The Storms ~ This format was ours!

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RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! Getting ready for Battle Roads!

I got 2nd in my first BR of the season. It looks like Vileplume is pretty good, as it took a bad hand for me not to win the last game and get 1st.
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! Battle Roads time

I got third in my BR's today. I went with Vileplume/Jumpluff :D. My only loss was to Vulpix Yolk's Luxray LA rogue.
EDIT: BR's two was also third, going 2-1. I got donked by Sableye.
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! Battle Roads time

Well i settled on a list, i can't give it on this page but here's the poke line-
2-1 Blaze FB X
2-2 Lux GL X
2-2 Garchomp C X
2-1 Uxie X
1 Azelf
1 Crobat G
1 Bronzong G
1 Lucario GL
1 Dragonite FB
1 Ambipom G
1 Sableye

I cut the Umbreon. Also no Toxi Promo. The rest of the list IMO is pretty standard.
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! Battle Roads time

Do you guys think you NEED azelf in luxchomp w/ ERL? I dont care if ERL is prized, but Im worried about prizing bronzong.
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! Battle Roads time

Always use Azelf in SPs you prolly play several one liners so it's needed.
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! Battle Roads time

Nah just bronzong that I need. I just tried to cut out powers and bad starts in the form of azelf and the second crobat since I play ERL.
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! Battle Roads time

Is Kingdra/Donphan or Kingdra/Machamp better for BR's, and how should i run it?
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! Battle Roads time

I would run 4-3-4 or even 4-4-4 kingdra if viletomb is big. 1-1 or 2-2 donphan, I would prefer 1-1. 4 BTS, 3-4 rare candy, lots of speed cards, but 4 bebe's, 2-3 collector and tons of hand refresh.
3-1 uxie if you have the X, a d if you do an unown q. 4 SSU is so important its not even funny.
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! Battle Roads time

I prefer straight Kingdra just because for more speed and consistency, but IMO if you want Donphan or Machamp I'd go with Donphan. Just as a tech though. Donphan helps cover Kingdra's weakness *coughLUXRAYcough* and is faster than Machamp. Plus, his Body and attacks are more reliable.
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! Battle Roads time

Here's an updated on my Battle Road Season:
Week 1: 4-1 (missed top cut due to tie breakers) Arceus Deck
Week 2: 3-2 Arceus Deck
Week 3a: 7-0 1st Place Arceus Deck
Week 3b: 3-2 Legend Deck

I'll miss the final battle roads in our area. However, I managed to win last night's Battle Roads.
First 3 Rounds were against various rouge decks.
Round 4 was vs an SP Deck (one of the Top 4)
Round 5 was vs another SP (Another Top 4)
Finals 1 was vs another SP Deck (won 2-1 on time called and first prize taken)
Finals 2 was vs the same deck from Round 5 (won 2-0)

It was pretty interesting. Of everything Non-SP is the most problematic. Even playing against the SP decks, the Non-SP stuff was the most difficult.

The Arceus Deck evolved quite a bit since the beginning of the season.
Most notable:
-1 Water Arceus (1 left in deck)
-1 Dark Arceus (1 left in deck)
+1 Electric arceus (2 in deck)
-1 Water energy; -1 Dark Energy; +2 Electric Energy
Other Adds were +2 expert belt, +3 warp energy.

It ran pretty tight and played hard. It was also the only Non-SP in the Top 4 cut of any of our 4 battle Roads.

Today (week 3b), I played my legend deck; as I say i would run it, if I won with Arceus in a Battle Roads. Round 1 I got donked. Round 2, With 2 prizes left, I watched as my opponent KO'ed a benched Vulpix with Unown ! (yes !), and then pokemon reversaled my fully powered RDL and machamp'ed it for a 3 prize come back win. After that, I took out 3 straight lower ranked opponents. Pretty fun deck tho, some tweeks and it should be more competitive (tho it's already pretty strong against SP)

I'll take 17-5 (with a Victory Medal) for the season any day.
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! Battle Roads time

Just went 4-2 @ first tourney in masters w/ BLG.
It was fun and if my azelf wasn't sprayed T1 in R2, i would've gone 5-1, but i was cool.
Stupid machamp ate me though for breakfast.
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! Battle Roads time

At the only battle roads i could go to, I ended up 5-1, only losing at my last game to a master. I'm a senior, there were only two other seniors there, and one dropped after round two. So I was downplaying masters all day. Never faced a single undefeated person. I could've gone 3-2 and won senior division. I ran LuxChomp with a 1-1 line of Blaziken Fb, which saved me in an overtime Kingdra match.
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! Battle Roads time

Went 3-2 yesterday w/ BLG, lost one game to Fulop(was a DCE short of winning) and then on a sableye donk, so still holding my own.
Also 3 of my losses are to machamp/donk :(
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! Battle Roads time

I went 1-3 and 2-2 in masters far. I played slow decks so idk. I'm playing SP's tomorrow.
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! Battle Roads time

I got my second BR's on Sunday. I'm unsure what I'm playing yet. It's either Magnelock, Blazeray, or my SD.
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! Battle Roads time

Same here. ^^^ I have no clue what to run for Sunday, if I can go... Probably one of my rogue decks.
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! Battle Roads time

I can't go anywhere, the only BR I got to go to was one 45 minutes away. Its not a big event, so I can't go. I've gone 2-1 at my BRs so far with Vilegar.
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! Battle Roads time

My SD hasn't been doing so well, which was Steelix Tank w/ ERl tech. Slow, slow, slow. Probably because of the ERl though.
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! Battle Roads time

I was running Blazeray with ERL, but it wasn't that great of an improvement. I was thinking of a Umbreon UD 1-1 tech just to annoy Vilegar.
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! Battle Roads time

I went 3-2 again :(
Lost my last game to mirror cuz my GCX(2nd one) was prized, he sprayed my Azelf and THEN in the same turn sprayed my Lux X Bright look...
wow... he had 3 cards in hand two sprays...:(
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