The LV Fakemon Project: Pokemon Shine and Shade: Rubbatic

Should I completely redo the two legendaries, Paraigon and Garakuia to look similar to the new legen

  • Yes, you should redo both.

    Votes: 1 20.0%
  • Just redo Paraigon.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Just redo Garakuia.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • No, both are fine.

    Votes: 4 80.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
RE: Ongan Region Investigation: 3 new Fakemon: Final Evolutions of Starters!!!

@Jayj4: Thanks! I was really hoping people liked the final designs of the evolutions.

@paddy185: Yeah, I was somewhat unsure about the water evolutions design. It has a cyber-punk feeling haha.

@HoS: Uruzahatsu was the first evolution to be created...back in September. I decide to wait until later. So it still has a bit of the old style from when I started. I did recolor it though and touched it up. Thanks :)

@Gr8Ampharos: Yeah, I was disappointed when Enbuoh ended up being Fire/Fighting. That was my only grievance with BW.

Also, please visit the Ongan Project Wiki Site here for information and updates!~
RE: Ongan Region Investigation: Merry Christmas!/Going out traveling

I will be taking a break for a week as I travel within Japan. I will be heading off to Hiroshima to visit a friend and her family and then to Kyoto. I will return next week and start working on the project.

I hope this can hold everyone over. This is one the largest updates to date. Enjoy!


#34 Riridama
The Lotus Pokemon
Type: Grass/Water
Ability: Spring Fever
Height: 1'2
Weight: 12 lbs.

Riridama is the Lotus Pokemon. It can be found hovering just below the waters surface where its lilly-like leaf collects sunlight. It also acts as a floating device.

Riri comes from "lilly" and "dama" as in ball. It is based on a lotus plant.

#37 Puppakisu
The Puppy Pokemon
Type: Normal
Ability: Cute Charm
Height: 1'7
Weight: 16 lbs.

Puppakisu is the Puppy Pokemon. It often runs around barking at whatever and whoever it sees. It likes to lick anything it sees as well. It will often chase after its owner in play. Puppakisu is the pre-evolved form of Fukkapupu.

Puppakisu is based off of a poodle puppy. Its name comes from puppy and "kisu" or kiss.

#044 Hitodehi
The Fire Coral Pokemon
Type: Water/Fire
Ability: Flame Body or Swift Swim
Height: 0'9
Weight: 6 lbs.

Hitodehi is the Fire Coral Pokemon. It drifts along the ocean floor; trying to capture prey by using the heat from its body. When angry, it will cause the water around it to boil and steam.

Hitodehi is based off from fire coral and a starfish. Its name comes from Hitode "starfish" and "hi for "fire".

#054 Ishikenkei
The Go-Getter Pokemon
Type: Fighting
Ability: Competitiveness
Height: 2'3
Weight: 32 lbs.

Ishikenkei is the Go-Getter Pokemon. It is always willing to lend a helping hand and enjoys working. It will run from one work site to the other just to enjoy hard labor. It is the pre-evolved from of Hebiude.

It is based off from a laborer. Its name comes from ishikengo or "strong will" and "benrikei" or strong man.

#057 Amekame
The Rain Cloud Pokemon
Type: Water/Flying
Color: Blue
Ability: Damp or Sprinkle
Height: 2'5
Weight: 18 lbs.
Male/Female: 50%/50%
Evolves from: None
Evolves into: Goutouisu at level. 32
Location: N/A
Egg Type: Water 1, Flying

Amekame is the Rain Cloud Pokemon. It will hover high in the air; drifting from one area to the next. It will cast its shadow over areas of drought to replenish the fields. For this; it is often seen as the level of a god.

It is based off from a turtle and a rain god. Its name comes from ame or "rain" and turtle "kame".

#062 Tsuchishoku
The Worm Pokemon
Type: Bug/Ground
Ability: Soil Devour
Height: 1'0
Weight: 8 lbs.

Tsuchishoku is the Worm Pokemon It tunnels in the ground using its sharp fangs to push dirt into its mouth. It sometimes causes structural damage where it tunnels.

Tsuchishoku is based off from a worm. Its name comes from tsuchi or "soil" and taishokukan or "glutton".

