The Storms ~ This format was ours!

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RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! *Always accepting members* *PLEASE check if you are on the inactive list!*

BUT you need to get 2 of them. Making it not as effective. So it goes both ways...
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! *Always accepting members* *PLEASE check if you are on the inactive list!*

But Blower also serves as a Crobat and drawing 30 cards in most decks is not that hard. You're only going to get heads for 1/2 of the time on Reversal anyway.
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! *Always accepting members* *PLEASE check if you are on the inactive list!*

Gliscor said:
Don't worry, I just started ;D

It isn't the time to worry about rotation. We have until June to know about the rotation, and another six or seven months until the rotation actually comes into affect. It would be better to worry about the rotation when the time comes.

RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! *Always accepting members* *PLEASE check if you are on the inactive list!*

Went to another PR today, but meh, nothing really happened. Didn't pull anything AMAZING, went 2-2, and barely anyone showed up because of the superbowl.
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! *Always accepting members* *PLEASE check if you are on the inactive list!*

So does anyone know what card sets are going to be rotated out after World 2010?
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! *Always accepting members* *PLEASE check if you are on the inactive list!*

I had fun at prelease. Pulled out both parts of Lugia Legend, pulled Red Gyarados, Top part of Ho-Oh (which I traded for Feraligatr Prime), Special Edition Pichu, and Donphan. :)
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! *Always accepting members* *PLEASE check if you are on the inactive list!*

Shadowwiidragon said:
So does anyone know what card sets are going to be rotated out after World 2010?

Gliscor said:

It isn't the time to worry about rotation. We have until June to know about the rotation, and another six or seven months until the rotation actually comes into affect. It would be better to worry about the rotation when the time comes.

@Ray Vin: I've currently finished the Sableye/Gyarados/staples part. Since I have a few days off (thank you snow) I have a lot more time to work on it.

Running PokeBlowers is a good idea. If you don't have two in your hand, you can still use it to dish out some damage. If you have two, save it until you need to peg up some Pokemon. But the fact that the damage part is flippy does make it sorta a win-lose situation.
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! *Always accepting members* *PLEASE check if you are on the inactive list!*

I guess not than. ^

Also, are you writing an article on Gyarados? ^^^
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! *Always accepting members* *PLEASE check if you are on the inactive list!*

Sorry for not posting but I would like to see someone elses G-dos for a change.

RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! *Always accepting members* *PLEASE check if you are on the inactive list!*

You PM him your entry. ^^^^^ :) It says so on the first page of the thread.
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! *Always accepting members* *PLEASE check if you are on the inactive list!*

Shadowwiidragon said:
So does anyone know what card sets are going to be rotated out after World 2010?

I assume it will be platinum-on, and they will simply re-print the drapion (or whatever the card in SF was) in Ravived Legends.
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! *Always accepting members* *PLEASE check if you are on the inactive list!*

Does it honestly matter what gets rotated?

And Gliscor, I would love to see what you have to say about Gyrados. I can say that I don't really need to read it as I think I understand it enough. (Im like 28-4 right now, or something like that) But I always love to see what other people think about decks.
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! *Always accepting members* *PLEASE check if you are on the inactive list!*

Hey I got a Q
Why the heck do people think that donaphan is so good?

1 for 60 and 10 to your benched
3 for 90
and a body that is like abomasnow

IDK why it is so good I mean just for the speed of 60 is eh I mean queen would take care of that but still

RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! *Always accepting members* *PLEASE check if you are on the inactive list!*

IMO donphan is better than machamp in Flygon making it very good. It's a stage one so it doesn't need a rare candy and if you go first, you don't need BTS. Since Nidoqueen is already in flygon you take care of the recoil damage donphans attack does. Also machamp takes care of basics while donphan does flat out damage which can OHKO almost all basics and 2HKO most all SPs (excluding Dialga X with Spc. Metals). IMO donphan is the best prime so far released.
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! *Always accepting members* *PLEASE check if you are on the inactive list!*

CyndaquilMaster said:
IMO donphan is better than machamp in Flygon making it very good. It's a stage one so it doesn't need a rare candy and if you go first, you don't need BTS. Since Nidoqueen is already in flygon you take care of the recoil damage donphans attack does. Also machamp takes care of basics while donphan does flat out damage which can OHKO almost all basics and 2HKO most all SPs (excluding Dialga X with Spc. Metals). IMO donphan is the best prime so far released.

But alone, Donphan really isn't too great. Not only would Dialga G Lv.X hurt Donphan, but against Gyarados and Gatr Prime you can easily be one-shotted. IMO, Donphan is only great in Flygon.

Anyways, just in case I'm still not playing Gyarados right, here are some things that I've noticed during gameplay:

1. My hand is often times large. I don't run Claydol either.
2. I usually have a T2-T3 start. Sometimes T4, but usually T3.
3. My bench is often puny. Since Celebi said that a small bench should be the case, it should be correct.

So if any of these things aren't good, or shouldn't happen, please let me know.
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! *Always accepting members* *PLEASE check if you are on the inactive list!*

I admit that donphan isn't good on its own, it has a horrible weakness and is hurt by dialga lv x. Also Exploud takes up two spaces so that would slow it down a lot. I haven't run gyarados, but everything looks right T3 starts should happen more often with Pokemon Collector out.
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! *Always accepting members* *PLEASE check if you are on the inactive list!*

sonicyellow: Thanks for the response.

Tristan: I posted my Gyarados list, but it was a while ago.
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! *Always accepting members* *PLEASE check if you are on the inactive list!*

TheDarknessPokemonMaster said:
Sooo wat we talking about

Nothing much at all. Me and a few other members are talking about Gyarados. I'm working on an article for it which is another reason why I've been all over Gyarados. Otherwise, it is the prerelease, metagame discussion, and whatever is on the first post.
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! *Always accepting members* *PLEASE check if you are on the inactive list!*

Cool Do you need any Info. about Gyarydos
(and do we have to have our sig as THE STORM)
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