XY Trainer Customization - What Items / Clothing Do You Want to See?

RE: Pokemon X/Y: Trainer Outifits

KiKi said:
So you're basically going for a Harvest Moon style?

Something like that.
Considering that there's going to be a huge amount customization in the game, I'll probably end up looking completely different.
But hey, there's no hurt in getting prepared to look fabulous in a region based on France!

Anyone else think that once you defeat the champion, that you'll unlock a crown or something?
RE: Pokemon X/Y: Trainer Outifits

Fee said:
gacs said:
I don't want to be a pessimist, but all things point to that. If you check screenshots of the bottom screen (with Friends, Acquaintances, Passersby, etc...), you can see that the variety of eye and skin colors is the same throughout (excluding of course the NPC avatars).

Except they're not.


The second character under acquintances and the first character under passersby have the same skin tone and different eye colors. There are also others with the same skin tone(or slightly darker which would also imply more than just those three options) and different eye colors.

Uhm yeah no, they are exactly the same.

Baktwerel said:
Fee said:
The second character under acquintances and the first character under passersby have the same skin tone and different eye colors.

They seem to have the same eye colors to me. If I could guess, the eye-skin colors probably cannot be customized beyond the three basic choices: Very light skin with blue eyes, barely darker but still light skin with grey eyes and tanned skin with brown eyes. And frankly, even those three choices are more than we were ever presented with. Them and all the hair and clothing customization is more than what I ever hoped to see in a Pokemon game, so I'm good with those 3 bases.

Well obviously it's "more" than what we always get, but that train of thought doesn't excuse how poorly executed and mediocre it is. It's pretty bad to know that my character can't have my basic features yet the game is making a huge deal about customization. They could literally just add 3 sliders to set skin, hair and eye color right when you start a new game.
RE: Pokemon X/Y: Trainer Outifits

gacs said:
Fee said:
Except they're not.


The second character under acquintances and the first character under passersby have the same skin tone and different eye colors. There are also others with the same skin tone(or slightly darker which would also imply more than just those three options) and different eye colors.

Uhm yeah no, they are exactly the same.

Baktwerel said:
They seem to have the same eye colors to me. If I could guess, the eye-skin colors probably cannot be customized beyond the three basic choices: Very light skin with blue eyes, barely darker but still light skin with grey eyes and tanned skin with brown eyes. And frankly, even those three choices are more than we were ever presented with. Them and all the hair and clothing customization is more than what I ever hoped to see in a Pokemon game, so I'm good with those 3 bases.

Well obviously it's "more" than what we always get, but that train of thought doesn't excuse how poorly executed and mediocre it is. It's pretty bad to know that my character can't have my basic features yet the game is making a huge deal about customization. They could literally just add 3 sliders to set skin, hair and eye color right when you start a new game.

They're definitely different. Try zooming in. I don't have much else to say, but I have pretty good color perception.
RE: Pokemon X/Y: Trainer Outifits

Instead of zooming in, why doesnt someone try a color comparison by using MS Paint or something and copying the colors and marking a dot for the colors side by side
RE: Pokemon X/Y: Trainer Outifits

FloodBadge said:
Instead of zooming in, why doesnt someone try a color comparison by using MS Paint or something and copying the colors and marking a dot for the colors side by side

I did it. They're different. I'll do it again in a second and post it here probably.


There. I took the same pixel from each eye. Then I did the same thing in different spots. That's it. They're different. What's more the one under acquaintances has a slightly darker skin tone, and the first girl under friends is slightly darker than the boy under acquaintances, but I didn't check that using the tool.
RE: Pokemon X/Y: Trainer Outifits

Hopefully, you're aware that colors can make other colors seem much more vivid, darker, or lighter depending on how they're placed. For example, i think it's Disneyworld who has reddish tiles on the ground to make their big floral mickey mouse look greener, as the red apparently takes more red out of the eyesight so other colors seem more vivid, making the green greener than it really is.
RE: Pokemon X/Y: Trainer Outifits

Note that all of these sprites have differently-colored hair that both frames their faces and also goes over their foreheads - this compromises any attempt to zoom in and pick apart pixels.