#073 Takakaja
The Jaw Pokemon
Type: Water/Dark
Ability: Swift Swim or Frenzy
Height: 2'0
Weight: 28 lbs.

Tatakaja is the Jaw Pokemon. It always travels in schools of four where it will immediately devour whatever it sees. It will strip the prey clean of anything.

Tatakaja is based off of a prannah. Its name comes from "fight" or tatakau.

#080 Kudahaato
The Heart Fruit Pokemon
Type: Grass
Ability: Cute Charm
Height: 2'0
Weight: 218 lbs.

Kudahaato is the Heart Fruit Pokemon. It is often given to those you care about, are special, or you love. It symbolizes love between two people. It can be found under trees with pink leaves; often singing songs akin to love ballads.

Kudahaato is based off from a heart, a fruit, and a valentines card. Its name comes from kudamono or "fruit" and "heart" romanized.

The Pokemon is given to you by the friend who has the highest heart rating on Valentines Day.

#082 Basudeiki
The Birthday Cake Pokemon
Type: Normal
Ability: Levitate
Height: 3'2
Weight: 21 lbs.

Basudeiki is the Birthday Cake Pokemon. It emits a very sweet and delicious smell wherever it goes. It is often given to children during birthdays. However, if you eat the body of one, you will become sick from over-sweetness. Basudeki is the evolved from of Kenkitanshi.

Basudeiki is based off from a birthday cake. Its name comes from "birthday" and "cake" or "basudei" and "ke-ki".

#094 Sutariden
The Stereo Pokemon
Type: Normal/Electric
Ability: Soundproof
Height: 2'2
Weight: 25 lbs.

Sutariden is the Stereo Pokemon. It can often be found due to its loud nature. It will blast out its pokemon calls which resembles various styles of music. It can also learn songs to play.

Sutariden is based off from a stereo/c.d. player. Its name comes from stereo or "sutario' and electric or "denki".

#109 Tarentokin
The Talent Pokemon
Type: Psychic
Ability: Cute Charm
Height: 1'9
Weight: 20 lbs.

Tarentokin is the Talent Pokemon. Though talented, it is still considered rough around the edges. Its dream is to evolve into a Aidasaki or a Eguzaidoru and to be on a big stage. Tarentokin is the pre-evolved form of Eguzaidoru and Aidasaki.

Its name comes from "talent" or tarento. Its based off from a talent or someone with a special talent that appears on Japanese TV.

#136 Wakoami
The Wolf Puppy Pokemon
Type: Ice/Dark
Ability: Ice Body or Intimidate
Height: 1'7
Weight: 20 lbs.

Wakoami is the Wolf Puppy Pokemon. It lives in areas of intense cold and snow. It can breathe out ice and shoot it out of its mouth. Despite being a puppy, it is not playful. It will often attack whatever it sees.

Wakoami is based off from a wolf puppy. Its name comes from waki or "young" and "okami" or wolf.

I apologize for such a late update and the....disorganization of this update. I was in a hurry and wanted to put it up before I left. Enjoy and look forward to the next update!
RE: Ongan Region Investigation: 12 New Fakemon!/Going out traveling

=O =O
Amazing. A fire coral Pokemon too! Also, Takakaja looks so much like a buffed up Trapinch! :p.

Great work. Keep it up.
RE: Ongan Region Investigation: 12 New Fakemon!/Going out traveling

Thanks! Oh, shoot. I didn't realize that it looked so much like Trapinch. I thought maybe it was too much like Exeggcute. In that case, I will most likely change the color so it doesn't look like Trapinch.
RE: Ongan Region Investigation: 12 New Fakemon!/Going out traveling

These are some of the best Fakemon I've seen in long long! It's obvious you spent time thinking about their designs -- which are very creative (birthday cake, stereo...fantastic!). And reading the name meanings is like getting a little Japanese lesson. :)

Safe travels and I can't wait for more.
RE: Ongan Region Investigation: 12 New Fakemon!/Going out traveling

Thanks! It is great to hear constructive criticism. I appreciate it :D

I worry sometimes that they may resemble previous pokemon too much or that they are not too original. I admit that the names I put together, while some of them were named a while back, I kind of threw them together without too much research. I add it up to being in a hurry so once I sit back down to work on my project, I may rename them.

