Tier List (Update: 12/9)

RE: Tier List

OU Pokemon said:
OK, pardon me for forgetting to read the part that said "this isn't my tier list", but I think that ZPS should be moved down to tier 2 or 3 because it didn't do very well at Nationals. Same with Donchamp and put Stage 1 rush as a Tier 1 or 2.
Pardon me, but ZPSmega is really luck based deck, it can be insanely good when have decent luck. i would keep it tier 1 since it gains loads of boost as soon as eviolite comes.
RE: Tier List

OU Pokemon said:
But DonChamp wasn't in the Top 16...at ALL.

tbh, it isn't deck design's fault. More should be blamed on the severe amount of yanmegas. But it might have to go down to Tier 2 and Donchamp players seriously need to add Ruins of Alph on their lists.
RE: Tier List

Can someone explain to me how:

Reshiram Typhloshion > Reshiram / Emboar

There seams to be this sentiment when talking about top tier decks and I want to know why everyone thinks that Typhloshion has the edge against Emboar?
RE: Tier List

^Here's a few reasons why:

-Typhlosion's retreat is half of Emboar's(which helps against Catcher)
-Typhlosion has a great attack(destroys DCE users)
-with Typhlosion, you never run out of energy(and lets you run less because of it)

Just run 3/4 Sage's Training, 4 Juniper, and 4 Junk Arm, and you can get the Fire energy in the discard, no problem.
RE: Tier List

Or Ninetales. ;)

I think it has a better late-game staying power and in this kind of Format, you're going to want consistency (not by running 17+ Energy). I think Typhlosion can bring more of that in a deck.

dmaster out.
RE: Tier List

The only thing that reshiboar has over reshiphlosion is the fact that it can play RDL faster. Other than that reshiphlosion is better for the reasons above.
RE: Tier List

Donchamp is not tier 1, rather 2.5-ish...
RE: Tier List

The biggest problem for Donchamp is that, other than ruins of Alph (or Champ Buster), it has no real answer to Yanmega. Unfortunately, ruins leaves Donphan open to lightning based moves such as Zekrom or Magnezone, both which are often paired with Yanmega.
RE: Tier List

Champ Buster OHKOs Yanmega with 3 damaged pokemon on the bench, I don't get why everyone thinks Yanmega makes Donchamp suck.
RE: Tier List

You know what makes DonChamp lose to Yanmega?


The deck's draw sucks as it is, and when you need to top deck a PONT or Juniper from Judge, you're really on a scramble.
RE: Tier List

Riskbreakers said:
You know what makes DonChamp lose to Yanmega?


The deck's draw sucks as it is, and when you need to top deck a PONT or Juniper from Judge, you're really on a scramble.

Thank you. DonChamp isn't good because of consistency issues, not because certain deck have good type advantages. The one DonChamp I played at Nats, I just Reversaled up every Machop they benched and killed it before they could Candy it. That is another issue. That is why straight Donphan is better, more constant, and you don't waste your time focusing on something you will never get out. Even if you do get Machamp out, most things in the format can one to two shot it anyways. Think of it this way, Magnezone needs more energy to one shot Donphan than it need for a Machamp Prime.
RE: Tier List

My Magneboar killed a ton of Donchamps that way. Judging them then killing off their attacker. XD

Donphan-Dragons needs to be Tier 2 or 1.5 as well. It counters Yanmega nicely and doesn't lose to donks because it doesn't need babies. Not to mention there were at least ten of these that made it to Top 128 so it had a pretty good showing. It's only going to get better when Kyurem is realeased to sort of counter the Reshiram weakness it has.
RE: Tier List

Kyruem may make it worse. Its a water type, so it can ohko Donphan after an earthquake, and a benched Dragon must have 5 damage on it. Or you could use Bouf.
RE: Tier List

I'd call Magnezone variants tier 1, and I might call Steelix nothing at all, thanks to Reshiboar.
RE: Tier List

KYJ (Kingdra Yanmega Jirachi), could be Tier 2/1.

It's a really good deck.

I would consider steelix rogue
RE: Tier List

Steelix isn't rogue, as it's still recognized and tested against (somewhat), so it's just more like a deck that's good in its own right, but sucks because of the top-tier meta decks.
RE: Tier List

Tier 1:

Stage 1s
Other Yanmega varients

Tier 2:

DonChamp (possibly T3)
Reshiboar (I'd say tier 1.5)
Cinccino stuff

Tier 3:

Steelix (possibly, sorta rogue)
LostGar (no Mew
Jumpluff stuff