The LV Fakemon Project: Pokemon Shine and Shade: Rubbatic

Should I completely redo the two legendaries, Paraigon and Garakuia to look similar to the new legen

  • Yes, you should redo both.

    Votes: 1 20.0%
  • Just redo Paraigon.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Just redo Garakuia.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • No, both are fine.

    Votes: 4 80.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
RE: The LV Fakemon Project: Pokemon Shine and Shade Aquadon

@LillipupFTW: Thanks :) Those are really good guesses!

@GoobieDoob: Everyone seems to think the first shadow is a cat.

@silazu: Good observation! There is a dog and a cat type-Pokemon in this fakedex so which one? lol

Ok, everyone got the second shadow alright but the first shadow seemed to stump everyone.

Today's two shadows is the Loyalty Pokemon, Shibaite and the Flamingo Pokemon, Flamango.


#017 Shibaite
The Loyalty Pokemon
Type: Normal
Color: Brown
Ability: Friend Guard
Height: 3'5
Weight: 32 lbs.
Evolves from: Shibaro at level 18
Evolves into: None

Shibaite is the Loyalty Pokemon. It is a Normal type Pokemon and has the Friend Guard ability. It evolves from Shibaro at level 18.

Shibaite will always stay next to its owner. It is completely loyal to its trainer. It will never disobey a command regardless how dangerous or crazy. It will rush into a burning house to save its trainer. Shibaite have been known to go to great lengths to protect its trainers.

Shibaite is based on a Shiba Inu from Japan. Its name comes from Shiba (the dogs name) and aite or "companion".


#013 Flamango
The Flamingo Pokemon
Type: Flying/Water
Color: Pink
Ability: Tangled Feet/Water Veil
Height: 4'2
Weight: 30 lbs.
Evolves from: Chickaddle at level 12
Evolves into: Rosamingo at level 28.

Flamango is the Flamingo Pokemon. It is a dual Flying/Water type Pokemon and has the abilities Tangled Feet and Water Veil. It evolves from Chickaddle at level 12. It evolves into Rosamingo at level 28.

Flamango can be found in salt-water marshes where it eats small fish, water grass, and mangoes. It is unknown what it likes to eat mangoes but it does. It can fly for a hour or so at a time but it tires out rather easily. It nimbly wades through the marshes looking for things to eat.

Flamingo is based on a flamingo. Its name comes from flamingo and mango.

Here is tomorrow's new Pokemon. Please guess what form it could be and what type it could be. Also, let me know how you liked Shibaiten and Flamango.
RE: The LV Fakemon Project: Pokemon Shine and Shade: Shibaite and Flamango

A grass type with plaits in its hair?
Really like shibaite. It is so cute : )
RE: The LV Fakemon Project: Pokemon Shine and Shade: Shibaite and Flamango

AWWWWWWWWWW thad dog-pokemon is CUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUTE! :3 :3 :3 :3
it kindof looks like my dog in real ;o
RE: The LV Fakemon Project: Pokemon Shine and Shade: Shibaite and Flamango

I love them! The shadow looks like a water Pokemon.
RE: The LV Fakemon Project: Pokemon Shine and Shade: Shibaite and Flamango

@Reshiwott: What do you mean plaits in its hair? I am kind of confused.

@NewADance: Hahaha thanks. I appreciate it.

@LillipupFTW: Hmmm....a water type.

Ok, another day, another Pokemon. Today's new Pokemon is the Poison Ivy Pokemon, Toxictitch.


#063 Toxictitch
The Poison Ivy Pokemon
Type: Grass/Poison
Color: Purple
Ability: Poison Point/Sap Sipper
Height: 2'8
Weight: 10 lbs.
Evolves into: None

Toxititch is the Poison Ivy Pokemon. It is a dual Grass/Poison type Pokemon and has the abilities Poison Point and Sap Sipper. It has no evolutions or pre-evolutions.

Toxititch can be found hiding underneath bushes or in trees. It allows the vines on its head to trail down in order to infect others. It enjoys infecting others with its poison. If it is attacked, it will attempt to run away at first. It's first line of defense is its poison. If cornered, it will flail by lashing out with its vines and leaves.

Toxititch is based off a poison ivy plant. Its name comes from toxic and itch.

Here is tomorrow's new shadow. Please guess form it could be and what types it could be. Also, let me know how you like Toxititch. Any and all criticism is appreciated.
RE: The LV Fakemon Project: Pokemon Shine and Shade: Toxititch

Wow. Another of my Ideas taken. But it looks different. Not to say that its bad! Because it is really good. It just seems like your taking a tiny bit of my Ideas. Sorry if this Comes out the wrong way. The Shadow looks like an evolution for Electrode.
RE: The LV Fakemon Project: Pokemon Shine and Shade: Toxititch

For one thing, Fakemon ideas are constantly recycled, regardless if its the same typing, form, or base. For example, I know for a fact there are already Grass-type elephant Fakemon out there as well as Rock-type Sabretooth tigers. It is nearly impossible to have all original ideas. How many fake Eveevolutions are there out there? Those are constantly being recycled and redone. It does not mean you are stealing ideas. That is in fact the challenge - to make it uniquely your own work and have it stand out from everyone's despite it being similar.

