The Storms ~ This format was ours!

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RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! Getting ready for Battle Roads!

CyndaquilMaster said:
We can but you'd have to post it in the Deck Garage, post the link and I'll try to help at least. Decklists aren't allowed in Groups.

They aren't? Well I won't post the list then.
But my strategy is to start with mantine and either get a totodile or squirtle with my draw. Laydown a water on mantine first turn, use group swim and get either feraligatr or blastoise (whichever prevo I originally got) and build up my bench in 2-3 turns with candies( what should I put in to search these out?)
Allow them to ko mantine and I will then send out blastoise (ul if they don't have very many pokemon out, pl if they have plenty of benched) if I need energy then I use interviewers and if I have blastoise pl then I use fisherman. The floatzel gl is to get my fisherman and interviewers back or to just put ko'd poke's back into my hand.
That's my strategy.
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! Getting ready for Battle Roads!

IDK, Spiritomb seems to be better than Mantine, it can evolve without energy. What set is the Mantine from anyway?
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! Getting ready for Battle Roads!

spiritomb is infinitely better than mantine. It locks your opponent, and helps you set up.
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! Getting ready for Battle Roads!

Mantine searches your deck for a Water Pokemon and puts it into your hand, making Spiritomb much better in the aspect that it can instantly evolve and lock Trainers (plus Spiritomb has a free attack). Mantine is from HGSS.
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! Getting ready for Battle Roads!

What do you guys think of Gengar/Dusknoir? I just built one on RS (I'll post it in Fix My Deck soon), so I haven't tested it yet, but on paper it seems pretty good. I've been playing Jumpluff for awhile nao, so I wanted something a bit different. If you don't get it, both Pokes spread, and Dusknoir provides consistent draw. I really like it, and it seems like it could be a threat next format.
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! Getting ready for Battle Roads!

I can't run a trainer lock. I have to have them for my deck to work.
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! Getting ready for Battle Roads!

Hey hey, ya'll, I just posted my deck so ya'll should go n' looky at it ;)
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! Getting ready for Battle Roads!

I lost for the first time in 3 weeks at league (with Arceus). To vileplume/poltergist (gengar/mismagious).

Do you think the vileplume lock thing will be huge in the format? If it is, I want to tune down trainers by 1 or 2.
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! Getting ready for Battle Roads!

I think Vilelock will be pretty good, maybe tier 1/tier 1.5. It has potential, I made one with 2 Warp Energy. Do you think I should use 3? I guess it depends on my meta. If Luxray and Blaziken are popular, I'll consider 3.
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! Getting ready for Battle Roads!

VileLock will be good. The Trainer lock really hurts every deck in the format, and it can do high damage for low energy. Plus, the low survivability is no problem due to Fainting Spell. I would run 3 Warps, just because I like to be safe, but it does really depend on your meta.
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! Getting ready for Battle Roads!

I'm running a luxchomp variant that in theory just CRUSHES VileLock, i won't say what it is(it is my SD after all) but it just eats it alive once i get setup.
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! Getting ready for Battle Roads!

Vilelock is a good deck seeing that it can just deal with lots of decks in the format. Luxchomp is roughly Unfavorable-Even on Vilelock actually. It all depends on Luxchomp's opening hand. If Vilelock gets Vileplume out, Luxchomp would scramble to KO Vileplume. Unless the Luxchomp deck runs Blaziken, then Luxchomp can't OHKO Vileplume. If the Vilelock deck uses Warp Energy, then it would force the Luxchomp player to Dragon Rush.

So yeah, with all of this back and forth switching and Trainer lock it's Even-ish. But against other decks, Vilelock does well (it really kinda loses to Blazeray though, and maybe Healix if the Vilelock deck can't get Gengar Lv.X out quickly.)
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! Getting ready for Battle Roads!

^Blaziken can't OHKO Vileplume. This Plume has to be stupid and has a x2 weakness to psychic. Still a Bright Look, retreat, DCE , Zen Blade can OHKO it. The problem is you'll still have more t/s/s in your hand and Uxie is x2 weak to psychic. If they get a second one up you're screwed if you don't run a 2-2 Luxray GL Lv. X. You have to snipe with Chomp, get KO'd, Aaron's, DCE, get something else KO'd, energy, GCX, KO Plume. What I'm saying is it's hard unless you run counters.
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! Getting ready for Battle Roads!

Oh. I always thought Vileplume was weak to Fire. But still, Blazeray has an easier time since Blaziken has an attack that already does a switch, instead of having to Level Up.
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! Getting ready for Battle Roads!

Blaziken can OHKO. Luring flame plus jet shoot does 120 plus any burn damage.
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! Getting ready for Battle Roads!

Gliscor said:
Vilelock is a good deck seeing that it can just deal with lots of decks in the format. Luxchomp is roughly Unfavorable-Even on Vilelock actually. It all depends on Luxchomp's opening hand. If Vilelock gets Vileplume out, Luxchomp would scramble to KO Vileplume. Unless the Luxchomp deck runs Blaziken, then Luxchomp can't OHKO Vileplume. If the Vilelock deck uses Warp Energy, then it would force the Luxchomp player to Dragon Rush.

So yeah, with all of this back and forth switching and Trainer lock it's Even-ish. But against other decks, Vilelock does well (it really kinda loses to Blazeray though, and maybe Healix if the Vilelock deck can't get Gengar Lv.X out quickly.)
or Ape 4 X....
And i switch them because it's Unlikely that they get double plume out T1/T2/T3.
Also Plume being weak to psychic is person...
My SD is Ape 4 X/ Garchomp C X/ Luxray GL X.
It also beats this VileLock stuff, pretty easily too.
The list's weakness is just 1 Spray and NO call energy(but i run 15 basics so in theory that's a basic once every 4 cards which if you go first you should get 2 :p
It runs Dragonite FB, Ambipom G, Toxicroak G Promo and the rest of the list is standard.(no mewtwo counter or machamp counter either :(
It works surprisingly well, and on Monday i'll do some more intense playtesting, i win in mirror most of the time because most SP decks don't have a good way to deal w/ Ape 4 X and Dragonite is just a beast.
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! Getting ready for Battle Roads!

I've been trying out some new decks with the release of UD on RS now. At least, I'm currently trying out Duskplume. I haven't been too happy with the results lately. From testing, it seems like a bad start could really slow down the deck, since I don't run Trainers. Any results from anyone else?
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! Getting ready for Battle Roads!

Im trying out vileplume LA for total lockdown, and if they dont run warp energy and get tails on sleep from his power, theyre stuck for a turn. Its not that great, but its fun.
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! Getting ready for Battle Roads!

Gliscor said:
I've been trying out some new decks with the release of UD on RS now. At least, I'm currently trying out Duskplume. I haven't been too happy with the results lately. From testing, it seems like a bad start could really slow down the deck, since I don't run Trainers. Any results from anyone else?

minimidget94 said:
Im trying out vileplume LA for total lockdown, and if they don't run warp energy and get tails on sleep from his power, theyre stuck for a turn. Its not that great, but its fun.

I honestly think Vileplume is overhyped.

You cannot run trainers, which destroys a lot of strategy on your behalf, it is a stage 2, and it just doesnt seem terribly great.
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! Getting ready for Battle Roads!

I can set up Vileplume and Gengar easily. It may be overhyped, as it's hard to live up to the huge expectations placed on the card.
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