some of my ability capsules to give new abilities to Thor (Guts), Skrillex (Scrappy), and Felinicity (Competitive). Here's where my team currently stands:

Lord Death - Lv. 39 Venusaur
Lady Barks - Lv. 40 Mightyena
Skrillex - Lv. 40 Exploud
Felinicity - Lv. 40 Meowstick (F)
Thor - Lv. 39 Luxray
Hephaestus - Lv. 39 Magcargo

Plot wise...

So, Amaria's sapphire bracelet was kind of a huge clue that Team Meteor wants these artifacts (the bracelet, Corey's ruby ring, and presumably an emerald something and amethyst something) to access whatever power it is that's stored in the ruins under the city, and that's also why they want all the people out. That much figured out, at least, but the journey is interesting still, and I like Team Meteor a lot, especially the sub-admin/leader/whatever designs.

My brain is still trying to process the orphanage/psych ward subplot. Maybe it just hit a bit too close to home for me.

Also, not really plot-related but still semi-spoilery, I guess, but I absolutely love Shade's design and I hope he comes back more.

I know there were more things I was going to say, but now I can't remember. Butts. I should take notes or something.
So finally started this game!!! It took me a while to get this on my Mac...

I haven't challenged any gyms but my team as it stands is:

Neptune - Frogadier (Lvl17)
Sonorus - Whismur (Lvl17)
Venus - Gulpin (Lvl15)
Wyverna - Noibat (Lvl13)

I've got other Pokemon but they're all worthless :p
Neptune has Protean so he's totally boss and can clean up almost everything!

I've just been robbed almost $1000 for some supposed rare Dragon Pokemon that just got stolen from the guys scamming me... I want this Pokemon!!
I started playing a few days ago. I just got my 3rd badge and this is my team so far:

Servine Lv. 26
Ariados Lv. 25
Persian Lv. 30
Camerupt Lv. 33
Noibat Lv. 30
Flaafy Lv. 26

Really liking the game so far, the dark and mature setting is a tad off-putting, but having to search every nook and cranny for Pokemon and the field effects are pretty fresh twists on the formula. Kinda wish we'd see something like this in a real Pokemon game (minus the mature elements of course).
The Dark gym leader is actually quite tough. And I can't even use Sandslash's EQ because the ceiling keeps collapsing. >.>
Hopefully Blaze can get me through now that I've given him enough Common Candies that he'll listen.

Although the end of the month is coming up, we have a few people just joining starting late. Perhaps we can extend this through November as well?
I think the only one finished is MLK, actually, but it's up to you all. Thank you for joining in on this discussion!
Yesterday's progress was very tough. :<

Had fun exploring around Apophyll, but, seriously, screw Pyrous Mountain. >_> Weird maze cave with forced, decently-strong wild Pokémon encounters (who primarily use attacks boosted by the field) necessary to proceed and lots of awkward backtracking. Oh, and you can't leave or it resets itself.


Maybe if I had a water type it would have pissed me off less. I ended up relying on Magcargo and Rock Slide for the majority of things.

The battles against Cal and Victoria (what is it, take 3 now?) weren't too bad, but Kiki herself was... interesting. Effectively, it was a battle of OHKOs. Battle breakdown in spoilers in case people don't want to spoil themselves on her Pokémon.

So, my Meowstic could OHKO her Machamp, Hitmonlee, and Toxicroak with Psychic, so none of those were an issue, but Gallade, Lucario, and Medicham were, since their types meant that they weren't weak against Psychic moves. So, anything Felinicity could do against those 3 would be a 2-3HKO, and 2 of them have Ghost-type moves that took out a large chunk of her HP (only Medicham didn't). On the flip side, Lady Barks, Hephaestus, and Skrillex are all weak against Fighting type moves and were in turn OHKOed by Strength or any of the other Fighting-type moves that her Pokémon had, and Lord Death was in turn weak to Gallade and Lucario's Psychic-type moves, with Psychic itself being a OHKO against him.

So, it was an... interesting battle. I didn't really think leveling would help me at all, so I just went against her a few times, trying to find an optimal strategy. I ended up using Felinicity for almost everything, sometimes sacrificing another Pokémon to get a free turn to heal her up. She's getting dangerously close to the level cap, though.

... and of course she didn't give me a badge either. I'm wondering if I really am going to be able to get the badge from Victoria or if this will end up being another wash of a Gym battle. >.<

In the meantime, I'm moving on and following the plot. Currently on Azurine Island where I caught a shiny Foongus! :D They remade its shiny form to look like a Great Ball which I think is amazing.


Current Team:

Lord Death - Lv. 42 Venusaur
Lady Barks - Lv. 42 Mightyena
Skrillex - Lv. 42 Exploud
Felinicity - Lv. 44 Meowstick (F)
Thor - Lv. 42 Luxray
Hephaestus - Lv. 44 Magcargo
Took about 20 tries to defeat the Ice Type Gym Leader. I was underleveled by about 3 levels, but there wasn't really any too great training sites so I didn't bother training.
There is so much evasion! Half the reason I had to reset all the time.

And, then, my game froze on me... so had to go to the forums and get it fixed (which it has been now!).

