The Storms ~ This format was ours!

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RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! Battle Roads time

Oh, okay, well in that regard no, the list i have in mind is a super consistent blazechomp. Not too techy because I won't have to worry as much about machamp and stuff that i need Lucario GL for(i Gyarados WILL see an increase in play but since i don't play Lux GL X in it, no point for Lucario)

I'll be taking out the Luxray line and the drifblim line for DGX.
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! Battle Roads time

I have a feeling Gyarados will see TONS of play too.
I really wish they hadn't done this crazy format change. The meta would be so much different had it been PT-on.
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! Battle Roads time

Yeah, i think it will too, i'm considering it and maybe going back to just BLG so i can beat Gyrados but then i don't have an autowin vs. LostGar(okay not quite but close because the whole deck is bodies) so i guess i'll know what i'm playing after the first week.
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! Battle Roads time

Yeah once the prereleases start my decks will change up a little bit.
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! Battle Roads time

Went to my prerelease today and got a Yanmega and a Celebi Prime. I went 3-0 using Haunter/Golduck. I used Pidgey and Dragonair for setup and Luvdisc for draw. I got everything set-up for Golduck to sweep for about 100 damage a turn but it was prized all 3 games.
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! Battle Roads time

I hate PUSA.

I mean keeping out the most influential cards on the metagame IMO is dumb, it'd be like for RR not printing Flygon X or Luxray X.

Now i have to change my decks(all of them since i was teching for gengar prime+lost world in all them) but oh well...
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! Battle Roads time

I have my PR's tomorrow. I'm happy that Lost World isn't coming out, since a card like that is a bit too much. But, I have been seeing speculation of another set after Triumphant, and if that's the case, I'm guessing that Lost World will come out in the next, possible set.

But, I can't use my SD due to the cut cards. With no Lucario, I can't run the deck.
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! Battle Roads time

@Gliscor- I doubt there will be a filler set, PUSA probably doesn't want it to dominate like in japan. I also have my PR tommorrow, and I want mew primes, junk arms, seekers, twins, black belt, grumpigs, rescue energy, really all the other primes as well. With no lost world, this set became really mediocre, although Im really really happy about it, since palkia lock and things like that will still work.
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! Battle Roads time

It's still definitely possible that there is a filler set. DP came out in April, and the DP set came out in May. BW is planned to come out around April (or so rumors say), and if that's the case, why not have the BW set come out in May? Plus, look at Power Keepers. It was a filler set, it came out in February, and was the last EX set before DP.
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! Battle Roads time

IDK about what is going on w/ lost world but it COMPLETELY screwed all my plans for CC's, involving
1). Running
2). Countering it
3). How popular i thought D-Chomp and Gengar would be in our area

I think i might just play a BLG variant for my first one just to feel out the metagame but w/e.
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! Battle Roads time

I thought Lost World wouldn't be printed, so I didn't prepare for the set. Guess I'm lucky.
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! Battle Roads time

having a game mechanic that cannot be repaired (like sending cards to the lost zone with no way to return them) is one thing, but giving it a special win condition is just too much. it just didn't seem very pokemon-ish.

with a rising rivals-on format, the game should play more like it used to, instead of a very unbalanced meta.
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! Battle Roads time

Im hoping for PL on, since alot of my best cards are SP. But who knows, we may not even have a rotation. I love how everyone is speculating the next rotation even though it's not for almost a year. Last time, we thought it was PL on, but it was MD on, surprising everyone.
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! Battle Roads time

pokemon made it clear how they would like it to work. 9 sets in rotations at the beginning of each format year and 13 sets at the end of the year. RR-on follows this pattern. Followed by UD-on, etc...

I'm not really making anything up or trying to figure them out. If they don't do what they said, then so be it; but for now RR-on is the most likely situation based on the information available.
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! Battle Roads time

How does everyone feel of Absol G box in this format? It seems viable IMO.
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! Battle Roads time

I guess it seems viable, but I'm not Absol G player. All I can say is watch out for Donphan and Machamp.
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! Battle Roads time

So happy about the next set...
Waiting for states....
Especially since in my area by then the top 3-4 players will drop @ states anways :p
So lostgar will be good @ states(assuming lost world is printed)
Also for CC's, looking at BLG again, can't decide if i want to use luxray or not...
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! Battle Roads time

Yep, filler set =D Hopefully this filler set won't be as terrible as PK, and will actually have some decent cards.

@Coltsfan: I think BLG is still a solid chance, since I feel as if the deck can do well in the current metagame. If you don't run Lucario GL, you might want to due to the steady increase of Gyarados players.
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