Top tier decks after ND

Mr. Tea said:
I play an EX deck with Supporter emphasis and see no issue beating it with Chandy. Luring Light plus confusion is killer. See if they don't have two Dragons up, they can't recover when one gets KO'd, so you just Luring Light stall. And if Mewtwo's popular, then Chandy's amazing. 100, burned, confused? Resists Tornadus, can play around Celebi, etc.

well thats if you're facing MewTwo[EX]- Celebi Prime- Tornadus deck but if you face Reshi[EX] or Zekrom[EX] thats only 50 burned confused. if the opposing player has a charged up Zekrom[EX] on bench with eels and skyarrow bridge OR a charged Reshiram[EX] on bench with skyarrow bridge he will just retreat the confused EX and one shot those chandelures.
Celebi23 said:
Most likely, Chandelure will adapt like every other deck and add Mewtwo. So if they build up a Mewtwo to OHKO a Chandelure, I return the KO with my own Mewtwo for two prizes.

I only said that because he said Mewtwo couldn't OHKO chandy. I never said it was a good matchup.
sillykyle said:
I only said that because he said Mewtwo couldn't OHKO chandy. I never said it was a good matchup.

true mewtwo[ex] can ohko chandy with x-ball when chandy is full-charged and mewtwo[ex] has 4 energy attached to it.
alexmf2 said:
ChandyPlume is still viable.

But not KyuremGatr right? Let me guess Pokemon EX's are THAT hard to take down.

No deck aside from what was listed by Tiers in previous posts is good enough to compete in this format Post - Next Destinies. Is it because despite that they might look good on paper they don't play as well as they should, or maybe it's the problem of deck choice?
Card Slinger J said:
But not KyuremGatr right? Let me guess Pokemon EX's are THAT hard to take down.

No deck aside from what was listed by Tiers in previous posts is good enough to compete in this format Post - Next Destinies. Is it because despite that they might look good on paper they don't play as well as they should, or maybe it's the problem of deck choice?

KyuremGatr was never viable, and it gets even worse with EX's for the reasons you posted and that it will get outsped. I don't really understand the second question you asked, could you phrase it a little differently?
What I was trying to say is that the decks you don't see listed in what people have
posted earlier on this thread won't be good enough to compete in this format
Post - Next Destinies. Sure it may be a biased opinion, but it is what it is...
I think that Magneboar and RDL will become a good deck to play after ND. If I play it after Next Destinies comes out, then I can take 3 prize cards by just just KOing an EX with RDL.
The only EX you could knock out with one shot would be Mewtwo and Shaymin. :l Magneboar would be Tier 2 at best. It's still slower than Eelzone and Eelzone does the recycling better.
2HKO is too slow. Only OHKOs are good, pretty much. Exept in the EX cases, where it's almost impossible, but that's what makes Mag. so good. Even if you could attack with Mag and switch for RDL and take 3 prizes it would be better to just kill with Mag while you can.
In that sense, the goal of RDL isn't to pick on EXs.. That's being too greedy. You're better off with the Magnezone OHKO and let RDL pick off other stuff instead for two prizes.
Riskbreakers said:
In that sense, the goal of RDL isn't to pick on EXs.. That's being too greedy. You're better off with the Magnezone OHKO and let RDL pick off other stuff instead for two prizes.

Yeah. That's it exactly.
pokemonjoe said:
RDL can actually ko any and every EX quite handily with one card: black belt.

Sure, it also does that with 4 Plus Power. Heck, it could do so with 4 benched Aerodactyl from Dark Rush as well. However, why would you bother?

But let's be honest; not every list runs Black Belt, and not every deck will always go down in prizes either. Theorymon is nice, but when there isn't much ''body'' to it, it's not worth posting imo. The same goes to ''what if'' posts in my book.

In any other case, Riskbreakers nailed it on the head; Swoop dem EXes with Magnezone, and clean up with RDL.

Just to point out as well; RDL is a terrible Mewtwo EX counter; after using Ozone Buster, any opposing Mewtwo EX will simply X Ball for the revenge-KO, regardless of any other conditions (hitting RDL for 160 damage on average). If RDL discarded 3 Fire energy then we´re still in the race, but that would still mean you´d burn a lot of energy fast, which can lead to energy draught in the end. Of course in the ''long run'' that would mean RDL only gave up 2 prizes for the KO, while it fetched you 3 prizes, but keep in mind Mewtwo only needs 2 cards to kill it; itself and a DCE (and any other random energy if RDL has only 1 energy remaining). Now factor in what effort it took you to build up RDL. Do I need to say more?

In my humble opinion, RDL will be what it always has been, with or without EXes. Use it as a game finisher, or when you need it to push through in the prize run. But to me it would seem to be best not to run it at all, as it´s just easy prize fodder for dem Mewtwo EX techs. It's only selling point would be that if you manage to take 2 Mewtwo EX's down with it, that's game right there. Now think about the odds of pulling it off.
I don't see much discussion about this fact:

Zekrom decks got Zekrom EX
Reshiphlosion got Reshi EX

I expect both will get a significant boost. Its not that I expect everyone will exclusively run the EX version, its that its a pretty decent tech that lets you hit those pesky 150+ HP pokemon. Plus in the case of Reshi EX, you can run a fliptini to either do 80 on 3 with no discard, or 150 on 4 with no damage (theoretically)
In my opinion, here's what I think the 5 types of deck that will be most likely to do well in the first few weeks after Next Destinies is released are:

Decks that can abuse the Pachirisu/Shaymin combo.
Decks that run Mewtwo with energy acceleration.
Decks that run Magnezone with energy acceleration and good early game attackers
Decks designed to be hard to take prizes against (similar to the Dragons/Musketeers decks just now).

There will probably be a few surprises as well, depending on how popular decks become. I think the next set might lead to more new decks then those listed above such as Zebstrika/Eelektrik and Gothitelle/Gardervoir. Also, some of the popular deck just now which don't rely on slow setups should be able to do well in the right hands.

But the popularity of Mewtwo will probably make the format Magnezone vs Mewtwo for at least a few weeks. After that it'll depend on which Mewtwo decks (if any) do well.