XY The Two Legendary Pokémon

RE: The Two Legendary Pokemon

SquirtleSquirtle said:
I can't pronnounnce Yveltal. Can someone say it in a video or something? Lol.

WPM already explained how to pronounce both names on the main page (assuming it's offical). Check it out.
RE: The Two Legendary Pokemon

Eos_Hyperion said:
Paddy185 said:
Look at how the Pokedex is structured:
We're on Pokemon 649 now:
9 for the starters brings us to 658.
3 for the bird line and 2 for the rodent brings us to 663.
Usually, after those lines, there are smaller cutesy Pokemon found earlygame.
Pokemon no.666 will most likely be a small earlygame thing. If they used the number and it was a small Pokemon, then I doubt many people will make a fuss over it. However, if they skipped it, people would be confused as to why it went from 665 to 667, and they'd realise that it was delibarately skipped. If they put a Pokemon in that space, I highly doubt it will a Dark/Ghost/Anything that could be offensive.

tl;dr Pokemon no.666 will most likely be a small Pokemon, and not one that is likely to cause controversies.

You have a point.
there is a dilemma for the #666 pokemon...If they will skip it, some will make a conspiracy theory about the missing pokemon..which are really far fetched..but if they make a #666 pokemon..conservative people will make it as a symbol of evil or something, even if its a small, insignificant looking pokemon...ive been thinking that problem since the time pokemon reachd the 600 level..

It's just a number..? I don't see the problem. Besides, Japan isn't the US, they don't care about it, luckily. If you don't make a fuss about it, nobody will.

Eos_Hyperion said:
Mitja said:
lolwhat, why would gamefreak give a damn about some people being superstitious about a....number?

665, 666, 667... ooooo that was scary /not

Pokemon Fans like us will not give a damn about this things. however, game freak, is a company, and like other company, will make sure that their product (in this case pokemon) will not cause controversies that damage the brand. If you remember the controversies on the past generations about jynx, kadabra, and even banned episodes. they dont want their brand to be associated with things that has a negative meaning..

honestly for me, i dont really give a damn thing about #666 pokemon

Those examples are a joke, they weren't controversies, nobody had a problem with them. People were actively looking for trouble.
RE: The Two Legendary Pokemon

SquirtleSquirtle said:
I can't pronnounnce Yveltal. Can someone say it in a video or something? Lol.

EE-velt-ull or EE-velt-ahll
basically, eve-velt-all
RE: The Two Legendary Pokemon

What if with all of these genetics theories, these legends become the first gender-based legend. Xerneas can be female yveltal can be male or vice versa.This might make them weaker to level the playing field, as breeding give you bonuses, but still it would totally be worth it. It can also shed some light on why legendaries are genderless (story wise).
RE: The Two Legendary Pokemon

They wouldn't be the first legendaries with a gender. That award went to Latios and Latias.
RE: The Two Legendary Pokemon

Pyramid said:
What if with all of these genetics theories, these legends become the first gender-based legend. Xerneas can be female yveltal can be male or vice versa.This might make them weaker to level the playing field, as breeding give you bonuses, but still it would totally be worth it. It can also shed some light on why legendaries are genderless (story wise).

I would presume Xerneas would be female being X and Yveltal male because of Y. I really can't wait to see more of these games. The legends, the starters, and the graphics all look amazing.
RE: The Two Legendary Pokemon

I like the pokemon and the names =) I want X version!!! I really love the elk legendary, its nice to see something different as a legendary instead of a dragon :/ I needed a break from legendary dragons lol I think the elk is perfect to me!!! =D Almost reminds me of that creature from princess mononoke lol (havnt seen that movie since I was little but I remember a god-like deer/elk creature)
RE: The Two Legendary Pokemon

I seriously thought the elk was the nature spirit from Princess Mononoke at first glance. :p
RE: The Two Legendary Pokemon

frostwind said:
I think we've got some legit information on the legends and the tree:

The tree is based off of Yggdrasil. The things that live in it are a stag (X), an eagle (Y), and a dragon (Z).

Aaaaahhhh you are onto something! 0_0 Im guessin' now there will be a new dragon legendary in a Z version or the two will combine to make a dragon! =O
RE: The Two Legendary Pokemon

King Arceus said:
They wouldn't be the first legendaries with a gender. That award went to Latios and Latias.

oh wow that slipped my mind. My bad.
RE: The Two Legendary Pokemon

I think Xerneas, based on the visual clues we have, is the "Life Pokémon"; whereas Yveltal is the "Death Pokémon". I think the games might be about Life/Death or Creation/Destruction. I don't think they'll have genders at all, like all the other mascot legendary Pokémon.

