Yeah but If Shaymin is stuck on your bench just Seeker it and Celebration Wind energies from your bench onto your Active Mewtwo to X Ball like crazy. It's more of a win more card for Mewtwo.
If they have Darkrai on board, let them KO one of your Pokemon so that you can get the 90 x 2 Retaliate on Darkrai for 2 prizes unless they have Eviolite attached to survive the hit. Chances are they won't fall for it so just get Land Crush going for backup anyway.
If they have Darkrai on board, let them KO one of your Pokemon so that you can get the 90 x 2 Retaliate on Darkrai for 2 prizes unless they have Eviolite attached to survive the hit. Chances are they won't fall for it so just get Land Crush going for backup anyway.