The Storms ~ This format was ours!

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With Poketurn, SSU, and Chatot G cut down some of the luck though. Use the first 2 mentioned to repetitively use Darkness Send. Then use Chatot G or maybe Slowking to make sure Pokemon are on the the top of the deck so Darkness Send will be sure to discard Pokemon.
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I don't think it will work all that well. If Lost World cycles in before the Pixies cycle out, Palkia lock is going to become unplayable. I also think there are going to be a lot of counters to the lost zone in this new set. It doesn't make sense for TPCi to keep making a small number of cards dominate the format/s, it costs them too much in sales to keep that up.
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I tested it today... It loses to spiritomb anything...
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kay, lost link discussion I guess, it still says states though. (please don't hurt me for being a noob and missing something)

my friend read the set and started freaking out and nearly sold his luxray just to buy some palkia x's
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I don't think it will work that well. I'm definately not looking forward to this set. Would youi rather take six prizes, or try to get six pokemon in the lost zone with some luck and need a stadium to win?
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faceplant said:
I don't think it will work that well. I'm definately not looking forward to this set. Would youi rather take six prizes, or try to get six pokemon in the lost zone with some luck and need a stadium to win?

But thats just it, when done right, there is very little "luck" involved.
Absol G is flippy yes, but it goes with the deck.

Absol Prime (if translation is correct) is not flippy and can easily send pokemon to the lost zone.
Palkia G can too.
Cresselia & Darkrai Legend does as well. Its attack hits you for 100 so I wonder....
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There is still the if... then this attack fails. I think that will be if your opponent does not have any pokemon in their hand. Therefore all one has to do is bench their pokemon, or shuffle them back via Claydol, Bebe's Search, Sp radar, pokemon communication, etc, etc. Then no pokemon go to the lost zone, and the damage doesn't even happen.
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faceplant said:
There is still the if... then this attack fails. I think that will be if your opponent does not have any pokemon in their hand. Therefore all one has to do is bench their pokemon, or shuffle them back via Claydol, Bebe's Search, Sp radar, pokemon communication, etc, etc. Then no pokemon go to the lost zone, and the damage doesn't even happen.

Take SP decks for example. There is almost always a pokemon card in your hand. Almost always. Usually a Lv X such as Luxray or Garchomp. SP decks like to cycle them with PokeTurn to use the powers more and more. Well, if its in their hand, they are done.
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Well if it becomes really big, I will just play DialgaChomp again. Deafen Lock, no stadiums. Ha.
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faceplant said:
Well if it becomes really big, I will just play DialgaChomp again. Deafen Lock, no stadiums. Ha.

lol, Deafen Lock ftw... or rather, not.

It'd be interesting, but the games would last 3-5 turns on a good start. I like playing out games personally.
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Yeah but if they play Absol Prime then lost zone your Pokemon, then hit your Dialga G for 70. If you heal with a Garchomp C Lv. X then I'll hit your Garchomp, if you poketurn I'll lost zone it. Eventually it'll take just 2 turns to knock out your Dialga, then your 10 damage a turn will be nothing. Your deafen lock will fail and I'll play my Stadium. Then I'll probably have to only get one more pokemon in the lost zone and play my lost world and win.
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These new Lost Zone pokemon cards are the counter/end to SP pokemon. Take Absol Prime for example. Its attack only requires 2 energy at most. On par with SP pokemon.

SP decks are not safe from this attack due to all the PokeTurning and cycling SP's do. Other decks like GG, once they are out, they are out. They dont turn to the hand over and over. Thus, they are safer

The lost zone will be the beginning of the end for SP's finally.
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Or I could Expert Belt Dialga, run a 2-2 line of Garchomp, and Call for Dialga when I need it. Oh, and shuffle pokemon into my deck with Beebs, Sp radar, Claydol, Pokemon Communication. Then I will deafen for thirty a turn while Absol will do nothing because of the presumable ... that I believe stops Absol from using that attack if I don't have any pokemon in my hand.
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What about if I use Absol G Lv. X? Then I can KO you in 2 turns if you don't have Dialga X. If you do I'll use Doom News and you're KO at the end of your turn. If you poketurn then you have to have a Dialga out otherwise you have a Pokemon in your hand. Plus I'll be Poketurn/SSUing my Absol X so many times to abuse its Darkness Send power. By putting so many pokemon into the deck using cards like Bebe's, SP Radar, and Communication doesn't help you. That means if I flip just one heads late game then I'll have more than a 50% gaurentee that it's a Pokemon. I've tested Absol/Sableye and you can constantely use Darkness Send 2 times a turn for about 6 turns in a row mid-game. Those 2 Darkness send average 3 heads. That means that about 2 out of every 3 cards is going to be a Pokemon and if I'm lucky a Poketurn or another Galactic Tool. Because you played so many trainers early on to keep your Pokemon out of your hand, you have no way to get them back when Absol KO's them.
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Your right, absol G is the perfect Dialga G counter. (aside from fire)

Use Doom News or whatever and they have 3 options.

1. Poketurn. Thus ruining all energy attachments ect.

2. Warp or Warp Energy.

3. Attack and leave active.

If they poketurn to save it, its in their hand now and Absol Prime can steal it away.
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Wait, if they Warp or Warp Energy aren't they still KO'd. Because then it's still on the field and it says the Defending Pokemon is knocked out at the end of their turn. Wouldn't the only way to prevent that is to remove it from play or attach an Unown G previous to Absol attacking?
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I guess you're right, that deck is a lot better than I thought it would be. Props to you for changing my mind. Now I'm worried. At least that will wait until after Worlds.
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shadoworganoid said:
You guys. I just got a Crobat Prime!

I <3 Crobat Prime... iz jealous.

I assume unless you have some mad-pirate skills, it's Japanese?
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Xdogking said:
I <3 Crobat Prime... iz jealous.

I assume unless you have some mad-pirate skills, it's Japanese?

Nah. I has connections, or Friends in high places if you will. ^_^ JK. Yeah, Jap. Although, I COULD maybe find and ENG one.... Not in the mood to try...
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