I am planning for a HUGE update when I get back. I would like to finish the fakedex by this summer if possible.
RE: Ongan Region Investigation: 12 New Fakemon!/Going out traveling

No comments since a week ago?? (T ^ T)

While I do enjoy working on this project, I do use more then half of my free time to work on it. I don't expect horns and trumpets when I release a update but, after duch a huge update, to have only 2 comments is kind of depressing.

I would like to create more hype for this project or at least some interest other then the usual posters (who I greatly appreciate their help since the start).

Any ideas?
RE: Ongan Region Investigation: 12 New Fakemon!/Going out traveling

IDK, a list of recommended stuff to see? No ideas there.

RE: Ongan Region Investigation: 12 New Fakemon!/Going out traveling

Another Birthday cake? lol. Anyways I like the Stereo Pokemon.
RE: Ongan Region Investigation: 12 New Fakemon!/Going out traveling

Sorry for the outburst of frustration. I didn't mean to go all emo about it haha.

Shiny Shinx - What would to hear peoples own ideas. I understand there isnt much discussion since its not an actual game in development. I would like to hear peoples own takes on the idea or ideas to make it better.

Pokemaister899 - It is a 3-level evolution family. I must say, one of my favorite fakemon in Ongan is its final evolution. Think giant wedding cake with a frosting launcher as a arm.
RE: Ongan Region Investigation: 12 New Fakemon!/Going out traveling

Oh, I didn't see that it was a part of an evolutionary line. But a wedding cake as the final evo would be cool, yes.
RE: Ongan Region Investigation: 12 New Fakemon!/Going out traveling

These Fakemon are pretty good! My favorite is Eradragon and Monakukuso. :)
RE: Ongan Region Investigation: 12 New Fakemon!/Going out traveling

@Pokemaister899 - Yeah, I always wanted a wedding cake/dessert themed pokemon.

@Kaiyu102 - Thanks! I like Monakukuso as well.


I have sat down and started writing the plot for the Ongan Region. Hopefully it sheds some light onto this unique world and how it is different from the othe neighbor regions.

Long time ago, the regions containing Kanto, Johto, Hoenn, and Shinnoh were all one.  The area between Hoenn and Johto was called: Ongan.  However, a unknown phenomenon occurred within Ongan and separated itself from the rest of the world.  That was a 1,000 years before the present.  Many people know of the Ongan of legends but only as a legend.  During the past 1,000 years, Ongan appears as a deep mist hovering above the ocean; devoid of the land.  However, 10 years before the present, a bright light enveloped all the regions and the Ongan of Legends suddenly materialized.  

The inhabitants, unaware of what was going on, was surprised to see their lands connected with other lands.  The governments within each region began discussions with each other and resolved to discover the mystery behind why Ongan vanished 1,000 years ago.  To their astonishment, they discovered two ancient pokemon caused Ongan to be separated from the rest of the world.  

Meanwhile, the inhabitants, while different from the other inhabitants of Johto and Hoenn begin dispersing out into the world.  Likewise, immigrants begin to come into Ongan; mostly adventurers, professionals, and pokemon trainers due to the discover of never before seen pokemon unique to the Ongan region.  Experts in Pokemon evolution explain that due to Ongan's long period of isolationism, the Pokemon in Ongan (though sharing similar genetic traits as that of Johto, Kanto, Hoenn, and Shinnoh), evolved much differently then the rest.  In addition, there have been efforts to limit the interaction between Ongan Pokemon and outside Pokemon.

It is here, in Ongan, that a young trainer is beginning the first steps of becoming a pokemon master.  It is in the quiet and lazy sea-side town of Hakusa where this young trainer will make important decisions that will affect both the trainers life, the pokemon, friends and family, and ultimately Ongan.  

