The Storms ~ This format was ours!

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^Unless of course they have another Spirtomb on the bench or any other walling card such as Shuckle or Mr. Mime.
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! *Join the new discussion!*

Shuppet and charizard are two of the BDIF but not used becasue of

Charizard gets killed by power lock and gator and g-dos
Shuppet gets eaten by trainer lock which is very big right now so those are the main reasons in my op the decks fail.

RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! *Join the new discussion!*

I kind of agree.

Charizard is a Tank version of Jumpluff. They are both stage 2 pokemon. They both focus on their first attack which requires 1 energy. Their damage is based on the number of pokemon in play. Jumpluff does hit slightly harder, but charizard can take more beating.

But since they are not used, they cannot be BDIF. The logic is wrong. The BDIF title goes to a good deck that IS being used.
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! *Join the new discussion!*

Charizard is just to slow. Having to get out 2 stage 2's a stage 1 and a basic Lv.X is just to much.
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! *Join the new discussion!*

How is Shuppet, a card that has an infinite number of counters against it, supposed to be even near BDIF? Maybe if you get lucky and donk someone, but other than that the deck is incredibly fragile. Spiritomb will EAT Shuppet for breakfast, lunch, dinner and desert. Mr. Mime and the albeit unpopular Dusknoir SF lol at you.

Also, nothing loses to Gatr. Gatr is way too slow and too Energy reliant to do anything nearly serious. It was printed in a format where speed is everything, as as such, it just fails. I think that even Charizard could take out Gatr. If anything, I'd be more worried about the return of stuff like Gyarados (who is beginning to become insanely popular) and even Palkia G Lv.X. DialgChomp also likes to tech in Quagsire, which will wreck Charizard if it needs to.

Neither of those are close to BDIF, though. The BDIFs are going to be a combination of the following:

And maybe, just maybe, Plox
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! *Join the new discussion!*

PokeKid Brandon said:
Charizard is just to slow. Having to get out 2 stage 2's a stage 1 and a basic Lv.X is just to much.

Wait, why do you have to get those specific cards out? I don't run any Lv. X's in my Charizard deck, just Charizard, Ninetails, and Typloshion Prime. Are you talking about a different Charizard then I'm thinking of? (Arceus) If not, what X are you talking about?
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! *Join the new discussion!*

PokeChamp said:
How is Shuppet, a card that has an infinite number of counters against it, supposed to be even near BDIF? Maybe if you get lucky and donk someone, but other than that the deck is incredibly fragile. Spiritomb will EAT Shuppet for breakfast, lunch, dinner and desert. Mr. Mime and the albeit unpopular Dusknoir SF lol at you.

Also, nothing loses to Gatr. Gatr is way too slow and too Energy reliant to do anything nearly serious. It was printed in a format where speed is everything, as as such, it just fails. I think that even Charizard could take out Gatr. If anything, I'd be more worried about the return of stuff like Gyarados (who is beginning to become insanely popular) and even Palkia G Lv.X. DialgChomp also likes to tech in Quagsire, which will wreck Charizard if it needs to.

Neither of those are close to BDIF, though. The BDIFs are going to be a combination of the following:

And maybe, just maybe, Plox

You also forgot midnight snacking =p.

IMO DialgaChomp will not be that good in the next format simply beacuse of Jumpluff and LuxChomp. Both are suposed to be increadily popular and both are able to take care of Dialga.

Gyarados is kinda obvious. It'll be there and has a good shot at BDIF.

Flygon. Maybe IDK Garchomp C kinda hurts but can be played against.

Plox-IDK DCE is nice along with spirtomb. I just don't know about it though.

CyndaquilMaster said:
Wait, why do you have to get those specific cards out? I don't run any Lv. X's in my Charizard deck, just Charizard, Ninetails, and Typloshion Prime. Are you talking about a different Charizard then I'm thinking of? (Arceus) If not, what X are you talking about?

That's a set up right....

