RE: Ongan Region Project: New Pokemon: Daiiouseki
Daiiouseki is one of my oldest fakemon to date. In fact, it was one of the first that I create a LONG time ago.
Those were all good guess..and correct guesses!
Today's new fakemon is the Anemone Pokemon, Anemonchaku. As well, we have a added bonus of new Pokemon, the Clownfish Pokemon, Pieronomi.
#107 Anemonchaku
Japanese Name: アネモンチャク
The Anemone Pokemon
Type: Water/Poison
Ability: Poison Point
Height: 2'6
Weight: 18.5 lbs.
Anemonchaku is the Anemone Pokemon. It leaves in the bottom of shallow coastal waters. It lies perfectly still with its appendages stretched out. Once a lifeform such as a fish or bug touch the appendages, they are poisoned. The appendages then capture the prey and store it for later consumption. It's poisonous attacks do not affect Pieronomi.
Anemonchaku is based off a sea anemone. Its name comes from anemone and the "~chaku" part of isoginchaku or "sea anemone".
#108 Pieronomi
Japanese Name: ピエロノミ
The Clownfish Pokemon
Type: Water
Ability: Immunity
Height: 0'9
Weight: 3.6 lbs.
Pieronomi is the Clwonfish Pokemon. It lives most of its life in the appendages of Anemonchaku. It is immune to its poisonous stings because of a fine coating that covers its entire body. They are very curious though and will often do tricks to please their trainers. It is said that laughter is the equivalent to a Potion for a Pieronomi.
Pieronomi is based off from a Clownfish. Its name comes from Piero or a clown and "~nomi" from the Japanese word for Clownfish "Kumanomi".
Here is tomorrow's pokemon shadow! It will be unveiled tomorrow evening! Please try to guess what it is!