Top tier decks after ND

HenryP said:
Zekrom Eelz Mewtwo is BDIF in Japan atm. that should be tier 1 IMO

I feel really stupid, but I don't really get how that deck works. Would you mind explaining the strategy?
You just use Eelektriks to power up either Zekrom or Mewtwo EX. It runs similarly to Magneels early game but late game it uses Mewtwo rather than Magnezone.
minimidget94 said:
Here's my tier list (In no particular order):

Tier 1
6 Corners- This includes any varient based on the idea of many attackers to deal with any matchup
Coballion/Kyurem/Electrode, CaKE- These decks get a huge boost from Prism Energy

Tier 2
The Truth- I think the only varient of this that will work is Vileplume/Reuniclus/EX's, since almost everything else can be OHKO'ed by the EX's.
Magneboar- It's a little too slow and inconsistent to be tier 1 material, but it's strong against the EX's.
Durant- This is only if there is no Heatmor in ND.
Why isn't Durant Tier one? It's going to win a lot of games in this change in format...
Mostly because any deck that can't beat it is teching for it. Noone likes to lose to Durant, so everyone is prepared. Maybe it should be Tier 1.5 or something, though.
minimidget94 said:
Mostly because any deck that can't beat it is teching for it. Noone likes to lose to Durant, so everyone is prepared. Maybe it should be Tier 1.5 or something, though.

is rerishram the best anti-ant tech card (until heatmor gets released of course)?
Not really. It requires damage to knock out Pokemon, and Durant doesn't do any damage.

There aren't many good Durant techs out there.
Reshiram does nothing against Durant because they won't put damage on it, so Outrage is a 2-3HKO while Blue Flare...if you have an energy accelerator its better to attack with that and if you don't then losing 2-3 energy a turn is not beating Durant any time soon. V-Create Victini is probably the best tech atm.
V Create Victini isn't great because Black Belt (staple) lets Durant ko it, and Ditto ruins it. Plus you have a ton of Catcher bait on your bench.
Yes, V-Create Victini isn't that good a tech. There really aren't any great techs for it though, you can run Arcanine and OHKO it with {R}{C} or Ho-Oh and OHKO it for {R}{C}{C}. Definitely not Reshiram though.
I think that the BW and EP Simisear both work, but the BW one better. For 3 colorless, flip 3 coins and it does 40 (80 with weakness) times the number of heads. It also has Flame Burst for 20, which is 20 to 2 bench and 20 to active.
EP one is not as good, but check it out.
Dark Void said:
Definitely not Reshiram though.

I've actually tested the mirror match up for Durant and found that Reshiram EX is extremely helpful with its first attack to KO Ants. There's really no stopping it after it sets up, because of its monstrous HP. I like the tech, but I probably won't use it post-ND, because I'm afraid Durant won't be played as often.
I'm not talking about Reshiram EX, I'm talking about the normal Reshiram. That one is useless. Also, Reshiram EX takes a ton of energy to attack so it can be crippled badly if they Crushing Hammer/Lost Remover your energy (particularly if you are using Rainbow or Prism for the Fire). It still works okay though.
^Mewtwo is usually run with other attackers. So Tornadus can two-hit it, Zekrom can two-hit it, Zekrom-EX can OHKO it, etc.
Emboar is not going to be KO'd any more easily than any other pokemon. Gardevoir is more easily KO'd, and it is an energy-acceleration Stage 2. Even if it is, not the end of the world, set up another, possibly with twins. Things like Celebi will be more easily KO'd. What format are we living in where everyone agrees that a 150 HP pokemon is easily KO'd??
So... it's "easy" to get 3-4 energy (DCE) on a Reshiram or Zekrom, and "easy" to setup a Stage 2 (3 cards for setup; basic, stage 2, candy/stage 1) and get three energy on it...
I never really said it was "easy" and I kind of agree with you. Eel zone would be a lot better than magneboar because it is faster to set up.