The Level X is Infernape 4 Lv.X

And even just "charizard ninetails and typhlosion" are not an easy feat to get out.
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! *Join the new discussion!*

PokeChamp said:
How is Shuppet, a card that has an infinite number of counters against it, supposed to be even near BDIF? Maybe if you get lucky and donk someone, but other than that the deck is incredibly fragile. Spiritomb will EAT Shuppet for breakfast, lunch, dinner and desert. Mr. Mime and the albeit unpopular Dusknoir SF lol at you.

Also, nothing loses to Gatr. Gatr is way too slow and too Energy reliant to do anything nearly serious. It was printed in a format where speed is everything, as as such, it just fails. I think that even Charizard could take out Gatr. If anything, I'd be more worried about the return of stuff like Gyarados (who is beginning to become insanely popular) and even Palkia G Lv.X. DialgChomp also likes to tech in Quagsire, which will wreck Charizard if it needs to.

Neither of those are close to BDIF, though. The BDIFs are going to be a combination of the following:

And maybe, just maybe, Plox

Yeah, you forgot 4th meal. lol (toco bell)


Our format is pretty much all about speed.
SP deck are what started that and so naturally they are all the rage right now.
Gyarados WAS really popular, now its back again.
Flygon was strong in Cities, and guess what, that isnt going to change any time soon. Even with Garchomp C.
Plox? I have no comment there. I dont have much experience with it.

Shuppet was really good/fun during cities, but its just too easy to beat.

Take DialgaChomp for example. Shuppet can kill anything in there EXCEPT the Dialga G.
They cant play warp point to attack somthing different due to the trainer lock, and cyclone energy does them nothing cause it needs a psychic energy to use fade out.

I am very curious as to how donphan will fare in this upcomming states event....
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! *Join the new discussion!*

Gyarados will abuse it so hard. And I have a feeling that we will see alot of those. There is also alot of things that resist him.
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! *Join the new discussion!*

PokeKid Brandon said:
Gyarados will abuse it so hard. And I have a feeling that we will see alot of those. There is also alot of things that resist him.

I assume your refering to my question/comment about Donphan?

THen yes, I agree with you. There is almost no way Donphan can beat Gyarados.
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! *Join the new discussion!*

Shuppet is not a good deck. I'm very surprised that it even sees any play in today's format. The deck's bad matchups are near-autoloss. As long as any Dialga G variant has a Special Metal on it, Shuppet fails to do any damage on Dialga G.

For Charizard, it isn't good. Charizard is tanky, but overall still a little slow. Gyarados also eats Zard for breakfast, lunch, dinner, snack, midnight snacking, and desert. I've yet to see Zard beat Gyarados.

In the case of Donphan, he ha some good and bad matchups. Most importantly, Dialga G variants and Gyarados can easily beat Donphan. If you can T1 Deafen Donphan, then you ruin their initial speed capabilities. They are then forced to setup slowly, and by that time you can probably get out a Dialga G Lv.X, shutting down Queen and Donphan's Body. If Donphan does do damage on Dialga G (note that SME comes into mind) then you could just Poke Turn or Healing Breath, hurting the deck even more. Against Gyarados, I've only lost to Donphan once. To a dumb donk...

Plox is going to be good. It's fast, and Power locking is still painful into today's format. Gyarados is even better now, and Flygon is faster.
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! *Join the new discussion!*

PokeKid Brandon said:
Charizard is just to slow. Having to get out 2 stage 2's a stage 1 and a basic Lv.X is just to much.

Basic Lv.X in Charizard? Your thinking Heatran? For that 1 energy discard that Typhlosion deals with?
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! *Join the new discussion!*

0_0 you eat desert after midnight snacking? lol

Charizard is REALLY nice if it gets set up.

When I played someone at league who is a GREAT player. I was using Gyarados he was using Charizard. I think we played 6 games and I won 5 out of those 6 games. The reason he was able to win is beacuse once Charizard gets out 2 Ninetails 2 Charizards Infernape 4 Lv.X it's an absoulte beast. He just keep switching my gyarados out of the active spot to take prizes. The problem with that though is that it took him 5 trys to get it to work.

