BW/BW2 The Simple 5th Gen VG Questions and Answers Thread

RE: The B/W Questions and Answers Thread

Did you guys know you can get DW events shiny? I was trading on the GTS Negotiations and was trading with someone who had a Shiny Onix Ponyta and Exeggcute. I guess you can get these shiny as well XD. I was not able to get anything shiny but I did get the Butterfree and a bunch of other stuff though.:)
RE: The B/W Questions and Answers Thread

Pokemon directly from the Entralink cannot be shiny. Pokemon bred from them can be, however.
RE: The B/W Questions and Answers Thread

Well the guy had level 10 DW's Shiny in his boxes XD. They probably could not be traded as the GTS probably would have blocked then from being traded.

How do you check how mant trades you have done on the GTS or through Wi-Fi? It is not on the back of the trainer card anymore like it was in 4th gen. Thanks XD.:)
RE: The B/W Questions and Answers Thread

I'm not sure about that, but if you go to that man at the Castelia City Pokemon Center, he'll tell you how many trades you did, then give you an item. The maximium limit you can get from him is 50, I beliveve.

As for me, if a Flying type like Archeops uses dig, and the opponent, say Excadrill, used Earthquake, would Archeops take double the damage for digging in an Earthquake, or would his Flying type save him from a OHKO?
RE: The B/W Questions and Answers Thread

They would keep the immunity from their Flying type. Same case with Levitating 'Mons.
RE: The B/W Questions and Answers Thread

JetpackPercy said:
I'm not sure about that, but if you go to that man at the Castelia City Pokemon Center, he'll tell you how many trades you did, then give you an item. The maximium limit you can get from him is 50, I beliveve.

As for me, if a Flying type like Archeops uses dig, and the opponent, say Excadrill, used Earthquake, would Archeops take double the damage for digging in an Earthquake, or would his Flying type save him from a OHKO?

Oh yeah forgot about that. Thanks XD.:)
RE: The B/W Questions and Answers Thread

I wanted to ask if everyone thinks I should start my profile in Pokemon Black. I already defeated Pokemon White but I kind of wanted to start Pokemon Black. I am currently playing Pokemon Emerald and I am in the Elite Four struggling to get to the Champion. I wanted to ask if I were to complete Pokemon Black if it is worth it? And what benefits will it give me towards Pokemon White I know it will help me in White Forest but what else. Feedback is appreeciated, thanks.:)
RE: The B/W Questions and Answers Thread

How do I request on my trainer card to evolve a Pokemon using GTS Negotiations? I want to evolve my Porygon into Porygon2 but I don't know what words to use to make it so the trader will trade it back after it evolves. Thanks XD.:) I tried the evolution glitch that was in 4th gen but I guess they patched that glitch and it did not work XD.:)
RE: The B/W Questions and Answers Thread

xxashxx said:
How do I request on my trainer card to evolve a Pokemon using GTS Negotiations? I want to evolve my Porygon into Porygon2 but I don't know what words to use to make it so the trader will trade it back after it evolves. Thanks XD.:) I tried the evolution glitch that was in 4th gen but I guess they patched that glitch and it did not work XD.:)

Try putting:
Please trade!
I want a PORYGON2!
RE: The B/W Questions and Answers Thread

Even then, it's no guarantee that your partner won't just run off with your Porygon2. Your best bet is to trade with someone on your Friend Roster--at least when it happens there, you can identify the individual.
RE: The B/W Questions and Answers Thread

So what do think I should do with my Pokemon Black the info is a few comments above.:)
RE: The B/W Questions and Answers Thread

I'm not really sure if White has such a significant advantage over Black. All you would really get out of it are different version-exclusives and Black City/White Forest tagging.

If you really want to get Black and start a new game (like, you have your heart set on it), then go for it. Otherwise, I probably wouldn't bother.
RE: The B/W Questions and Answers Thread

I agree with DNA. I have both verisons and they're boring. All there's to it is that you get exclusive Pokemon and places. It's not a lot of fun if you've already completed one game. You'd use your memory to your advantages. If you can't remember well, then I'd definitely get the other game. :p
RE: The B/W Questions and Answers Thread

Ophie said:
Even then, it's no guarantee that your partner won't just run off with your Porygon2. Your best bet is to trade with someone on your Friend Roster--at least when it happens there, you can identify the individual.

Well I had not seen him until I got him last night. I tried to use the Exclamation Point icon and then the person showed it to me and disconnected but the funny thing is I got another Up Grade today and I got Porygon 2 a few minutes later too. Weird XD.:)

The big difference between Black and white is the items you can buy in the Black City shop are harder to obtain in White Version. This is a huge difference as Black has more to it shall we say XD.:)
RE: The B/W Questions and Answers Thread

Ok thanks for the help everyone I will just continue with my Pokemon Emerald then.:)
RE: The B/W Questions and Answers Thread

Even if you continue your Emerald you cannot transfer any items whatsoever from 4th gen If you attempt to do so the item will automatically be sent back to the bag. The only way you can get more items is through GTS Negotiations. Even the specifics are hard to get too but if you are looking for stones Ophie says to wait for bulges in the cave floors to get the stones for evolutions.:)

EDIT: How do I get through the Abyssnal Ruins? I can't find th pillar I need to get to the next floor. On Serebii it says it is in the middle butt I can't tell where the middle is. Does anyone have a direct path to the pillar I need or have a map of the first floor? Thanks.:)

EDIT 2: How do I view my dex certificate in the DW? I don't see it anywhere in my house. I already went to the GF building and had it sent yesterday but don't see it there. Do I have to wake my Pokemon or something? Thanks XD.:)
RE: The B/W Questions and Answers Thread

I will probably figure this out when I test it myself, but:

Can you migrate a Pokemon from Gen 4 into Gen 5 (via Poke Transfer) that knows the move Rock Climb (or any other move that was an HM but isn't now, for that matter)?
RE: The B/W Questions and Answers Thread

From what I understand all moves can be migrated. This includes all TM and HM moves as well. When I had my HG team cloned my friend was able to migrate them just as they are. However you cannot migrate items. Not sure if you can use the relocator to migrate but yeah you can do all moves as from what I learn when I had my team transferred.

How do I tell how many trades I have made? I went to Castalia City and talked to the guy but he only keeps track of how many people I have traded with. I want to know how many actual trades I have made. Thanks XD.:)
RE: The B/W Questions and Answers Thread

I know for a fact that Surf cannot be migrated. However, Surf has always been an HM. I'm wondering about Rock Climb. (Yes, I did forget to test it today. I had some other things to do.)
RE: The B/W Questions and Answers Thread

Did you do it through the relocator or the Poke Transfer. When my friend migrated my Pokemon Surf was able to pass. It works in 5th gen but I know for a fact that it does not work in 4th gen. When I got my Pokemon transferred they still had the moves maxed out with PP Max on Fly and Surf on my 2 Rayquaza's. I don't see why Rock Climb would not pass since it is not available in 5th gen. I know there is nothing to climb so there is a possibility that it might not pass. I can check on Serebii to see what moves can and can't pass XD.:)

Looks like you can do certain HM's through HG/SS only. I can send you a link to the page XD.:)

EDIT: Looks like HM's can't be transferred guys. However you can do Defog through HG/SS and Whirlpool through D/P/PL XD.:)