The LV Fakemon Project: Pokemon Shine and Shade: Rubbatic

Should I completely redo the two legendaries, Paraigon and Garakuia to look similar to the new legen

  • Yes, you should redo both.

    Votes: 1 20.0%
  • Just redo Paraigon.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Just redo Garakuia.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • No, both are fine.

    Votes: 4 80.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
RE: Ongan Region Project: New Pokemon: Engekibou

Do you have like a demo or sumthing. I'd love to play through thr region. Looking at the map makes it look fun already. Im guessing the next pokemon is some sort of ground type.
RE: Ongan Region Project: New Pokemon: Engekibou

@ CatreBird: No, this is not a fakegame though I do not rule out the possibility of it becoming one in the future. I don't have the time, resources, or ability to create a game/manage a team at this time. I am glad you like the region!

As promised, here is the revealed Pokemon earlier then usual. It is the Sulfur Pokemon, Daiiouseki.


#052 Daiiouseki
Japanese Name: ダイイオーセキ
The Sulfur Pokemon
Type: Rock/Poison
Ability: Stench/Poison Heal
Height: 7'1
Weight: 1,221 lbs

Daiiouseki is the Sulfur Pokemon. It is the final evolution of a evolution family as well. They live in craigs and trenches near volcanic activity. It breathes in and digests the sulfuric smoke as if it was food. It then belches it out into the area around it. You know when you approach one when you smell rotten eggs and a thick yellow smog.

Daiiouseki is based on sulfuric crevices/rocks and a large rock beast. It name comes from "Dai" (large), "iou" (sulphur), and "seki" or another way of saying stone.

Here is tomorrow's pokemon shadow! It will be unveiled tomorrow evening! Please try to guess what it is!


RE: Ongan Region Project: New Pokemon: Daiiouseki

Daiiouseki is great-I was totally thinking it was a Fire type.

Is the shadow an anemone type thing, or a coral?
RE: Ongan Region Project: New Pokemon: Daiiouseki

Is that the pokemon you were telling me about lost voice?

I really like the sulfer pokemon, i thought of that, but then i was like, naahhhh.
RE: Ongan Region Project: New Pokemon: Daiiouseki

Daiiouseki is one of my oldest fakemon to date. In fact, it was one of the first that I create a LONG time ago.

Those were all good guess..and correct guesses!

Today's new fakemon is the Anemone Pokemon, Anemonchaku. As well, we have a added bonus of new Pokemon, the Clownfish Pokemon, Pieronomi.


#107 Anemonchaku
Japanese Name: アネモンチャク
The Anemone Pokemon
Type: Water/Poison
Ability: Poison Point
Height: 2'6
Weight: 18.5 lbs.

Anemonchaku is the Anemone Pokemon. It leaves in the bottom of shallow coastal waters. It lies perfectly still with its appendages stretched out. Once a lifeform such as a fish or bug touch the appendages, they are poisoned. The appendages then capture the prey and store it for later consumption. It's poisonous attacks do not affect Pieronomi.

Anemonchaku is based off a sea anemone. Its name comes from anemone and the "~chaku" part of isoginchaku or "sea anemone".


#108 Pieronomi
Japanese Name: ピエロノミ
The Clownfish Pokemon
Type: Water
Ability: Immunity
Height: 0'9
Weight: 3.6 lbs.

Pieronomi is the Clwonfish Pokemon. It lives most of its life in the appendages of Anemonchaku. It is immune to its poisonous stings because of a fine coating that covers its entire body. They are very curious though and will often do tricks to please their trainers. It is said that laughter is the equivalent to a Potion for a Pieronomi.

Pieronomi is based off from a Clownfish. Its name comes from Piero or a clown and "~nomi" from the Japanese word for Clownfish "Kumanomi".

Here is tomorrow's pokemon shadow! It will be unveiled tomorrow evening! Please try to guess what it is!
RE: Ongan Region Project: New Pokemon: Anemonchaku + Pieronomi

@Evolution: Pretty easy, huh? Haha.

Today's New Pokemon is the Lightbulb Pokemon, Raitama.


#023 Raitama
Japanese Name: ライタマ
The Lightbulb Pokemon
Type: Electric
Ability: Levitate
Height: 1'0
Weight: 2 lbs.

