The Mewtwo EX/Eelektrik/Zekrom Discussion Thread

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Infinity said:
My zeels with terra, runs as smooth as butter. It works well too.
With all 40 hp tynamos, no DCE, no PP.

You run no DCE and Plus powers? Wow.

Aren't those staples in a Zekeels deck? Don't know why people wouldn't play PP, it is amazing in this format.
If you drop DCE and Plus Power, you may as well drop Mewtwo as well, since you will never win the Mewtwo war. I could see possibly dropping a couple DCE, but I would never drop below 2 Plus Power. They are just so good in almost any matchup, wether it be Eels mirror for Thundurus KOing an Eel or Zekrom OHKOing a Terrakion.
Cinema said:
If you drop DCE and Plus Power, you may as well drop Mewtwo as well, since you will never win the Mewtwo war. I could see possibly dropping a couple DCE, but I would never drop below 2 Plus Power. They are just so good in almost any matchup, wether it be Eels mirror for Thundurus KOing an Eel or Zekrom OHKOing a Terrakion.

Exactly, PP and DCE helps any mewtwo war and not to mention techs such as Tornadus or Boufflant and even Zekrom ex if you choose to run it.
You don't need to "find room" for DCE. You should already be running about 13 Electric, just switch 4 of those for DCE.
Please. Don't. Criticize. My. Lists. If. I. Didn't. Ask. For. Your. Help.
I run
2 DCE (as of now)
9 Lightning
3 Fighting
._. if you really want to use fighting and terrakion (which I'm still against) then run less electric energy, the guy at the ECC who came in second only had 7 electric I believe..... (sorry if this counts as criticizing, but unless you have a magnezone tech to draw into them DCE 2 isn't going to cut it. Remember DCE counts as a switch for eel if you have him active, except that it wastes your attachment for the turn....)
how? Zeels is still BDIF, CMT is the close second, we're still HS-NXD format the only thing that's changed is we know what were going to see at a standard tourney (zeels and CMT, which was already hype to do well anyways. With maybe a couple ants/Terrakion....)
will being the key word :/

I personally think that zoroark is just hype, he needs a dark claw AND at least 1 Sp dark energy on top of a constantly full bench that can be easily ko'd by a normal zekrom.

darkrai is nice but the only thing you can really pair him with outside of zoroark is splashable EX cards, which means the opponent would only have to do 3 ko's..... on top of that it doesn't really change the amount of energy in zeels drastically so less electric could still work....
4 DCEs, at least 2 PPs for me. Its the game-breaker in my opinion. Compared to Terrakion as a 3 or 4 card tech, I rather add consistency or other techs which can be used in more than one match up. Almost all (if not all) winning lists did not run any Bulls, and while some did I'm sure they did well with it, but a ZekEels does not at all require a Terrakion as a staple. The mirror is pretty much decided either with a traditional Mewtwo war or who can starve the other out of Eels or attackers. I would think Terra's main use was as a a direct Zekrom EX counter, and was great at it but decline in play of the Big Black Dragon doesn't give much reason to call on it as a need anymore.
Terrakion doesn't really help in the mirror, except against Raikou or Zekrom EX. Everything else you can OHKO with Zekrom.
Arcanyx said:
4 DCEs, at least 2 PPs for me. Its the game-breaker in my opinion. Compared to Terrakion as a 3 or 4 card tech, I rather add consistency or other techs which can be used in more than one match up. Almost all (if not all) winning lists did not run any Bulls, and while some did I'm sure they did well with it, but a ZekEels does not at all require a Terrakion as a staple. The mirror is pretty much decided either with a traditional Mewtwo war or who can starve the other out of Eels or attackers. I would think Terra's main use was as a a direct Zekrom EX counter, and was great at it but decline in play of the Big Black Dragon doesn't give much reason to call on it as a need anymore.

Why can't people understand this??!?!?!?!
They haven't won any because there hasn't been any tournaments with DE!
DE provides much more free prizes.
Gigas EX (if anyone plays it)
Raikou EX
Zekrom EX
Darkrai EX
I would run 4 DCEs and PPs if I didn't run terrakion, but I choose to run terrakion.
all the pokemon mentioned above can block OHKO's with eviolite (at which case eviolite count will go up, while I bet you run no more than 2 plus power)
okay fair enough, but terrakion dies too easy to plus power + zekrom BW, zekrom EX, mewtwo EX, Tornadus EX etc. making him a bad idea unless you consistently get an EX ko every game....
Infinity said:
Why can't people understand this??!?!?!?!
They haven't won any because there hasn't been any tournaments with DE!
DE provides much more free prizes.
Gigas EX (if anyone plays it)
Raikou EX
Zekrom EX
Darkrai EX
I would run 4 DCEs and PPs if I didn't run terrakion, but I choose to run terrakion.

I was not in any way referring to your comments by the way. I was just commenting on Terrakion not being a staple in winning lists. As for DEX, we won't know for sure how a card is going to impact a format before the format even exists. We won't know how popular all the cards in the list up there is going to be (bar Darkrai whose hype is as huge as Mewtwo to some extent). Zekrom EX & Gigas EX are rarely integral to any mainstream deck, while Raikou MIGHT be a one-off, and that's about it.

Terrakion might be more suited as its own deck, that's just my two cents. I just can't see it being a huge part of ZekEels unless we move into a more techier format (which COULD happen, but Terra won't be the only tech).

Like I said, Terrakion has its uses. Its perfect in Revenge-killing, but its only ultimate pluspoint is Revenge-killing Zekrom EX or Raikou EX or Darkrai EX for 2 prizes, but only if they do see enough play.
The Pikachu Mafia said:
all the pokemon mentioned above can block OHKO's with eviolite (at which case eviolite count will go up, while I bet you run no more than 2 plus power)

Not because you're wrong or anything, I just want to point out, that you hopefully don't use Giga EX for doing at max 80 dmg with Giga Power(because it doesn't lose hp for the + 20 if it has Eviolite). You would probably aim for Raging Hammer in which case it needs at least 40 dmg on itself to do more damage than Giga Power do. Then Terrakion can OHKO it even with Eviolite :)
Are people too afraid of running Tornadus EX in ZekEels because of going up against the Mirror and them getting a 2 prize advantage from it? If you're running Tornadus EX in ZekEels and they're playing ZekEels then don't play Tornadus EX, stick with Mewtwo EX If you need to deal with covering for Weakness aside from {F}.

Most ZekEels players would rather run Raikou EX over Tornadus EX to get around {F}, the bench snipe is great and all but If your meta is running Terrakion/Landorus or some other Terrakion variant or in my meta where one of my friends still runs his Donphan & Dragons deck it can still come in handy, plus it can utilize Skyarrow in the deck as well.
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