The Storms ~ This format was ours!

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Haha run neither, they are both such a stupid crappy waste of space for their crappy heal output. Lol. Ahahahaha. Both suck. Run 1-0-1 queen, 1-1 blissey/lopunny, or a 1-1 Garchomp CX if your so concerned about healing, or a 1-1 Blissey prime, OR run pokehealers, if anything.
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Seth1789110 said:
Haha run neither, they are both such a stupid crappy waste of space for their crappy heal output. Lol. Ahahahaha. Both suck. Run 1-0-1 queen, 1-1 blissey/lopunny, or a 1-1 Garchomp CX if your so concerned about healing, or a 1-1 Blissey prime, OR run pokehealers, if anything.

I'm thinking about a Plat-ON format #1.

#2, it's for a turbo build, so it doesn't really have time to set up any other lines.
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boneclub24 said:
I'm thinking about a Plat-ON format #1.

#2, it's for a turbo build, so it doesn't really have time to set up any other lines.

But-which turbo build would need to use life herb or moomoo milk? No deck deserves to forfeit 3-4 spots in their deck for that...
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Well people waste 3-4 spots for SSU which is harder and riskier to use than Moomoo Milk, although more effective. Also, I'm thinking about running Spiritomb in my Ampharos deck. Should I? I need the evolution speed boost, and no trainers encourages my opponent to rely on powers (blocked by Amphy PL) and supporters (10 damage on all pokes every use with Amphy POP7/SW).
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Yes, you should always run 3-4 Spiritomb in any stage 2 deck, it really helps them keep consistency, and fight off SPs.

SSU is differen't than moomoo milk. At best, if you flip 2 heads or 3 heads or whatever, your healing 60 or 90 HP(I cant remember how many coins you flip). With life herb, if you flip heads, its 60 heal. With SSU-its...140 heal, 130 heal, 190 heal, and so on and so forth. With SSU you heal EVERYTHING off. With SSU you can reuse Uxies or Azelfs or Mesprits. SSUs are used for healing and reusing. With moomoo milk/life herb-your healing crap, if your lucky. With SSU, if your lucky, you heal EVERYTHING.
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Is the Crobat Prime in Japenese legal for states?
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faceplant said:
Is the Crobat Prime in Japenese legal for states?

No, why would it be? It hasn't been released in the USA, so even with a reference, it is perfectly illegal. Same goes for Ursaring Prime.

Also, Primes don't seem to be as expensive as I thought they would be. I saw some Blissey Primes the other day going for 5$.
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Seth1789110 said:
SSU is differen't than moomoo milk. At best, if you flip 2 heads or 3 heads or whatever, your healing 60 or 90 HP(I cant remember how many coins you flip). With life herb, if you flip heads, its 60 heal. With SSU-its...140 heal, 130 heal, 190 heal, and so on and so forth. With SSU you heal EVERYTHING off. With SSU you can reuse Uxies or Azelfs or Mesprits. SSUs are used for healing and reusing. With moomoo milk/life herb-your healing crud, if your lucky. With SSU, if your lucky, you heal EVERYTHING.

Agreed, but there are no SSU (to my knowledge) in any Platinum sets D:
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PokeChamp said:
Also, Primes don't seem to be as expensive as I thought they would be. I saw some Blissey Primes the other day going for 5$.

Same. I thought Primes would be the replacement of Lv.X's, costing about 20 dollars for your everyday Prime and 30 for the really good ones. But some of the good ones, such as Blissey as you said, are worth just as much as a Rare Candy. My league leader also said that one half of a Legend card is worth $10 only. Buying them both is only 20 dollars, which, I must admit, is cheap. Then again, the Primes aren't too good anyways.
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I thought that Amphy and Donphan would be 20 dollars each, Blissey 15, and the rest 7 dollars, cause you can get them in a tin. I guess though that they're not that expensive. I haven't bought any though cause I got all of mine in boosters.
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Donphan Prime is worth only 12$ and he's like the most hyped deck...
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This is starting to make me wonder how the cheap prices of these cards will affect the future. If the prices for Legends/Primes are cheap now, then we can assume that unless we get a Prime/Legend that is THAT good, HGSS cards on Ebay or something will be cheap.
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Sorry haven't been on lately.

Do you think it is worth trading a Time Space Distortion for a Bottom Lugia Legend half?
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No. TSD is rarer and currently more useful, and is therefore worth more.
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Yeah. TSD is a secret rare trainer from Mysterious Treasures, one of our oldest sets, and VERY difficult to pull, back then, and even more so now, because they haven't made an MT booster pack in a WHILE. Lugia Legend can be pulled in boxes with ease.
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Plus, we can actually use TSD. We can't use Lugia Legend at all. Please don't tell me you traded away a TSD for the bottom half of Lugia Legend. Giving you three Pokemon from your discard (with flips of course) is better than a very inconsistent, hard to play card that can't even do well in the meta IS NOT worth it.
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I agree even though I haven't really seen TSD in a deck. Maybe Gyarados. I think it shouldn't be so rare.
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TSD is not used alot and for the primes they are really cheap

I mean three of them are tined
Blissy is not that good
Meg sucks
Ty is eh
Gator is has posibilitys but noone will use it
Donpahn is hyped and the most expensive
Ampy is not used that much but it still good

Over all if you look at it in an odd way the primes are more expensive then the Lv.x because

Primes for don you have to have 4 in a deck that is like 60 bucks where as a x you only use like one or two most of the time.

I have not flipped through the last pages so yeah I don't know what we are talking about mostly

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Gliscor said:
Same. I thought Primes would be the replacement of Lv.X's, costing about 20 dollars for your everyday Prime and 30 for the really good ones. But some of the good ones, such as Blissey as you said, are worth just as much as a Rare Candy. My league leader also said that one half of a Legend card is worth $10 only. Buying them both is only 20 dollars, which, I must admit, is cheap. Then again, the Primes aren't too good anyways.

I dont know... I have a Ho-oh Legend (MINT) and I was told by our card shop owner that it was worth $30.00 dollars together.
Thats pretty good.

But as for the primes, I agree. They were selling a Donphan Prime for only 8.00 dollars.
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