Raitama is the Lightbulb Pokemon. It circles around in the area during electrical storms. It will gather static electricity in its body. The more energy it gathers, the stronger the light inside its body. It is often used by trainers to light dark passages or within caves. It has a attack called "Self Shock" which will cast a thunderbolt on itself thus sharply raising its attack stats. This affects both pokemon in a Doubles and Triples battle.

Raitama is based on a floating lightbulb. Its name comes from raito or "light" as well as "rai" or another way of saying lighting. Tama means "round, ball, or spirit."

Here is tomorrow's pokemon shadow! It will be unveiled tomorrow evening! Please try to guess what it is!

RE: Ongan Region Project: New Pokemon: Raitama

Good job on Raitama.

As for the shadow Pokemon I am guessing it to be some sort of rat. I can't really tell what the thing is on top of its head, but am guessing that it is an electric type.
RE: Ongan Region Project: New Pokemon: Raitama

Good guesses guys! It is a Rat-like Pokemon. However, as we know, there is a rat-like pokemon, Kenzumi, in the fakedex.

Today's new Pokemon is the Gentlemon Pokemon, Tenpururiaru.


#031 Tenpururiaru
Japanese Name: テンプリアル
The Gentlemen Pokemon
Type: Fighting/Ground
Ability: Hyper Cutter
Height: 3'8
Weight: 65 lbs.

Tenpururiaru is the Gentlemen Pokemon. It evolves from Kenzumi by using the Warriors Medallion. It upholds virtues and morals to the utmost extent. It believes firmly in protecting its owners; especially females. It wields its sword not for its own sake but the sake of its friends and owners. They hold their heads up high in any conflict.

Tenpuriaru is based off a rat and a gentlemen. Its name comes from the Japanese way of saying templar (tenpuru) and and cavalier (~riaru).

Here is tomorrow's pokemon shadow! It will be unveiled tomorrow evening! Please try to guess what it is!

RE: Ongan Region Project: New Pokemon: Tenpururiaru

Maybe something to do with halloween? I see a pumpkin on his head. :p
RE: Ongan Region Project: New Pokemon: Tenpururiaru

I am going to be guessing it is a joker type Pokemon because of the shoes and am guessing that its head is somewhat like a pumpkin.
RE: Ongan Region Project: New Pokemon: Tenpururiaru

All very good guesses!

Another day, another pokemon. Today's new Pokemon is the Jack-o-Lantern Pokemon, Kabochikashi.


#086 Kabochikashi
Japanese Name: カボチカシ
The Jack-o-Lantern Pokemon
Type: Ghost/Grass
Ability: Cursed Body or Intimidate
Height: 5'2
Weight: 43 lbs.

Kabochikashi is the Jack-o-Lantern Pokemon, It evolves from Sangopanpu at lvl. 42 between 10 pm and 5 am. It walks in vegetable fields at starless nights; singing softly and giggling to itself. When angered, two bright lights appear in its eyes. There are children bedtime stories that involves a Kabochikashi stealing bad children out of his or her bed and running off with them in the middle of the night.

Kabochikashi is based off a jack-o-lantern and a scarecrow. Its name comes from Kabocha (pumpkin) and kakashi (scarecrow).

Here is tomorrow's pokemon shadow! It will be unveiled tomorrow evening! Please try to guess what it is!

RE: Ongan Region Project: New Pokemon: Kabochikashi

@Rayquaza Master: No, but close! However, you did give me an idea of a water-pipe serpent Fakemon! haha

Today's Pokemon is Furnace Pokemon, Kouronasu.


#114 Kouronasu
Japanese Name: コーロナス
The Furnace Pokemon
Type: Steel/Fire
Ability: Heatproof
Height: 3'2
Weight: 239 lbs.

Kouronasu is the Furnace Pokemon. It stores heat inside of its body and can release this heat from its mouth. Despite its hot temperatures, its body is unable to melt. Trainers are warned not to touch this Pokemon since its steel body is scalding to the touch. It has a very curious and playful nature to it.

Kouronasu is based on a steel furnace. Its name comes from "kouro" or blast furnace and "fanasu" or furnace.

Here is tomorrow's pokemon shadow! It will be unveiled tomorrow evening! Please try to guess what it is!
