The Storms ~ This format was ours!

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RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! Getting ready for Battle Roads!

Thanks to some stupid donks and players stupidly cheating, I wen 4-1, missing the top cut because I got a bye round 5. A player cheated which gave him the game loss, and I was told to consider this match as a bye. All happened before round 5 actually started.
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! Getting ready for Battle Roads!

I went 2-4 because it was my first time in the master division and I was running Vilegar. I started off well with a 2-0 and then after I failed epically. The last round was against some random guy who went 1-4, I was down paired. :( Some he was able to set up a Steelix prime, even though his deck didn't consistent cards. I started out well, but he started KOing my Gengar's and every time I Poltergist, his hands were trainer/supporter less. Vilegar failed me at BR's because it didn't have the ability to do great damage.
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! Getting ready for Battle Roads!

^Then it's probably because you weren't facing good players, or you weren't setting up Vileplume in time. Vilegar does a large amount of damage, usually 90+.
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! Getting ready for Battle Roads!

What I've noticed is that Vilegar isn't that good against noob decks. That type of deck has 6-10 trainers, usually Supporters and maybe 1 Uxie LP because it's shiny and has a cool backround. There's no way to do much damage, but they can't do much damage because of their terrible consistency.
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! Getting ready for Battle Roads!

you can just start attacking with haunter or something. but yeah, its not that great against new players.
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! Getting ready for Battle Roads!

Way to almost make top cut with Arceus! I'm sure people never saw that one coming. 4-1's still really good.
Thanks. It'll be interesting as BR and season progress, our area's top players are pretty aware of what I play.
I think there may have been some anticipation for higher vilegar play. I know I took out a few trainers for other options just in case.
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! Getting ready for Battle Roads!

Gliscor: I did set up everything and they still took down all three of my Gengars ether with poison or burn or paralysis. It was just horrible, like they knew that a lot of people would play Vilegar. And no Fainting Spell with activated because of the special conditions. :(
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! Getting ready for Battle Roads!

I play one CurseGar just in case for those, and IMO can be helpful against decks that don't play a lot of trainers or just if you have bad prizes. Also serves as a crobat g too which helps Shadow Room KO's.

Also i'm testing a Blazeray w/ Umbreon Tech, IDK if i should be playing call energy, any thoughts.
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! Getting ready for Battle Roads!

That's a good idea, but weren't you the one testing Kingdra in Vilegar? Or was that someone else?
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! Getting ready for Battle Roads!

I would play call just for consistency. Also, does anyone else play expert belt in luxchomp? Because everyone in my area does, and I just thought it was a staple but apparently not everyone does. I play it to snipe garchomps/other luxrays with my luxray.
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! Getting ready for Battle Roads!

After Abomasnow, I'm still playing around with some rogues (which is fun, actually.) I've just finished building some Machamp/Umbreon rogue, so I'm waiting a bit to test it.

As for running Call, you should. It helps with consistency when it comes to setting up your SP's quickly, and saving your Collector for other Pokemon. Stopping the donk and hopefully getting a T1 Spray doesn't hurt either.

For Expert Belt, I'm not sure. I don't have much experience with Luxchomp, but I guess if you have room for one you should. Don't take my word for it though.
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! Getting ready for Battle Roads!

I have plenty of room. Im also debating taking out 1-1 ERL, promocroak, 2 energy exchanger, uxie X and if I take out uxie X I would take out lucario. I would like to fit in an unown q and premeir ball(if I keep uxie X/lucario), and maybe drifblim UD etc. I just don't know what the best choice would be but Im leaning on keeping ERL, exchangers and uxie X, taking out promocroak and psychic for electric and unown Q.
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! Getting ready for Battle Roads!

I was testing Kingdra in vilegar but have stuck w/Machamp, because i play a cursegar/Kingdra doesn't help IMO as much.
Also Trying BLG too, IDK, i'll start rebuilding the deck from scratch again.
Here's my lines i'll prolly use
2[/align]-1 Luxray GL LV.X
2-1 Blaziken FB LV.X
2-2 Garchomp C LV.X
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! Getting ready for Battle Roads!

What about 2-2 luxray and 1-1 blaziken? IMO its much better against viletomb as you can t2 bright look out of a tomb lock. But blaziken is good too for late game. I guess its just a matter of preference, but overall I dont really like 2-1 of anything.
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! Getting ready for Battle Roads!

I typically use a 2-2 Luxray but i feel that a second blaze FB>second Luxray GL LV.X because the luring flame can't be sprayed and it allows me to set up easy 2HKO's, i use to play 2-1 Lux before i obtained 4 more but IMO 2-1 is fine for the deck.
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! Getting ready for Battle Roads!

True. But if you do have an extra spot the second luxray X or even blaziken X is a top priorety. What do you guys think about dusknoir with plumetomb instead of gengar? I dont have any gengars, but I have the whole vileplume line holo so I cant stand not using it lol
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! Getting ready for Battle Roads!

Well i can't have a 1-2 Blaze FB X :p
So the 2nd Blaze FB>2nd Blaze FB X.
Also if i have space i'll put in a 2nd Lux X.
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! Getting ready for Battle Roads!

Well I meant that when building the entire deck if you have extra room put in the other 2 X's. But yeah 2-1 luxray in luxchomp works, but is just icky if its prized. I also dont play azelf in my luxchomp because of starts and ERL. So its kinda a pain not having it, but IMO its worth it.
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