I have a strong feeling that breeding will change or be enhanced somehow in these games. There has to be some new mechanic at least.

Xerneas is nothing like I've ever seen in other mythologies, which most Pokémon are inspired from. However, it sounds similar to Cernunnos. Speculative interpretations identify him as a god of nature or fertility; so that could also be supporting evidence.

Yveltal just looks like the polar opposite of Xerneas; so it must be the opposite.
RE: The Two Legendary Pokemon


That's how I would say the names. xP

Anyway. If Xerneas indeed has a blue left eye and red right eye, then it must be male (although it looks feminine...) and that would represent XY (male). Yveltal has two blue eyes, XX (female) (although it looks masculine). Why else would one have two different eyes and the other not?
Also note how we saw Xernias's BLUE eye have X (and the other one has two BLUE eyes, two XX, female). The red eye may very well hide a Y!

Also, until now the first version has usually had the more masculine Pokémon (Groudon, Dialga [they even switched the blue and red [pink] versions to keep the pattern!]) and while Zekrom is in White it is still black and it would be odd to make the masculin Pokémon black and the feminine Pokémon white just because of this "pattern", so it is forgiven. (I know that in yin-yang black is female and white male though - that's not the point!)
Anyway my point being that our X here is in the masculine version spot and our Y in the feminine spot.

RE: The Two Legendary Pokemon

frostwind said:
I think we've got some legit information on the legends and the tree:

The tree is based off of Yggdrasil. The things that live in it are a stag (X), an eagle (Y), and a dragon (Z).

This seems spot on! It also continues to support my theory.
RE: The Two Legendary Pokemon

frostwind said:
I think we've got some legit information on the legends and the tree:

The tree is based off of Yggdrasil. The things that live in it are a stag (X), an eagle (Y), and a dragon (Z).
Stag? You see? Stag! Yay!
RE: The Two Legendary Pokemon

Teal said:

That's how I would say the names. xP

Anyway. If Xerneas indeed has a blue left eye and red right eye, then it must be male (although it looks feminine...) and that would represent XY (male). Yveltal has two blue eyes, XX (female) (although it looks masculine). Why else would one have two different eyes and the other not?
Also note how we saw Xernias's BLUE eye have X (and the other one has two BLUE eyes, two XX, female). The red eye may very well hide a Y!

Also, until now the first version has usually had the more masculine Pokémon (Groudon, Dialga [they even switched the blue and red [pink] versions to keep the pattern!]) and while Zekrom is in White it is still black and it would be odd to make the masculin Pokémon black and the feminine Pokémon white just because of this "pattern", so it is forgiven. (I know that in yin-yang black is female and white male though - that's not the point!)
Anyway my point being that our X here is in the masculine version spot and our Y in the feminine spot.


think of Yv. Yvonne isn't pronounced Ju-von. It's EE-von. same with Yggdrasil, so i'm gonna say it's safe to pronounce the Y like EE
as for Xerneas, Xavier or Xylophone rule, so... EX-ernee-AHS or ZERN-ee-AHS

i'm guessing Yveltal is male and YY (fish can have YY), despite being pinkish, and Xerneas is female due to XX
maybe that possible third for the dragon, Z axis, and whatever could be XY? if not, i guess they could go with XXYY?? maybe just make it the base of all genderless pokemon??? also, i'd like to see what the mythical fairy will look like
RE: The Two Legendary Pokemon

I personally am extremely intersted in both of them. Like WPM was saying, they do seem more natural than previous legendaries, which will be a refreshing change! I probably won't be able to buy both of the versions at once and get y first, but I love the name and design of Xerneas.
RE: The Two Legendary Pokemon

i think that it means life and death because of the chromosomes on xerneas and how yveltal sort of has veins and it has a grim reaper sort of form
RE: The Two Legendary Pokemon


If it's anything like the R/S/E that the two are contrast to the elements.
X is land and Y is air. Something tells me though that there will be two villains who
are like Magma and Aqua who will call upon the power of the legends to either
create life in the sky or more life on land.

I really hope though that they won't have a shiny block on these like they did for Reshiram and Zekerom (Victini too)
because I would like to have a shiny legendary mascot again and not have to wait for a special event for one.
RE: The Two Legendary Pokemon

Xerneas has a a blue eye and a red eye. Yveltal has two blue eyes. Pokemon X is blue. Pokemon Y is red. XX is female, and XY is male. That might mean that Xerneas is a male Pokemon and Yveltal is a female Pokemon. I'm sure others have already made this connection, but it's just really cool