The Storms ~ This format was ours!

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RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! Getting ready for Battle Roads!

Thank you for the replies guys-
Now onto my responses :)
3-1 Uxie, no, then i'd start w/ it too often, also i have enough drawpower(i think)
3 Copycat
1 Looker's
2-2-2 Vileplume, wish i could fit it in, but w/ Azelf i can get my plume out, i also tend to build my CurseGar before my PLUME, which gives me enough time to use time walk.
Also i run two warp energy, 7 psychic, 2 Fighting, and 2 Warp. I might switch 2 psychic for a fighting and warp.
No interviewer's yet, i might add that in to. Also i don't play BTS(i never play BTS+ tomb in same deck, just too redunant.)
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! Getting ready for Battle Roads!

But if your Plume gets KO'd you have to Candy into a Plume or Palmer's.
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! Getting ready for Battle Roads!

My first plume tends to be candied just for that reason, now onto playtesting results
I am playing
Vs. Luxray/Garchomp/Infernape, i was 4-0. In each game i fell behind by 2-4 prizes but once i got a plume or double tomb setup, i easily won, w/ Poltergeist or Take Out.
League Games
Vs. Flygon/Slowking/Exeggutor, i was 2-0. Pretty much its a rogue deck based on locking hand size. But he was forced to scoop both games because he played between 30-40 trainers. In game one i used my one rare candy of the night by T1ing into Vileplume. The second game i got tomb+call start and called for double tomb.

Vs. Charizard, i was 0-1. I got a badish start and he got a quick BTS w/ 3 Ninetales in play. I came back but went 0 for 2 on a Fainting Spell first then a Strong Willed :(

Vs. Fossils/Gengar, Kabutops lock. I was 1-0. It was a slow game because we both went energy dry in the midgame(last 6 cards were energy) but i won the game in setup quickly because i could care less if i got trainer locked and i got my SF Gengar out first.

So I know i have to tech for Zard somehow but I'm not sure how to approach it-
Here are my options of possible techs(prolly taking out Machamp)
Mewtwo LV.X, for walls and still and SP Counter.
Kingdra Prime(+LA), for SF Gengar, would change line to 2 SF Gengars prolly, also helps Zard Matchup.
Nidoqueen, healing, helps SF Gengar+CurseGar and semi helps SP Matchup a lot. Also could hurt Zard if i could get Ruthless Charge Setup.
Yeah i'm sure i missed my something but those are my main options feel free to suggest( i REALLY want to do good in Masters this year :)
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! Getting ready for Battle Roads!

Out of the 3 I like Kingdra Prime. Not only does it give you a type advantage on Ninetails based decks, it can also be the Flash Bite you're not able to pull off. This will kill those Uxie's you want to Shadow Room early game. Although the only card that helps with the energy is EE, which is a trainer.
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! Getting ready for Battle Roads!

Kingdra PRIME DOESN'T give you type advantage(dragon steam only does 20 to fire...) Kingdra LA does, so i'd have to run both which i'm not 100% comfortable doing since i'm already running two different gengars(three if you count the x), but again thanks for the feedback. Also right now "my spread 10 damage" is cursegar, no bats. yeah i hate that, i've considered interviewer's as well, but IDK, i don't even play Lux Ball in this :p just 3 candy(which i only used one and that was to candy into Plume :p

I'm also considering something like this
-2-1-2-1 Machamp
-3 Fighting
+2 BTS
+1 Gloom
+1 interviewer's question
+1 Nidoran
+1 Nidorina
+1 Nidoqueen
+2 Psychic
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! Getting ready for Battle Roads!

I think nidoqueen is great when theyre trying to snipe plume, you can heal it off and frustrate them.
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! Getting ready for Battle Roads!

Well it does do it to some fighting types. It does do 40 to 50 damage to all good fire types.
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! Getting ready for Battle Roads!

If i played kingdra i'd play one prime and one la or maybe try to expand the line somehow, by playing say 2 water, and then adding in a second seadra, take out a collector for a third horse and then a PONT/Cat for third kingdra(prime, so 2 prime, 2 LA) IDK but that's what testing is for.
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! Getting ready for Battle Roads!

Kingdra was my deck when claydol was around. I played it well (not trying to brag, just loved that deck for so long and got so good at it) and won like 2 BR's and gont 2nd at another. I miss that deck so much..
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! Getting ready for Battle Roads!

Kingdra IMO is still viable, but more as a tech as i might use it. I for whatever really like Champ in this.
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! Getting ready for Battle Roads!

I know Kingdra is still viable, but its nowhere near as fast and consistent. I mean, my average first turn set up was 1-2 kingdras (usually 2), a claydol or two, and I usually have to use one uxie, maybe 2. But yeah, I just really had fun with that deck.
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! Getting ready for Battle Roads!

What do you guys think of Jumpluff? I think it didn't lose as much as the standard speed deck (like Kingdra) because it still has Sunflora.
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! Getting ready for Battle Roads!

I never played Jumpluff at all, but I think Jumpluff is just one of those decks that needs Claydol just so much to keep going. I guess it can still remain Tier 2 with Sunflora, but eh. A Jumpluff player could better answer this question.

I'm trying Umbrelock as a rogue. Moonlight Fang cripples many decks in the format, and can do 60 for one with SDE/Belt.
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! Getting ready for Battle Roads!

I think a SP Engine could fit nicely here. Maybe beef up the Luxray line to 2-2 and put 4 Cyrus, add in a 2-2 Sunflora and it could survive. Claydol just cripples it to much to ever be tier 1 again.

800th post!
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! Getting ready for Battle Roads!

I run a Jumpluff deck (it is one of my spare decks.)

I never ran it with Claydol, I wanted to develop it for after the format change. I ran a 2-2 Sunflora Line and Shaymin X (some say this slows it down, I never thought it did)
I also ran Tomb AR and Tropius UL. ( and obviously candy)
So getting Jumpluff out T2 was never a problem.
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! Getting ready for Battle Roads!

I've tried it and IMO it really just needs claydol, but my preferred route w/ it now is 3-1 uxie w/ SSU's, that keeps up the draw sorta, but claydol was so good for this deck.
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! Getting ready for Battle Roads!

Should I run Interviewer's Questions over Cyrus's Conspiracy in Gengar-Vileplume lock?
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! Getting ready for Battle Roads!

You wouldn't run any SP stuff in Vilegar. I'd go with Interviewer's Question for the Warp Energy that you can possibly get with it.
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! Getting ready for Battle Roads!

Well, I dunno. While obviously the Warps are important, I would say VileGar needs a consistent way of getting energy. I personally don't like IQ, but playtest and see what works best for you.
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! Getting ready for Battle Roads!

If your vilegar is running 10 or more energy and cards that search out non energy cards (like spiritomb) then IQ should give you something. Cyrus's would be Better if you only need a basic to get started, the supporter you grab with it should speed you up in your next turn...
I'd say Cyrus's in this case
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