BW/BW2 The Simple 5th Gen VG Questions and Answers Thread

RE: The B/W Questions and Answers Thread

ISB, just pointing out that multiple Flamethrower TMs could be obtained in the gen 4 games as it was a prize from the game corner so you could get multiple ones in the same game if you had a bunch of Poke/time to burn.

As for the competitiveness, I would have to say White is a bit better. Zekrom has more uses in ubers than Reshiram imo and Reuniclus has more uses than Gothitelle for sure. Thundurus used to be the most potent Pokemon in OU but it was recently placed in Ubers, where it sucks, so Tornadus is really the only advantage to Black. Also, there are lots of Pokemon like Gastly that are only obtainable in White Forest, but unlimited stones can be really nice. Or, if you are patient enough, you could wait 1-2 years for Gray and get that, which would probably include all of the legendaries and some move tutor moves. That's not a guarantee though.
RE: The B/W Questions and Answers Thread

What's a good moveset, items etc. for my Samurott and Emboar?
RE: The B/W Questions and Answers Thread

Neither are all that favorable, to be fairly honest. But since you asked, I shall deliver :>


- Swords Dance
- Waterfall/Razor Shell/Aqua Jet
- Megahorn/X-Scissor
- Night Slash/Return
Item: Life Orb/Leftovers
Ability: Torrent
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spd
Nature: Adamant


- Flare Blitz
- Wild Charge
- Stone Edge
- Hammer Arm/Superpower/Earthquake/Assurance
Item Attached: Choice Band
Ability: Blaze
EVs: 212 HP / 252 Atk / 44 Spd
Nature: Adamant
RE: The B/W Questions and Answers Thread

Hey guys i got a question. Whats a good pokemon that is water type that has good attack and/ or good spec Attack, but at the same time shouldnt get KOed with just one hit? Or any pokemon that can learn water moves and a few ice moves.

Ive trained a Lapras, feraligatr, swampert, and a gyrados but im not yet quite satisfied with the results.

I was thinking of walrein but ive trained so many people i was wondering what you guys had to say before i actually dedicate hours breeding and training one
RE: The B/W Questions and Answers Thread

Here's a full list of Water-types. As for good Water-types, here's a few I've liked using:

~Starmie. It is not super-defensive but it's bulky enough to withstand a hit or two. It has absolutely amazing coverage, hitting several things for super-effective damage off a respectable Attack stat, plus without any boosts he is the fastest Water-type, tied with Floatzel.

~Gyarados. Strong, bulky, and after a single Dragon Dance he outspeeds nearly anything. After 2 DDs you basically have no hope. Dream World ability is excellent also, as Moxie gives him an Attack boost after every kill, making him all the more terrifying.

~Suicune. Fulfills both your criteria of having respectable attack and not easily defeated. Calm Mind sets are absolutely terrifying as after time they're nearly impossible to take down. Vaporeon and Milotic can be considered lesser versions of Suicune.

~Empoleon. Just watch out for stuff like Earthquake and Brick Break, but he's one of the most amazing Water-types around; he has access to Swords Dance, Aqua Jet, Stealth Rock, and a plethora of other moves, allowing him to go mixed very easily. He's also got fun utility moves like Yawn to keep people on their toes. Samurott's essentially a weaker version of this guy.
RE: The B/W Questions and Answers Thread

Oooh nice!! That never even occured to me.

I like that gyrados with moxie. How do i go to dream world and get one? I already sent a pokemon to sleep. And i already have an account at that website as well. Do i have to do the rest on computer? As in searching and moving my sleeping torchic?
RE: The B/W Questions and Answers Thread

You need to log on to your account on the website and do the rest on your computer - so yes, you have to take your sleeping Torchic around with you.

After you make a wish at the Tree of Dreams, you'll need to use Game Sync to wake your Pokemon up again, so keep that in mind.

To encounter a Magikarp in the Dream World, you will need to have unlocked Sparkling Sea area, which requires 5000 DW points and all 8 badges in-game.

alternatively, you can trade for one who already has one.
RE: The B/W Questions and Answers Thread

Is it worth training my Zweilous all the way to Level-64 to evolve into Hydreigon or should I just use my Salamence?
RE: The B/W Questions and Answers Thread

In competitively battling, its generally accepted (or at least I think that) Salamence completely outclasses Hydreigon. Depending on your team Salamence may be all you need.
RE: The B/W Questions and Answers Thread

I'm new to this site (Although I made my account in 2009 lol) so I'm still trying to get the hang of this place.

I need help and I'm fairly sure I'm in the wrong place but I can't seem to find a trading thread for Pokémon games! I have Pokemon White (I also have Black but thats for a different reason) Is this forum only for Pokémon cards? Can someone maybe commet on my profile with a link or something with an active Pokémon game trading thread? I really want a ditto and I would extremely appreciate it if someone helped :(

I have a mild form of OCD and I simply can not continue my Pokémon White game without a ditto to help me breed some Pokémon for my ideal Pokémon team.

Many thanks to who ever decides to help me out :]

(NOTE: Again, comment on my profile if you do decide to help.)
RE: The B/W Questions and Answers Thread

Post on the "Master Wi-Fi thread" and someone will help you there.
RE: The B/W Questions and Answers Thread

To add to that:

We use that thread for all forms of trading and battling now. We did used to have a trade forum, but due to very little (if any) activity, we just use the single thread now.
Just don't be scared off 'Beach because we don't offer much in regards to Wifi trades (this is primarily a TCG site after all).
RE: The B/W Questions and Answers Thread

I just got White version today. How do I setup the Global link and access it? Also how do I setup the Dream World to it's full extent? Thanks XD.:)
RE: The B/W Questions and Answers Thread

~Make an account on (If you already have an account with, then skip this step and use that account ID)
~Get the C-Gear
~Go to Online -> Game Sync
~You will be prompted to connect to Nintendo WFC. The first time you use Game Sync it'll take 5-10 minutes, and it does this to give you a Game Sync ID.
~Once you get this Game Sync ID, log on to your GL profile, go into your profile, and input your Game Sync ID where it tells you (There's a button on the left that says Game Registration.)
~Go back to your C-Gear and access Game Sync again. Tuck in 1 Pokemon to send to the Dream World (analogous to the Pokewalker). Tucking in takes about 5 minutes.
~Then you can play minigames in the Dream World and such to obtain DW Pokemon.
RE: The B/W Questions and Answers Thread

Awesome. I tucked one in but then took it out so I got to wait until tomorrow. I just finished setting up my account. Thanks man. It even shows my 1st Badge too.:)
RE: The B/W Questions and Answers Thread

You need to get a male Dratini with Extremespeed from the Dragon's Den in HG/SS, and then breed it with a female Dratini or Ditto to pass on Extremespeed as an egg move to the offspring. After it hatches, level it up and you have a Dragonite with Extremespeed.
RE: The B/W Questions and Answers Thread

How do I get the items on the lower part of route 18? The ones in the grass at the very bottom? I don't see a pathway to get there. Thanks XD.:)
RE: The B/W Questions and Answers Thread

You need to go all the way around, and it also involves using Strength to get to them. Route 18's a bit complicated as it basically makes a big loop back to the north half of Route 17.

Waterfall might be required too, though I'm not sure.