Seth1789110 said:
Basic Lv.X in Charizard? Your thinking Heatran? For that 1 energy discard that Typhlosion deals with?

You sir fail at reading.
PokeKid Brandon said:
You also forgot midnight snacking =p.

IMO DialgaChomp will not be that good in the next format simply beacuse of Jumpluff and LuxChomp. Both are suposed to be increadily popular and both are able to take care of Dialga.

Gyarados is kinda obvious. It'll be there and has a good shot at BDIF.

Flygon. Maybe IDK Garchomp C kinda hurts but can be played against.

Plox-IDK DCE is nice along with spirtomb. I just don't know about it though.

CyndaquilMaster said:
Wait, why do you have to get those specific cards out? I don't run any Lv. X's in my Charizard deck, just Charizard, Ninetails, and Typloshion Prime. Are you talking about a different Charizard then I'm thinking of? (Arceus) If not, what X are you talking about?

That's a set up right....

The Level X is Infernape 4 Lv.X

And even just "charizard ninetails and typhlosion" are not an easy feat to get out.
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! *Join the new discussion!*

Gliscor said:

Most importantly, Dialga G variants and Gyarados can easily beat Donphan.

This is why I chose DialgaChomp > LuxChomp.
I hear lots of talk about Donphan for states in my area. And at least 1 or 2 shuppet decks as well. I hope to play against shuppet. I will lol at it. Hahaha, JK.
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! *Join the new discussion!*

shadoworganoid said:
This is why I chose DialgaChomp > LuxChomp.
I hear lots of talk about Donphan for states in my area. And at least 1 or 2 shuppet decks as well. I hope to play against shuppet. I will lol at it. Hahaha, JK.

I just don't think that DialgaChomp is the play. I've just never liked it. Plus it just doesn't have the control that LuxCHomp has.
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! *Join the new discussion!*

On the subject of Gyarados, I found that I have many of the cards needed for the deck. (I think)

Whats a good build and is it worth it for states?
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! *Join the new discussion!*

shadoworganoid said:
Take DialgaChomp for example. Shuppet can kill anything in there EXCEPT the Dialga G.
They cant play warp point to attack somthing different due to the trainer lock, and cyclone energy does them nothing cause it needs a psychic energy to use fade out.

To use Cyclone effectively you can use Dunsparce. Since he's colorless he can use cyclone the turn you play it then use it next turn. Although they can send up crobat g retreat and trainer lock you. But you're doing 20 while they're doing 10. And if you use Shuckle SW in the deck then Dialga G will do no damage as it usually has at least 1 Spec. Metal.
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! *Join the new discussion!*

shadoworganoid said:
Cyclone Energy > Warp Point.

If your under trainer lock via spiritomb, then what?
Use Cyclone to unlock yourself.

Oh yeahz :p

PokeChamp said:
How is Shuppet, a card that has an infinite number of counters against it, supposed to be even near BDIF? Maybe if you get lucky and donk someone, but other than that the deck is incredibly fragile. Spiritomb will EAT Shuppet for breakfast, lunch, dinner and desert. Mr. Mime and the albeit unpopular Dusknoir SF lol at you.

shadoworganoid said:
Yeah, you forgot 4th meal. lol (toco bell)


Shuppet was really good/fun during cities, but its just too easy to beat.

Gliscor said:
Shuppet is not a good deck. I'm very surprised that it even sees any play in today's format

My deck and I would like to have a word with all of you :p
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! *Join the new discussion!*

Shuckle SW really is underestimated. It can stall against almost anything these days with all the DCE and its attack cancels bodies and beats Dialga G at its own game.
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! *Join the new discussion!*

Hey, it just kinda hit me, what happend to AMU????

That was allways a good deck. Really hard to beat.

Sure trainer lock kills it, but it kills SP as well.
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