Top tier decks after ND

Lugia Legend won't be your best option, and you can see why here.
RDL likely outclasses it, and Magnezone does as well. Basically, you'll end up spending too many resources in the form of prizes (while your other Pokes sit up there and get killed during setup), cards (Ocean Grow discard, or even just not using this and waiting to energy exchange or draw into what energy you need), and energy. After these resources, you KO an EX for two prizes (discarding 3 energy in the process), rinse and repeat, but by the time your Lugia is setup again it's already Magnezone/Zekrom/Zekrom EX meat. It only has 130 HP, which is less than the average Zekrom in a way, due to Eviolite. Unfortunately, Lugia won't work. Use Magnezone or other EXs instead.

Off topic: Can we all swear an oath to pronounce these EXs "ex" please? Remember, back in the day, when we had our exs? And everyone pronounced those "ee-x?" If you think about words like extra, you pronounce it x-tra, not ee-xtra. Same goes for example. Can we turn over a new leaf in this area? :D
I think that Black Belt is a legitimate card in MagneBoar; the Champion, David Cohen, let his MagneBoar fall behind and come back with Twins. Realistically, a deck with 2 stage 2's is going to setup at a slower pace than the opponent, allowing the opponent to take 1-3 prizes before full setup, depending on the opposing deck. (With exceptions of other slow decks like google/The Truth, and Mirror Match.)

TragicTheSaddening said:
In my opinion, here's what I think the 5 types of deck that will be most likely to do well in the first few weeks after Next Destinies is released are:

Decks that can abuse the Pachirisu/Shaymin combo.
Decks that run Mewtwo with energy acceleration.
Decks that run Magnezone with energy acceleration and good early game attackers
Decks designed to be hard to take prizes against (similar to the Dragons/Musketeers decks just now).

There will probably be a few surprises as well, depending on how popular decks become. I think the next set might lead to more new decks then those listed above such as Zebstrika/Eelektrik and Gothitelle/Gardervoir. Also, some of the popular deck just now which don't rely on slow setups should be able to do well in the right hands.

But the popularity of Mewtwo will probably make the format Magnezone vs Mewtwo for at least a few weeks. After that it'll depend on which Mewtwo decks (if any) do well.

I also think that we may see decks that can stop attacks and such. I'm thinking Cobalion, Vanilluxe, and Beartic maybe.
TragicTheSaddening said:
There will probably be a few surprises as well, depending on how popular decks become. I think the next set might lead to more new decks then those listed above such as Zebstrika/Eelektrik and Gothitelle/Gardervoir.

EDIT: found the zebstika you meant, that does have potential.

Does anyone plan on using musharna as a claydol-type effect or is it too tempting for catchers?
@27th I think Musharna only holds a place in Gothitelle and maybe Vileplume, otherwise it's not good enough with catcher in the format.
DeepSleepDarkrai said:
Where's Gothitelle/Gardevoir? If played right could really do some big damage.

The problem is the HP. Gothitelle's 130 is too low to be played as an attacker now. An EX could easily OHKO it, and, being a stage 2, it would take too long to set up another one. Besides, if you're going against Mewtwo, your Gothitelle with double {P} energy just increases X Ball's damage.
Verbivore said:
The problem is the HP. Gothitelle's 130 is too low to be played as an attacker now. An EX could easily OHKO it, and, being a stage 2, it would take too long to set up another one. Besides, if you're going against Mewtwo, your Gothitelle with double {P} energy just increases X Ball's damage.

If I remember right Gothitelle uses twins to get setup, also if Mewtwo KOs the Active Gothitelle and gets one prize then it can be revenge KO'd for two prizes thus giving Goth the advantage. And if they choose to use 2 Mewtwo then that just make getting to 6 that much easier.
Verbivore said:
I also think that we may see decks that can stop attacks and such. I'm thinking Cobalion, Vanilluxe, and Beartic maybe.

Forgot about those kinds of deck. I can see them doing well too, mabye not as much as the decks I've mentioned but they should hopefully see enough play to avoid being written off.

27th_wonder said:
Does anyone plan on using musharna as a claydol-type effect or is it too tempting for catchers?

It's tempting, but I probably wouldn't put it into a deck. If I remember correctly, it's ability lets you search the top 2 then put 1 in your hand and the other on top of your deck, not the bottom. The card advantage is nice, and getting information about your next top deck is pretty sweet but if you get a bad card and don't have a supporter to shuffle it away, you're going to get a bad draw next turn. And if you do have a shuffle supporter, it would probably make more sense to play that first so that your new hand has more options. Probably not that great just now, but hey, it might have a place in the future depending on what cards get revealed next xD.
Verbivore said:
I also think that we may see decks that can stop attacks and such. I'm thinking Cobalion, Vanilluxe, and Beartic maybe.

Not with Skyarrow Bridge. Any decks with that can just retreat for free into another Pokemon and dish out the damage they need.
You have a good point. I'm thinking more on the Vanilluxe, as it causes 93% paralysis, which you can't retreat out of.
Verbivore said:
You have a good point. I'm thinking more on the Vanilluxe, as it causes 93% paralysis, which you can't retreat out of.
Vanilluxe becomes unplayable, but MewScoops is still good, other than the fact that it is easily outsped by Tornadus/Celebi, especially if you go second.
I'm thinking:

Heatmor format:

Tier 1:


Tier 1.5:


Tier 2:

Reshiboar EX/Victini
There is no Heatmor next format, so Durant is still tier 1. And putting MewScoops tier 1 is really strange, it was tier 2 last format and get worse with Tornadus/Celebi.
alexmf2 said:
Vanilluxe becomes unplayable, but MewScoops is still good, other than the fact that it is easily outsped by Tornadus/Celebi, especially if you go second.

I disagree. It sounds like a great Mewtwo EX counter.
Mewtwo/Shaymin/Tornadus with Celebi Prime, that is. I'm testing a modified list of it right now, because there's no Gigas EX or Exp Share, both of which I was considering.
alexmf2 said:
There is no Heatmor next format, so Durant is still tier 1. And putting MewScoops tier 1 is really strange, it was tier 2 last format and get worse with Tornadus/Celebi.

Heatmor might come in ND. Mewscoop's bad matchups are nearly nonexistent now. I guess it,loses ro Mewtwo though, you're right. If Durant sees play, wouldn't Reshi pop up again?
Here's my tier list (In no particular order):

Tier 1
6 Corners- This includes any varient based on the idea of many attackers to deal with any matchup
Coballion/Kyurem/Electrode, CaKE- These decks get a huge boost from Prism Energy

Tier 2
The Truth- I think the only varient of this that will work is Vileplume/Reuniclus/EX's, since almost everything else can be OHKO'ed by the EX's.
Magneboar- It's a little too slow and inconsistent to be tier 1 material, but it's strong against the EX's.
Durant- This is only if there is no Heatmor in ND.
minimidget94 said:
Here's my tier list (In no particular order):

Tier 1
6 Corners- This includes any varient based on the idea of many attackers to deal with any matchup
Coballion/Kyurem/Electrode, CaKE- These decks get a huge boost from Prism Energy

Tier 2
The Truth- I think the only varient of this that will work is Vileplume/Reuniclus/EX's, since almost everything else can be OHKO'ed by the EX's.
Magneboar- It's a little too slow and inconsistent to be tier 1 material, but it's strong against the EX's.
Durant- This is only if there is no Heatmor in ND.

Zekrom Eelz Mewtwo is BDIF in Japan atm. that should be tier 1 IMO
Zek-Eel Mewtwo has no Zone? In theory Zone should be cleaning house with that but I guess Zekrom can rush them all.