The Mewtwo EX/Eelektrik/Zekrom Discussion Thread

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Yeah but If Shaymin is stuck on your bench just Seeker it and Celebration Wind energies from your bench onto your Active Mewtwo to X Ball like crazy. It's more of a win more card for Mewtwo.

If they have Darkrai on board, let them KO one of your Pokemon so that you can get the 90 x 2 Retaliate on Darkrai for 2 prizes unless they have Eviolite attached to survive the hit. Chances are they won't fall for it so just get Land Crush going for backup anyway.
Why do people run Terrakion?

It's got a heavy retreat cost and you'd have to run rock energies/prism energies for it to work. I'm sure there is no search engine for energies and hence it would be slow and luck reliant.
at states I took mageels teched with a terrakion, I was hoping to do very well there since I read that zekeels was everywhere. Although I made top 4 terrakion was almost useless in all of my matches ( I was forced to start with him in one of them and that was about the only time I used him, outside of that he was just dead weight.....)
Infinity said:
It counters other Zeels and either of the Dark rushes.

Nah man. It's extremely inconsistent to have him in the deck.

You OHKO almost everything in the deck anyway with the mirror. Any good list doesn't play Zekrom ex anymore so there is no point.

If you put the energies and the Terrakion out and put those cards into making it more consistent, you'd have a better chance at the mirror.

It's not like an SP pokemon where it is extremely easy to search out and attach energies to.

It is very clunky and frankly, looks quite poor.
kashmaster said:
Any good list doesn't play Zekrom ex anymore so there is no point.

hey now :p Zekrom EX is amazing as a 1 of tech in zekeels and is probably better than terrakion for the mirror too....
Oh yeah. I love my Zek EX. Once I get my first Zekrom up and going, I immediately start charging up my Zekrom EX because it hits so hard and it's so bulky. 150? And it sends two Energy to the Discard Pile so I can recharge up my other Pokemon? I'm in. Sure, it's not fantastic to start with, but it acts as a sponge and you can at least get some solid damage out T2 (if you get DCE) with Glinting Claw. Strong Volt + Pokemon Catcher is my favorite. The Terrakion, Kyurem, or Zekrom you're opponent was just charging up is finished.
Serperior said:
Oh yeah. I love my Zek EX. Once I get my first Zekrom up and going, I immediately start charging up my Zekrom EX because it hits so hard and it's so bulky. 150? And it sends two Energy to the Discard Pile so I can recharge up my other Pokemon? I'm in. Sure, it's not fantastic to start with, but it acts as a sponge and you can at least get some solid damage out T2 (if you get DCE) with Glinting Claw. Strong Volt + Pokemon Catcher is my favorite. The Terrakion, Kyurem, or Zekrom you're opponent was just charging up is finished.

I just don't really like ex pokemon because of the two prize cost. I'm sure I watched a couple of the state/regional videos and the winning ZekEels list didn't play a Zekrom ex? Maybe I'm making stuff up lol.
Pooka doesn't run ZekEx, and a lot of other players agree that it's still slow to set up even with two Dynamotor on the field.

I dropped mine after a while - it's still a 61st option, but yeah.
Infinity said:
Please don't say it looks bad and it is clunky if you haven't tested it.

Why not? I can clearly see the limitations that it has and how it would affect a deck's consistency.

Out of curiosity, do you know how many State/Regional winning Zekeels decks ran a Terrakion? If it's a substantial amount then I'll give it a go. Just can't see why people would run it.
^ it's good in theory, but ultimately takes too much effort for too little reward (he'll most likely just be OHKO'd back anyways if not equipped with eviolite) even with magnezone's internal draw power it's wayy too clunky let alone zeels...
Post DE is the same story the only thing he OHKO's in Dark dec. is darkrai EX everything else can be picked off by zekrom BLW
My zeels with terra, runs as smooth as butter. It works well too.
With all 40 hp tynamos, no DCE, no PP.
The Pikachu Mafia said:
the answer is probably none, I've tested it and unless you're Glaceon, it doesn't work :p
Lol :p
I use Tarrakion too, and it very rarely disappoint me. It always comes as a chock when I lay it down, and OHKO a Zek EX. And if it then gets KO'ed then so what? It's one prize for two. And if it doesn't get KO'ed, then I'll use Switch, or (in rare occasions) retreat :D
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