The Storms ~ This format was ours!

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RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! Battle Roads time

Got to the 5th and Final BRs in the Area.
Only had a Top 2 cut today. Went 4-0, then lost in the finals. (Using Arceus)
Oh well, I wasn't exactly playing my best either. Cities should provide a strong showing.

This BRs season:
Overall 21-6
Arceus 18-4 (1 First, 1 Second)
Legends 3-2
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! Battle Roads time

@SWD: If you are reading this before you leave, you shouldn't add Umbreon. The fact that you'll have to tech a 1-1 line and another type of Energy is too much considering you run Fire, Lightning, Psychic (for Promocroak, if you run it) and Call.
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! Battle Roads time

Too late. I went with Umbreon/ Machamp deck. :)

This is my second BR's in the master division. I went 5-0 in the main tournament in Maryland with this rogue deck. And lost to Sableye Lock in top cut, he had a better start. I came in 3rd place.
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! Battle Roads time

I went 3-2 in my third, tough matchups all day and honestly crud starts too :p
But w/e one prize away from topcutting.
Hopefully i'll do good @ CC's.
BlazeChomp FTW.
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! Battle Roads time

I got 2nd at both of my BR's. Played Luxchomp and "Luxchomp" (which is garchomp SV with luxray gl). Lost both of the games to time. Ugh. And I almost beat the scizor in top 2 except for time, and I ONLY PLAY 3 BASIC ENERGY!!!! So yeah it was a really tough matchup.
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! Battle Roads time

I see scizor as having a good chance this season, sorry about your loss and all to it :(

On a second note, could anyone check on my deck in the deck garage and give me some advice?
It is located here>>>>>
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! Battle Roads time

So, I guess its time to get ready for cities and triumphant.

What are everyone's plans for cities deck-wise?

I will be modding my Arceus deck based on the BR results.
Pretty much more supporter speed and a little more focus on water arceus to cut thru potential walls.

oh yeah, I also made a quick new banner with the b/w girl.

(just trying to make some conversation in this group.)
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! Battle Roads time

I have actually no idea what Im playing for cities, might make gyarados or gengar prime.
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! Battle Roads time

I might go with Dialgachomp or Vilegar. I like Dialgachomp because it blocks Vilegar and still has the trainer lock, plus Energy Exchanger. I'm going to test Steelix Prime on RS some more and if it turns out good and I can get 2 more Steelix's I'm might use that.
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! Battle Roads time

I will be running my deck ScizTwo at cities... But I am not sure what I should have to counter DGX?
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! Battle Roads time

You could try a fire tech, I'm not sure of any good ones though. Doesn't the Flareon from RR have a decent attack for a colorless energy?
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! Battle Roads time

It does 40 normally so it might work. Anyone else have any ideas?
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! Battle Roads time

I can't think of any fire pokemon strong enough without fire energy or significant work.

You may just have to fight thru it.
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! Battle Roads time

I'll be trying G-dos and BlazeChomp for CC's. I haven't decided yet, lostgar is also a possibility. I like all three decks but because they post the dates kinda late i prolly won't go to that many :(
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! Battle Roads time

C4, good job on the article being posted on the gym!
And I think you should run Blazechomp and try out lostgar once to be honest.
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! Battle Roads time

Tylertyphlosion-Thanks :)
Right now BlazeChomp is in the lead, it just seems to click together nicely, i also play DGX in it so it gives me positive matchups vs. most decks i don't already beat.

LostGar i will try but it just seems that Dialga G X could be the ruins of it(and w/ my area being ohio i'm expecting D-chomp to see as much play as last year=aka everyone seemed to play it last year here :(
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! Battle Roads time

Everyone seems to be running dialgachomp or vilegar here right now.
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! Battle Roads time

True, are you going to run a similar decklist to the one on the gym?
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! Battle Roads time

Are you talking about the one that had frosty+rapidash+houndoom prime teched in?
Then yes, except swap out those IMO bad techs for DGX and ambipom+dragonite.
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