RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! *Join the new discussion!* *New banners!*
Well guys I've been thinking and here is a list of the top of my head:
3-1 Absol G(For more powers in 1 turn, if you get out 3 on your first turn and gets some sccop-ups/poke turns, thats 3 powers in your next turn...)
1-1 Palkia G(I know everyone is thinking WHAT, but it's too much of a risk. It will be a last minute win sweeper)
3-1 Garchomp C (attacker)
2-2 Slowking HGSS(To make all of the pokemon on the top before absol uses his power)
2 Azelf (Your Absol CANT be prized!!)
1 Uxie
1 Zangoose(back up Lost Zone KOer)
Total pokemon: 15
4 Lost World
4 Cyrus
4 Poketurn
4 Super Scoop-up
4 Good Rod(for the spoiler of this, you dont have to get GOODS for a tails it can be any trainer)
2 Pokemon Colector
3 Marleys(To get back a good rod/poketurn(they're gonna choose good rod so thats why only 3))
3 Power Spray
2 Victory Medal(Again you want to be able to quick search and get a T2 win(T2 because of the leveling up can't happen until T2)
2 Lost Remover(disruption FTW)
2 E-Gain(Don't need it most of the games...)
1 BTS(Quick slowking)
Total T/S/S: 31
4 Call
2 Basic dark
Total Energys: 10
Good Rod - Goods
Flip a coin. If heads, show 1 Pokemon card from your discard pile to your opponent, then return it to the top of your deck. If tails, show 1 Goods cards from your discard pile to your opponent, then return it to the top of your deck.
You can use any number of Goods cards during your turn.
Lost World - Stadium
Each player may, during his or her turn, end the game and declare himself or herself the winner if the opponent has 6 or more Pokemon cards in his or her Lost Zone. You can only play 1 Stadium card next to your Active Pokemon during your turn. If a Stadium with a different name comes into play, discard this card.