LV Note: Time will play an important factor in Ongan.  Time is utilized in areas such as abilities that speed/slow down time, time events, time event-only pokemon, time sensitive deadlines (mailing letters by a certain time or meeting important people, and to even pokemon being available at certain times of the day (for example, Burakkusuta is only available from 9 pm to 4 am while Faisuta is only available from 6 am to 11 am.

I am busy working on preparing for several updates. I can say for certain there will be a update with new fakemon by Sunday or Monday. While I can`t say why it`s taking a long time, expect a big surprise come late Jan or early Feb.

EDIT: I apologize for any spelling/grammar mistakes. I am using a Japanese computer which does not have a spell check on IE nor does the R key work unless you hit it several times.....I will fix it when I am on my own computer.
RE: Ongan Region Investigation: 12 New Fakemon!/Going out traveling

Takakaja is a Trapinch reject (sorta) but its awesome its like trapinch became a mutant, as always keep on making some great fakemon! :)
RE: Ongan Region Investigation: 12 New Fakemon!/Going out traveling

Yeah, I plan to swap the color in the next update. I more so chose that color due to it's evolved form.
RE: Ongan Region Investigation: 12 New Fakemon!/Going out traveling

I don;t know if this could be considered an actual update but here are three new shadows! I will release them on Saturday or Sunday.


Can you guess what they are??

In addition, I have a surprise waiting to release but its taking a while go get everything finished but I am working hard and steady on it.
RE: Ongan Region Investigation: New Shadows!

The middle shadow looks a bit like a serpent, and the right one looks like a dog-type thing that's Fire-type.
RE: Ongan Region Investigation: New Shadows!

@ Paddy185: Close!

Here are the revealed shadows! I apologize for such a low amount of fakemon but life just keeps me busy. I promise the next update will be great though!

With further adieu, here are the revealed shadows!!


#106 Jyakkitoriru
Japanese Name: ジャキキトリル
The Crazy Monkey Pokemon
Type: Dark
Ability: Antagonist/Bad Habit
Height: 4'0
Weight: 75 lbs.

Hyakikitoriru is the evolved from of Monakukosu. It has a very mischievous and sporadic personality. It pulls annoying pranks such as throwing banana peels on the ground, flinging poop, and interrupting people when they try to talk by screeching loudly. It also has a habit of mimicking others; even able to mimic human speech.

Jyakikitoriru is based off from a mandrill. Its name comes from Jyaki (english for devil; imp), and the -toriru of the Japanized version of Mandrill. Also, "kiki" is the sound monkeys make.


#064 Sunakishuma
Japanese Name: スナキシューマ
The Tremor Pokemon
Type: Bug/Dragon
Ability: Soil Devour
Height: 12'9
Weight: 653 lbs.

Sunakishuma is the final evolved from of Tsuchishoku. It tunnels under the ground at very fast speeds which causes small tremors up on the surface. They tend to inhabit hills and mountains. If more then one resides in one, the hill will take a Swiss Cheese appearance due to so many holes on the surface.

Sunakishuma is based off from a large earthworm. The pokemon title seems to be based on the worm monsters in the movie series Tremors. Its name is based from Suna (sand) and kishuu or "surprise attack".


#022 Ooennekou
Japanese Name: オーエンネコー
The Firecat Pokemon
Ability: Flash Fire/Frisk
Height: 3'1
Weight: 41 lbs.

Ooennekou is the evolved form of Bobbu. It is said to store frictional heat within its dense fur. When angry, it will let out a loud roar that emits intense heat. It is said to melt the snow around it when winter sets in.

Ooennekou is based off from a Russian Lynx. Its name comes from Oosama or "king", enkou or "flame", and neko or "cat.". Its also taken from the rarely used Japanese word for "lynx" which is Ooyamaneko or "king mountain cat".

I hope you enjoyed these! Check back with the next group of updates!

Oh and I forgot this. Here is a re-color of Tatakauja so it doesn't look like Trapinch.

RE: Ongan Region Investigation: Three New Fakemon!

yay, so is there a form in between Tatakauja and Sunakishuma
RE: Ongan Region Investigation: Three New Fakemon!

Oh, Tatakauja and Sunakishuma are a part of two separate pokemon families. Sunakishuma is a evolved form if the Worm Pokemin, Tsuchishoku.