The LV Fakemon Project: Pokemon Shine and Shade: Rubbatic

Should I completely redo the two legendaries, Paraigon and Garakuia to look similar to the new legen

  • Yes, you should redo both.

    Votes: 1 20.0%
  • Just redo Paraigon.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Just redo Garakuia.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • No, both are fine.

    Votes: 4 80.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
RE: Ongan Region Investigation: Three New Fakemon!

Gr8Ampharos - Thanks! I enjoy working on this project a lot. I am glad to see people enjoying and interested in it. I would like to make it into a possible game but, I lack the skills to do so.

On a whole different note, today is a special day for the Ongan Region thread! I guess you can compare it to Twelve Days of Christmas but....not really. Starting today, I will be releasing a new pokemon every day! I will then post the shadow of the next pokemon to be revealed for the next day! Of course, it it just one new pokemon but hopefully, this keeps this thread alive and kicking. To start off this new system, here is a new unreleased, massive shadow update! I will post the new fakemon at the end of the day!

P.S. I apologize for the large size of the image.


Pokemon Update Day #1:

Here is the shadow for Saturday, January 22nd. I will release the new fakemon tonight as well as a new shadow for tomorrow, Sunday.


Ah shoot, I forgot to add this one in the shadow sheet! I apologize. I will fix that later this evening.
RE: Ongan Region Investigation: One-A-Day Pokemon Release! Massive Shadow Update!

The far right shadow on the top layer looks like an altered Suicune.
I can't wait for this.
RE: Ongan Region Investigation: One-A-Day Pokemon Release! Massive Shadow Update!

@HoS - We shall see! This of course is not all the pokemon within the Ongan Region though haha.

Here is today's Ongan Pokemon! It is the Skull Pokemon, Zugaigami! Tomorrows shadow is posted below and will be released tomorrow evening!


#118 Zugaigami
Japanese Name: ズガイガミ
The Skull Pokemon
Type: Dark/Flying
Ability: Insomnia/Cursed Body
Height: 2'0
Weight: 19 lbs.

Zugaigami is the Skull Pokemon. It hovers around during pitch-dark nights. Despite being a Dark type, it emits its own inner light. It is said to hover around those who are close to death. Many believe that it sucks out the individuals remaining life energy.

Zugaigami is based off a bat and a skull. Its name comes from Zugaikotsu for "skull" and "shinigami" or death god.

Here is tomorrow's pokemon shadow! It will be unveiled tomorrow evening! Please try to guess what it is!​

RE: Ongan Region Investigation: New Pokemon: Zugaigami!

Actually, I am not good at making English names haha. Only Japanese names. So if people want to put English names to the Pokemon, feel free.

Also, HoS, I thought I sent you a PM but it didn't send maybe. Are you still wanting to make Ongan Pokemon Cards?

Oh and I am adding some more information on the front page. I am putting up the entire Ongan Dex minus the yet-to-be-revealed pokemon. And also please check (or continue to check) the Wikia Page for further information regarding the project!
RE: Ongan Region Investigation: New Pokemon: Zugaigami!

I would be happy to make them, however, the only free time I will be getting soon is in April. I will try to do them in that time.
I'm barely keeping my senses with all these studying :(
RE: Ongan Region Project: New Pokemon: Zugaigami!

I'll be happy to make a few English names for the Pokemon, if you'd like me to.

And Zugaigami is really cool. I mean really cool.
RE: Ongan Region Project: New Pokemon: Zugaigami!

@HoS: Yeah don't worry about it. I know how hard it is to manage things you have to do and things you want to do haha. Good luck with studying!

@thefleee: Thanks!

@paddy185: That would be great! I would appreciate that!

Ok, here is Day Two of the One-A-Day Pokemon release! Today's new pokemon is the Sapling Pokemon, Byouryu.


#139 Byouryu
Japanese name: ビョーリュー
The Sapling Pokemon
Type: Dragon/Grass
Ability: Solar Power
Height: 2'9
Weight: 28 lbs.

Byouryu is the Sapling Pokemon. It lives in deep, clean forests where it gathers and stores energy. When the sapling on its head becomes 2 feet higher, it is close to evolving. It likes clean woods free of pollution and humans.

Byouryu is based on a tree sapling and a dragon-type creature. Possibly based off a forest spirit or sprite due to its preference to clean forests. Its name comes from Byougi or "sapling" and "ryu" for "Dragon".

Here is tomorrow's pokemon shadow! It will be unveiled tomorrow evening! Please try to guess what it is!​

RE: Ongan Region Project: New Pokemon: Byouryu

Cool, I will try and get some names done later today hopefully.

As for the Shadow, is it Kanzauru's evo?

