The Storms ~ This format was ours!

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I don't really like the way this set is going. Palkia (unless sprayed) get's an easy win by T4.
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The game just ended. Everyone will play Lost Zone now. Play 2 Palkia G Lv.X and a few Level Maxes so you can spam it. On the flipside, Power Lock will become extremely popular now, but seeing as PGX already does that, there is nothing you can play other than Palkia G Lv.X. "Lost World" needs to be banned. The cards themselves aren't that bad, but this one Stadium, Lost World, will inevitably end the format if it is allowed to stay for long. PUSA... what were you thinking?

If this card is allowed to see play, I may just quit. It's no longer about skill; it's about who can get out Palkia G Lv.X faster and who can Power Lock the opponent first.

I lost a lot of hope for the game when Sabelock started seeing play, and now, I have lost it all. Ironically, more than cards just went to the lost zone.
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PokeChamp said:
PUSA... what were you thinking?
It was actually PJPN and TPCi that came up with these... Also, I do agree on the rest of your post. I'm just gonna see how it does in JPN nats. If it fails because of consistency no one will play it. It most likely will just get out sped by everything else because you will have to play 4 "Lost World". Also we will se some DGX defen spamers to keep "Lost World" out of play. ERL(Entei&Raiku Legend) Will enialate it because PGX's bench will be to large if they play menetric and ERL will just tech in 1-2 "Lost Worlds" to make it an easy win for themselves.
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Personally, I don't think it's all Uber Broken. Maybe Tier 2.

Powerspray or Plox would pretty much be an auto loss... and Palkia G would work once...maybe get 2 pokemon in the Lost Zone, and then they lower their bench size.

It's really overhyped IMO.

Mew Prime only having 60 HP = FAIL
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It has its weaknesses, but it's definitely tier 1. I'm thinking Absol G Lv.X spam might be pretty popular. Poke Turns, SSUs, anything that removes stuff from play.

Power Lock is also gonna get a lot more popular.
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Guys I'm dumb. Misreading the text, it says if your opponent has 6+ Pokemon in the Lost Zone, making Palkia lock a double-risk. So it isn't entirely broken as long as you can keep a tiny bench.
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Palkia GX and Lost World DO have a weakness. If you keep a tiny bench, then they cant win like that. HOWEVER, if you manage to keep a small bench, Palkia lock wont-lock anymore. If they do, they cant play the stadium. So if you play smart, then they cant win like that. But things are gonna be difficult now, as your bench must be Claydol, a secondary attacker and something else, so it isn't good...
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Gyarados could see some more play, when I've tested with it it seems to not have that much of a bench, because there really isn't a back up attacker.
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Just thought up an SD quite possibly for Nats. If the new cards are legal. :(
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Well guys I've been thinking and here is a list of the top of my head:

3-1 Absol G(For more powers in 1 turn, if you get out 3 on your first turn and gets some sccop-ups/poke turns, thats 3 powers in your next turn...)
1-1 Palkia G(I know everyone is thinking WHAT, but it's too much of a risk. It will be a last minute win sweeper)
3-1 Garchomp C (attacker)
2-2 Slowking HGSS(To make all of the pokemon on the top before absol uses his power)
2 Azelf (Your Absol CANT be prized!!)
1 Uxie
1 Zangoose(back up Lost Zone KOer)

Total pokemon: 15

4 Lost World
4 Cyrus
4 Poketurn
4 Super Scoop-up
4 Good Rod(for the spoiler of this, you dont have to get GOODS for a tails it can be any trainer)
2 Pokemon Colector
3 Marleys(To get back a good rod/poketurn(they're gonna choose good rod so thats why only 3))
3 Power Spray
2 Victory Medal(Again you want to be able to quick search and get a T2 win(T2 because of the leveling up can't happen until T2)
2 Lost Remover(disruption FTW)
2 E-Gain(Don't need it most of the games...)
1 BTS(Quick slowking)

Total T/S/S: 31

4 Call
2 Basic dark

Total Energys: 10


Good Rod - Goods

Flip a coin. If heads, show 1 Pokemon card from your discard pile to your opponent, then return it to the top of your deck. If tails, show 1 Goods cards from your discard pile to your opponent, then return it to the top of your deck.

You can use any number of Goods cards during your turn.

Lost World - Stadium

Each player may, during his or her turn, end the game and declare himself or herself the winner if the opponent has 6 or more Pokemon cards in his or her Lost Zone. You can only play 1 Stadium card next to your Active Pokemon during your turn. If a Stadium with a different name comes into play, discard this card.
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I guess it would work, but it is dependant on when the set comes out. Some of them like Marley's or Call might be rotated out (unless Call is reprinted, Call will be rotated out for sure.)
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I honestly don't like the whole absol idea. To luck reliant. To be honest once people realize and start to test with those cards they will realize that its alot harder than it looks to accomplish that and its better to just take 6 prizes.

And Giratina FTW!
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Zangoose said:
Just thought up an SD quite possibly for Nats. If the new cards are legal. :(

I'm pretty sure if it is released in English it'll be our fall battle road set
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I never said that the deck would be good =P in earlier posts I said it would probably fail. The list is just so people can test it to se if it DOES fail.
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PokeKid Brandon said:
I honestly don't like the whole absol idea. To luck reliant. To be honest once people realize and start to test with those cards they will realize that its alot harder than it looks to accomplish that and its better to just take 6 prizes.

And Giratina FTW!

Quoted for truth.

I think the best (and best being a relative term) Lost World deck would be a spread Crobat/Giratina/Kingdra Prime/whatever deck... which would fail to Nidoqueen.
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But by the time you KO pokemon with your spread and send them to the Lost Zone, you'll probably have taken 4-5 prizes already. In that case it would be better to just take the prizes. There is Claydol who would contribute 2 cards, Uxie and maybe Azelf, 4. Then maybe a weak stage 1 tech to make 6. But by then they should have KO'd your Giratina.
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CyndaquilMaster said:
But by the time you KO pokemon with your spread and send them to the Lost Zone, you'll probably have taken 4-5 prizes already. In that case it would be better to just take the prizes. There is Claydol who would contribute 2 cards, Uxie and maybe Azelf, 4. Then maybe a weak stage 1 tech to make 6. But by then they should have KO'd your Giratina.

He is right. Also, Giratina needs a whopping 4 energy to attack, so I don't know how you would manage to charge 2 Giratina without already like losing.
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It's also funny how people are predicting what the best Lost World deck is going to be when, quite possibly, there is more Pokemon in the August set that involve the Lost Zone. This set seems to use a lot of the Lost Zone mechanic. It seems like Lost Zone decks will be just like the rotation. We won't know until it comes.
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A Lost Zone deck would certainly be interesting... We might get even more cards that work with the Lost Zone. And Seth, with DCE Giratina only needs 3 energy. ;) Not that that's still even close to fast...
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Ah...I didn't think about that.

But even with Absol G... You have to get pretty lucky...
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