... of course I don't actually get a badge from Kiki, go figure. *sigh*

I really didn't foresee her getting murdered by a Pokémon before she died of illness, though, so that was definitely a surprise. One of the reasons I enjoy Team Meteor as an "evil team" is that they actually will do those kinds of things, like killing Pokémon and sending Pokémon to attack humans, things that make sense within the context of their goal but that you would never, ever see in an actual Pokémon game.

Didn't really foresee Cal working with them either, but that whole part of the plot kind of went too quickly for it to have a real emotional impact. We just heard about this guy, then beat him once just before coming back to this location. And then suddenly he's on the evil team! And then suddenly, in the very same scene, he's defecting from the evil team! I think I would have cared more about the initial reveal and the subsequent defection if there had been more time for it to affect me. As it is, it was more like "oh, okay".

Anyway, with that done, I kind of rushed to the Byxbysion Wasteland. I was getting dangerously close to level cap and wanted to beat Aya ASAP. I did buy a few common candy, and I guess it's a good thing I did, as Lord Death went over the cap during the rematch against Fern.

The battle itself went pretty smoothly. Like against Kiki, I ended up relying on Felinicity to do a lot of easy OHKOs. Both her and Hephaestus ended up going over the level cap in the middle of the battle, but I still managed to beat her, though it did cost me a couple Revives, which seem scarce.

The Wasteland itself is pretty cool, and lots of hidden items and stuff to find, but all the one-way routes kind of make it a pain in the ass to explore.

I've recently taken to looking at the Reborn "Guide" on the official forums to alert me to possible things I might have missed, especially in old areas that now have more areas to explore after completing a certain event or getting a certain HM. It was thanks to that that I learned about the Squirtle event; that's certainly something that I likely wouldn't have found on my own, especially with how difficult it is to navigate the Wasteland AND needing to go through Flash caves (I hate Flash caves, always have >_>). I ended up manipulating my PC calendar to get the right weather and finally caught the sucker, though it took a Great Ball. For now, he's replacing Skrillex on my team; Skrillex is useful, but he's mostly hitting for neutral damage and it doesn't really feel like he has a strong place on the team. Though, I kind of have a feeling that it's going to get to the point where I'll need to have a rotating team.

I'm also torn because I also learned that you can grab Shellos on Azurine Island and I would love to have a Gastrodon as my main Water-type, too, but Blastoise might be more useful in the long run... I might actually still go back and grab a Shellos to train and keep both in rotation, since Gastrodon's Ground typing might also be handy.

Anyway, I'm currently hanging out with Cain in the old Yureyu Headquarters. It seems like there should be some good leveling opportunities for Poseidon here. After I'm done with this plot section, I'll probably go back and grab a Shellos and explore some of the Strength areas now that I have access to that (I can think of 2 off the top of my head and I can check the guide for more, probably).

So, here's my current team!

Lord Death - Lv. 42 Venusaur
Lady Barks - Lv. 42 Mightyena
Felinicity - Lv. 44 Meowstick (F)
Thor - Lv. 42 Luxray
Hephaestus - Lv. 44 Magcargo
Poseidon - Lv. 30 Squirtle

Also, opinions on keeping Torrent on Blastoise/Squirtle or using one of my Ability Capsules to swap him over to Rain Dish? Neither seem super great, but I'm not sure how much rain will play a factor, either. I suppose I could always wait to evolve and give him Rain Dance at 47, but is that worth it? Opinions from people who are better than me at Pokémon, plz. <3

EDIT: I almost forgot; I grabbed a shiny Ekans on Azurine Island! Since it was female, the naming choice was obvious.



I forgot to address this earlier, but...

Although the end of the month is coming up, we have a few people just joining starting late. Perhaps we can extend this through November as well?
I think the only one finished is MLK, actually, but it's up to you all. Thank you for joining in on this discussion!

I think it would be a good idea to extend the game period for November, too. It's very long and in-depth, and we're still getting people coming in a bit late like I did. On a personal level, I probably wouldn't join in with another game in November because I still want to keep playing this (and also Project Zero which is finally out now >_>) and there's a limit to how many games I want to tackle at once.

EDIT 3: Lolololol, Squirtle comes with Protect, Aqua Tail, Water Pulse and Water Spout, sweet. :U I ended up giving him Strength to replace Protect because I'd forgotten that I swapped out my Strength user. >_>
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I reckon go with Shellos/Gastrodon. You can get Storm Drain from it, so that could be useful in the future water gym.
I'm pretty sure I'm going to just give in to the fact that I'm going to need to train up more than 6 Pokémon at some point and just train them both.
I like to drop one or two off at the Daycare so I can pick them up at a later stage. I brought up a nice Noibat, Litleo, Lotad and a few others like that. :3
I've thought of doing that, but I'm always afraid I'll end up with weird-ass movesets because of how the day care handles learning new moves. I guess it can't hurt, though. I've got a few Pokémon in storage that might be nice to train up and have access to at some point. Off the top of my head: Smoochum, Gothita, Noibat, Litleo... probably a good few others, too.
Yeah, Daycare is how I was able to easily get my Noivern. Not like he learns much until later in his levels anyway. >.>
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