And is that a lawnmower I see at the bottom left of the shadow sheet?
RE: Ongan Region Project: New Pokemon: Byouryu

^ I think that lawn mower is actually a race car, and is the evolution of that wheel pokemon.
RE: Ongan Region Project: New Pokemon: Byouryu

its a long neck

I see a spatula, a race car, a black mage from final fantasy, and a flaming werewolf
RE: Ongan Region Project: New Pokemon: Byouryu

@Paddy185: Thanks! I appreciate it!

@Evolution: We shall see bwahaha.

@Gr8Ampharos: Haha I never thought of that!

Ok, its Day 3 and time for a new Pokemon! This time, its the Eruption Pokemon, Daifukan.


#041 Daifukan
Japanese Name: ダイフカン
The Eruption Pokemon
Type: Rock/Fire
Ability: Magna Armor
Height: 11'8
Weight: 765 lbs.

Daifukan is the Eruption Pokemon. It is the evolved form of Kanzauru. It was found millions of years ago. It would bath in magma streams and then allow the rocks to cool afterward thus creating more and more armor.

Daifukan is based off a Brachiasaurus. Its name comes from Dai or "large" and "fukan" for eruption.

Here is tomorrow's pokemon shadow! It will be unveiled tomorrow evening! Please try to guess what it is!
RE: Ongan Region Project: New Pokemon: Daifukan

Hm.... I can see a possible dragon-like creature in the shadow?

As for names, I have some starter ones.

Elephlow (from elephant and flower)
Cuburn (from cub and burn)
Aquibe (from aqua and vibe....No idea how I got 'vibe' out of the Pokemon)
RE: Ongan Region Project: New Pokemon: Daifukan

@paddy185: I like the sound of Elephlow and Cuburn. I am not too sure about Aquibe though. I appreciate the help though! I think I will use Elephlow and Cuburn though!

Ok, another day, another update! Today, we have the second fossil evolution, the Dark Talon Pokemon, Tsumedoki.


#043 Tsumedoki
Japanese Name: ツメドキ
The Dark Talon Pokemon
Type: Rock/Dark
Ability: Intimidate
Height: 6'3
Weight: 302 lbs.

Tsumedoki is the Dark Talon Pokemon. It evolves from Tsumetoru. It was a active hunter when alive. It uses its strong muscles and long, sharp talons to ripe into prey. It was also very smart and was able to out-think its prey. It is considered dangerous and only expert trainers who attempt to keep this pokemon.

Tsumedoki is based on a Velociraptor and a Utahraptor. Its name comes from "tsume" or "talon" and "doki" for "anger".

Here is tomorrow's pokemon shadow! It will be unveiled tomorrow evening! Please try to guess what it is!
RE: Ongan Region Project: New Pokemon: Tsumedoki

Here is today's new Pokemon, It is the Starving Pokemon, Gakigugu.


#065 Gakigugu
Japanese Name: ガキググ
The Starving Pokemon
Type: Ground/Ghost
Ability: Gluttony
Height: 3'0
Weight: 43 lbs.

Gakigugu is the Starving Pokemon. It was previously revealed in a earlier update. It will often walk alone at night looking for something to eat. It is constantly famished and will never stop eating, even if its life is in danger. Despite how much it eats, it continues to remain skinny and malnourished.

Gakigugu is based of a gaki or a starving ghost according to Japanese literature. Its name takes the word "gaki" and as well as "gugugu" which is the sound of a empty stomach.

Here is tomorrow's pokemon shadow! It will be unveiled tomorrow evening! Please try to guess what it is!

RE: Ongan Region Project: New Pokemon: Gakigugu

I don't really know what the shadow could be..? Possible Bug-type? I only say that because of the antenna like appendages on its head.

And for the final Fire starter, Bearupt/Bearcano? Or Ursiblaze? Ursiblaze comes from ursidae, the family which bears are in, and blaze. Bearupt and Bearcano are pretty self-explanitary.

And for the final/second stage Grass starter, Botaphant? Comes from botany and elephant.

And for the final Water starter, Fistuary? Comes from fist and estuary.
RE: Ongan Region Project: New Pokemon: Gakigugu

@paddy185: I like Ursiblaze the best! Botaphant is good but maybe not for the final evolution. I am thinking for Morikikiba.

I am not a big fan of Fistuary but I don't want to throw it out quite yet. I appreciate the help though! :D

It's Thursday and time for another update! Today is the Phantom Moth Pokemon, Boseichouki.


#103 Bosechouki
Japanese Name:
The Phantom Moth Pokemon
Type: Bug/Ghost
Ability: Clear Body/Limber
Height: 2'5
Weight: 10 lbs.

Bosechouki is the Phantom Moth Pokemon. It is the evolved form of Genmashi. It is known to hover around tombstones and graveyards. It will emit its only eerie light that attracts other Bosechouki and Genmashi. They are also called "Death Moths".

Bosechouki is based off a ghost and a pepper moth of England (in terms of color). Its name comes from Boseki or "tombstone" and "chouchou" or "butterfly".

Here is tomorrow's pokemon shadow! It will be unveiled tomorrow evening! Please try to guess what it is!
