The Storms ~ This format was ours!

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RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! Getting ready for Battle Roads!

You could always go with 2 CC and 2 IQ or 3-2, 3-1, 1-2. Any combination you want. Use CC early game to get a basic Energy and a Collector or Bebe's if you need it. If you don;t get an IQ for later. Once your deck thins down you should be able to get the energy you want. That is if you've been counting what energy have been drawn and discarded.
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! Getting ready for Battle Roads!

Another combo that I've found to work at least decently is Leafeon/Vileplume (LA and UD). It uses the vileplume line instead of roserade to take advantage of the locking one.
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! Getting ready for Battle Roads!

Thanks and I'll try testing both IQ and Cyrus's together.
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! Getting ready for Battle Roads!

Seems decent.

2010th post woot!!!
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! Getting ready for Battle Roads!

^It says 738. Why is that?

What do you guys think is the most fun deck to play? Obviously any deck is fun when you're winning, and not-as-fun when you're losing, what is a truly FUN deck to play?
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! Getting ready for Battle Roads!

IQ>Cyrus in Vilegar, SPs are ICKY in the deck and IQ will get you more energy(at least in mine, i play 14 energy)
Also i have made the Plume line 2-2-2 w/ the PSY LA ones, i like them more.
Most fun deck for me to play was LuxApe or Blazeray, I loved them. BLG is fun too.
Also more testing, this deck destroys ANY LuxChomp variant because i know play 2 SF, 2 Looker's and Machamp and Plume. I've played vs. Blazeray and LuxChomp and LuxApe no problems whatsoever. D-Chomp was persistent but i always saved a Machamp so i'd kill a tanked Dialga G and that'd hurt. The only thing that hurts me is ToxiTank but i can still usually win if i have trainer lock in play and SF Gengar.
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! Getting ready for Battle Roads!

I really enjoy playing Jumpluff in the DP-On format. It just is so fun, drawing card like crazy. Rampardos is a fun deck too, I really love donk decks, but there just so hard to play in today's meta.
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! Getting ready for Battle Roads!

With all the trainer lock nowadays, it's just not viable to play donk decks. I like Uxie Donk myself, it's pretty fun to play.
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! Getting ready for Battle Roads!

That's what I was saying. The feeling of playing 2 Dex, double drawers, and like 3 Uxie's to get your big gun out is awesome. Imagine you have a Skull Fossil (some donk basic), 2 drawers, candy, Rampardos, Fighting, and an Uxie. You play down Skull Fossil and they flip... Spiritomb. Haha, you lose, you need to top deck a Cranidos to get going, while they set up a stage 2. You can play barely anything and hope for that Bebe's or Cranidos. Unless you're lucky, you're going to lose that game.
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! Getting ready for Battle Roads!

Thought I might bump up the team!

What are ye'all using for BR? and what division are you?
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! Getting ready for Battle Roads!

I'm a senior, and Im either using my own rogue deck/town SD or luxchomp, might actually just flip a coin when I get there to decide. Mine's on Saturday, we got the first day of BR's! Im excited and really nervous since I haven't gone to a tourney since the last season of BR's *bites nails*
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! Getting ready for Battle Roads!

Well good luck!

I'm a Masters and I will be attending both in the Tulsa area (hopefully) which they are October 9th and October 10th!

I am unsure of the deck that I will use yet... I have a road deck that I may try at one and if it works then I will keep using it for the second BR. But if it doesnt then I am not sure what to use.
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! Getting ready for Battle Roads!

I'm in the Masters division and it's my first year in the Master division. And I am trying to go to the Fairfax BR's this coming Saturday. I don't know what deck I'm playing yet.... :(
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! Getting ready for Battle Roads!

I'm not going the first two weeks, however going to at least 2 and maybe 4. First year in masters my planned decks are
Gen Plume w/Champ tech
Then something else,IDK yet.
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! Getting ready for Battle Roads!

I just found out I may be going to 3 or 4, so Ill probably play

My city's SD
Palkia lock
And if I go to a fourth, Ill just play whichever works the best for me.
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! Getting ready for Battle Roads!

I'm in master division. I will be running Arceus.
Its my first BRs that I can expect to be competitive, as I just started playing right before the spring session.

I may also which to Energy Recycle Legends deck later in the season.
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! Getting ready for Battle Roads!

I'm still a senior. I drew the lucky straw, I was born 29 days after the cut-off. I'm probably running Vilegar for BR's, but I might also do Luxchomp.
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! Getting ready for Battle Roads!

I'm a senior in my last year, and I'll either run LuxChomp, DialgaChomp, or BLG. Maybe Vilegar if I can get Gengar X.
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! Getting ready for Battle Roads!

We had our first battle roads today. With Arceus, I went 4-1, tho missed the top cut (4) because of tie breakers (I had someone I beat drop).
Can't wait for the next one, should be able to top cut.
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! Getting ready for Battle Roads!

Way to almost make top cut with Arceus! I'm sure people never saw that one coming. 4-1's still really good.
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