Secondly, I have mentioned it before but my regions, Ongan and Yuutou, is a collection of fakemon I have developed for years. I am just starting to re-draw them onto my computer and then release them in a region. I have enough material to last 3 more regions which I may or may not do. If anything, it is merely consequential that some of our ideas are similar since we are both releasing new fakemon. Sorry if that was long

I am currently re-updating my Fakedex numbering system so expect a massive overhaul of numbering. I will change everything accordingly.
RE: The LV Fakemon Project: Pokemon Shine and Shade: Toxititch

Oh no, it's cool. I am not mad at all. Quite the opposite, I am glad to have both a friend and a rival who enjoys creating fakemon.

Just before you make accusations, just consider other reasons as to why you may have the same ideas. I suggest going to Deviantart and typing in like "flamingo fakemon" or "tomato fakemon". You will see that many other artists have the same idea as you do. The challenge is to make it unique to you and not just a copy. For instance, for your Moiote Region, your Grass and Fire starters is the same as my Ongan Region starters (a grass elephant and fire bear) but I was never thought you stole my idea because I thought you made them unique to you.

With that in mind, both your ideas and art will become much more solid and unique. Good luck!
RE: The LV Fakemon Project: Pokemon Shine and Shade: Toxititch

@ Lostvoice- yes, I do. Toxictitch looks cool. The shadow looks like pacman :)P) or a ball of somesort.
RE: The LV Fakemon Project: Pokemon Shine and Shade: Toxititch

I love toxicitch! So cool! The shadow looks like some kind of electrode evolution.
RE: The LV Fakemon Project: Pokemon Shine and Shade: Toxititch

Hey Lostvoice, nice job. Are you intending on making this region w/ the advance map over a GBA rom? If not, you should. I have made my own regions over Emerald. Look it up, its free and really cool.
RE: The LV Fakemon Project: Pokemon Shine and Shade: Toxititch

@Reshiwott: Ok, I wasn't quite sure :p A pacmac Pokemon would be.....interesting? lol

@LillipupFTW: Thanks :)

@Nizolka33: Are you referring to making an actual game? If not, no I am not making an actual game; this is just a collection if ideas.

@RayquazaMaster: Nope but a good guess :)

@i_guess_i_will_try: I can see why a lillypad but nope!

Today's Pokemon is the Roley Polie Pokemon, Wheelisect.


#098 Wheeliesect
The Roley Polie Pokemon
Type: Bug/Steel
Color: Grey
Ability: Heavy Metal
Height: 2'0
Weight: 63 lbs.
Evolves into: ?

Wheeliesect is the Roley Polie Pokemon. It is a dual Bug/Steel type Pokemon and has the Heavy Metal ability. It is unknown what Pokemon it evolves into.

Wheeliesect can be found racing on flat stretches of land. It can achieve speeds of 30 mph when gains enough momentum. It will sometimes race other Wheeliesects to win territory or mates. It can also uncurl to reveal a plated Pokemon.

Wheeliesect is based off a pillbug. Its name comes from wheel and insect.

Here is tomorrow's new Pokemon! Please guess what form it could be and what type it could be. Also, let me know what you think of Wheeliesect.
RE: The LV Fakemon Project: Pokemon Shine and Shade: Wheeliesect

I haven't posted in a while but all of them are great! I especially love Wheelisect. It made me remember when I was real young playing with the rolie polies I found while making mud pies....good times
Thank You for that, LV!

For the shadow, I'm guessing a Murkrow pre-evolution or since you have said these designs are a few years old, maybe an alternate evolution for Murkrow.

RE: The LV Fakemon Project: Pokemon Shine and Shade: Wheeliesect

Wheeliesect is adorable! The shadow looks like a different evolution of Murkrow.
RE: The LV Fakemon Project: Pokemon Shine and Shade: Wheeliesect

I agree with BeNb- It looks like a murkrow evolution. Or since honchkrow has been around since '07 then maybe an evolution for him. Wheeliesect is really cool, but it looks a bit too much like whirlipede. :p Great minds think alike.
RE: The LV Fakemon Project: Pokemon Shine and Shade: Wheeliesect

aww I love wheelisect <3 hummumum.... for me, it looks like a bird. with 4 wings o_O so a Flying type pokemon.
dunno what kindof evolution :x

hm, by the way...
is there an evolution coming of Kurikoki? That pokemon is SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO CUTE! <333
RE: The LV Fakemon Project: Pokemon Shine and Shade: Wheeliesect

I am thinking the shadow is some sort of flying type. 50% of me thinks its not, but also, 50% of my body thinks it is o_O
