The LV Fakemon Project: Pokemon Shine and Shade: Rubbatic

Should I completely redo the two legendaries, Paraigon and Garakuia to look similar to the new legen

  • Yes, you should redo both.

    Votes: 1 20.0%
  • Just redo Paraigon.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Just redo Garakuia.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • No, both are fine.

    Votes: 4 80.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
RE: Ongan Region Project: New Pokemon: Saibanaria

@HoS: Yeah, I too was a bit uncertain how to implement this ability. If you have some suggestions, I would appreciate it.

@Evolution: Yeah, I always found these guys to be cute. I hated having to slice them up in Biology.

@Ice Arceus: That's a good guess! I wanted Ongan to have pokemon with really unique abilities that may not work in the metagame but are still good ideas.

@Gr8Ampharos: There was another mechanical type dino earlier on.

Ok, on to the next pokemon of the day! Today its the Iron Defense Pokemon, Hagnekougoku.


#127 Haganekougoku
Japanese Name: ハガネコーゴク
The Iron Defense Pokemon
Type: Dragon/Steel
Ability: Steel Courage
Height: 5'0
Weight: 1349 lbs.

Haganekougoku is the the evolved from of Haganougo. It has the ability, Steel Courage, which boosts both attack and defense when attacked by a steel-type attack. It is extremely heavy and does not move much; only when it searches for food. Males will attack each other by headbutting each other and attempting to eat each others steel armor. It feeds on steel and metal so it can be a nuisance in urban areas.

Haganekougoku is based off a armor-clad dragon. Its name comes from "hagane" (steel), "kou" (structure or steel), and "goku" (prison).

Here is tomorrow's pokemon shadow! It will be unveiled tomorrow evening! Please try to guess what it is!

RE: Ongan Region Project: New Pokemon: Haganekougoku

Is that a tropical bird i see?
RE: Ongan Region Project: New Pokemon: Haganekougoku

Some kind of bird... based on the head, would it happen to be a literal bald eagle?
RE: Ongan Region Project: New Pokemon: Haganekougoku

Haganekougoku looks great and really am liking the whole artwork. As for the shadow I am going to say that it is some sort of bird. The bird seems to be facing west and the beak must be pretty big, while the body seems to be a bit small.
RE: Ongan Region Project: New Pokemon: Haganekougoku

Wow! Those are some good guesses! I enjoy reading them and then actually releasing the Pokemon. However, I am a bit unhappy with how this one turned out so don't be surprised to see a re-designed version in the near future.

@Ice Arceus: Thanks! I am glad you like the art style! I will get to coming up with some pokemon for Ice Version after this little run.

I apologize for such a late update! I had a busy day after work and this was the first time I came home.

Today's update is the Doofus Pokemon, Dodaho!


#128 Dodaho
Japanese Name: ドダホー
The Doofus Pokemon
Type: Flying/Psychic
Color: Yellow
Ability: Own Tempo/Oblivious
Height: 3'0
Weight: 48 lbs.
Male/Female: 50/50%
Evolves into: Guramijyaku at level 43 if at max happiness
Evolves from: None
Location: N/A
Egg Type: Flying

Dodaho is the Doofus Pokemon. It is a dual Flying/Psychic Pokemon and has the Own Tempo/Oblivious ability. It evolves into Guramijyaku at level 43 if at max happiness. It can be found in the wild.

It is known for its oblivious and bumbling nature. It is very awkward; even when standing still. It will often run into objects with its beak. This is because its beak makes up for half of its body weight. It is often oblivious of its own surroundings or even threats upon its health. It is one of the more easier Pokemon to catch but it has a very frail and weak body therefore not suited for battle.

Dodaho is based on a Dodo bird. Its name comes from the first part of Dodo and "aho" or "idiot" in the Kansai dialect in Japan.

Here is tomorrow's pokemon shadow! It will be unveiled tomorrow evening! Please try to guess what it is!

RE: Ongan Region Project: New Pokemon: Dodaho

Like an evolution of that like monkey fighter pokemon?
RE: Ongan Region Project: New Pokemon: Dodaho

@Evolution: Ding dong. You are correct!

Today's pokemon is the Labor Pokemon, Roukinniku.


#056 Roukinniku
Japanese Name: ローキンニク
The Labor Pokemon
Type: Fighting
Ability: Competitiveness
Height: 6'8
Weight: 300 lbs.

Roukinniku is the Labor Pokemon. It evolves from Hebiude. It conditions its arms to carry large objects over long distances. They are often brought aboard ships to haul in fish and repair damages. While they are not too bright, they are second to none in endurance and lifting strength. They can carry over 600 pounds for over 20 miles without rest.

Roukinniku is based off a laborer as well as the image of Popeye. Its name comes from "Rou" (labor) and "kinniku" or strength.

Here is tomorrow's pokemon shadow! It will be unveiled tomorrow evening! Please try to guess what it is!

RE: Ongan Region Project: New Pokemon: Roukinniku

It is like a type of flower? I dont know, hard for me to tell...
RE: Ongan Region Project: New Pokemon: Roukinniku

Very nice job on the artwork and details of Roukinniku. You really do make amazing fakemon and really like the help that you provide for Pokemon Ice Version.
As for the shadow, to me it looks like some sort of fish with a very nice body structure. The head is facing down and the fins are those things that are facing upwards, probably the structure of the fins are used for the fakemon to move more swiftly through bodies of water I am guessing.
RE: Ongan Region Project: New Pokemon: Roukinniku

@Ice Arceus: I think I said this before but once I finished the prep work for this one-pokemon a day, I will create some fakemon for Ice Version. I appreciate your feedback!

Nice analysis of the new fakemon! I will say you are about 60% there in getting what it is!

EDIT: By the way, in case no one noticed, I took down the Fakedex pictures in place of a link fakedex. I hit the 85 picture limit and I found this to be more visually appealing.
RE: Ongan Region Project: New Pokemon: Roukinniku

Here is today's new Pokemon! It is the Angelfish Pokemon, Engekibou.


#122 Engekibou
Japanese Name: エンゲキボー
The Angelfish Pokemon
Type: Water
Ability: Swift Swim/Super Luck
Height: 1'2
Weight: 8

Engekibou is the Angelfish Pokemon. It lives in warm rivers and lakes. It feeds on small plant matter that it finds on the bottom. At night, it emits its own glow so many believe that this Pokemon to be lucky. It is often kept by many Water Pokemon collectors.

Engekibou is based off a freshwater angelfish. Its name comes from "enngeru" or Angel and "kibou" or "hope".

Here is tomorrow's pokemon shadow! It will be unveiled tomorrow evening! Please try to guess what it is!

RE: Ongan Region Project: New Pokemon: Engekibou

Nice, all of these Fakémon are pretty dang creative and well done. Mind if I ask what program you use?
RE: Ongan Region Project: New Pokemon: Engekibou

Engekibou looks really good and the coloring seems to suit it well. I really do like the part in the description where you have mentioned it emits it's own glow and is considered lucky by many. I really did find the description interesting and suits the fakemon very nicely.
As for the shadow I am guessing it to be a fire type. Near the tips of it's elbows there seem to be vents which probably means steam comes out from it if I am right and I am also guessing it lives in places that are considerably hot?

Also thanks for creating those fakemons for Pokemon Ice Version. I really do appreciate the help you are giving us.
RE: Ongan Region Project: New Pokemon: Engekibou

Is it an evolution to the fire/water pokemon? the fire coral? Like its spewing the things into the ocean, because there are vents that do that. And they are very hot.
RE: Ongan Region Project: New Pokemon: Engekibou

I have no idea... definitely a Fire type, though. Fire/Fighting, maybe?
RE: Ongan Region Project: New Pokemon: Engekibou

@Bambu: Thanks ^^ I use Illustrator for the line-art and Photoshop CS4 for the final coloring.

@Ice Arceus: Thanks! One feeling I want to get with Ongan that its different from the other regions. I ant the pokemon to feel more natural in their environment. For instance, the professor, Professor Hinoki, bases her research on field research and pokemon interaction with their habitat.

If you don't mind, I have some other ideas for fakemon concerning the Ice Version.

@Evolution: Good guess! I didn't think of that! There is actual a deep water vent-type Pokemon yet to revealed. Or, to be more exact, a thing you find close to the deep-water vents.

@RayquazaMaster: I will never do a fire/fighting type unless I have to. I dislike this combination more then any fact its the only one I dislike.

@pokemaister899: I am curious as to why so many people think its a fire-type fakemon. One thing I try to do is make my pokemon look one way but their typing to be totally different form what they appear to be.

I am going to release this fakemon earlier then usual since I have an event tonight to go to.