Still hoping we'll get some news on how the "mirror" introduction currently stands.
RE: Pokemon X/Y: Trainer Outifits

FloodBadge said:
Hopefully, you're aware that colors can make other colors seem much more vivid, darker, or lighter depending on how they're placed. For example, i think it's Disneyworld who has reddish tiles on the ground to make their big floral mickey mouse look greener, as the red apparently takes more red out of the eyesight so other colors seem more vivid, making the green greener than it really is.

The pixel thing was your idea and different is different. Not only that but they don't just look different they are different. If they just looked different then the color would be the same if you took it out of that area with more red and put it on a plain white surface. It doesn't "make the green greener" it makes the green look greener. I was right and that's all there is to it. Maybe it's because the pixels are spilling over but that doesn't change the fact that they look different. If they were the same the colors would have been the same. If you thought they looked exactly the same you're wrong. They're not. Honestly if the pixels weren't enough to convince you then why did you suggest someone do it?

gacs said:
Note that all of these sprites have differently-colored hair that both frames their faces and also goes over their foreheads - this compromises any attempt to zoom in and pick apart pixels.

Still hoping we'll get some news on how the "mirror" introduction currently stands.

You were just wrong. If the hair is making it look different it still looks different. No matter which way you spin it they're not exactly the same. This is a fact. I'm done with arguing this topic.
RE: Pokemon X/Y: Trainer Outifits

Can you change your skin tone once you set it, maybe by putting on "makeup"?
Maybe you really want to pull a Robert Downey Jr in Tropic Thunder.

Maybe they have contacts for your eyes?

Also, do you like your avatars to look like you, or someone completely different?
RE: Pokemon X/Y: Trainer Outifits

Fee said:
FloodBadge said:
Hopefully, you're aware that colors can make other colors seem much more vivid, darker, or lighter depending on how they're placed. For example, i think it's Disneyworld who has reddish tiles on the ground to make their big floral mickey mouse look greener, as the red apparently takes more red out of the eyesight so other colors seem more vivid, making the green greener than it really is.

The pixel thing was your idea and different is different. Not only that but they don't just look different they are different. If they just looked different then the color would be the same if you took it out of that area with more red and put it on a plain white surface. It doesn't "make the green greener" it makes the green look greener. I was right and that's all there is to it. Maybe it's because the pixels are spilling over but that doesn't change the fact that they look different. If they were the same the colors would have been the same. If you thought they looked exactly the same you're wrong. They're not. Honestly if the pixels weren't enough to convince you then why did you suggest someone do it?

you're not supposed to put them all like that. You copy the color and put it in a square and compare the colors in squares not near other brighter more attractive colors. Colors that pull your attention towards them have always been known to make other things seem darker and less noticed.
RE: Pokemon X/Y: Trainer Outifits

FloodBadge said:
Fee said:
The pixel thing was your idea and different is different. Not only that but they don't just look different they are different. If they just looked different then the color would be the same if you took it out of that area with more red and put it on a plain white surface. It doesn't "make the green greener" it makes the green look greener. I was right and that's all there is to it. Maybe it's because the pixels are spilling over but that doesn't change the fact that they look different. If they were the same the colors would have been the same. If you thought they looked exactly the same you're wrong. They're not. Honestly if the pixels weren't enough to convince you then why did you suggest someone do it?

you're not supposed to put them all like that. You copy the color and put it in a square and compare the colors in squares not near other brighter more attractive colors. Colors that pull your attention towards them have always been known to make other things seem darker and less noticed.

=/ You're not even funny. Really? Do it yourself then. I already made the pixels bigger and easier to grab via paint.

@LuRYVm: I don't like trying to make my character's look like me. There aren't usually enough options to do that anyway. In any game.
RE: Pokemon X/Y: Trainer Outifits

Despite the differences, I want something like Saints Row's customization: diversity in styles, props and colors.
I also would like to see the previous villain teams' outifts (from grunt to leader) and professor's lab coats (I'm not that interested in "cosplaying" gym leaders and members of the E4 despite liking Gardenia's outfit and wishing for a male version since it resembles something a Ranger would wear).

Since I won't be training an all Grass-type team until later in the game, I won't wear a green themed set or something alike, but I'll maintain a proper look for a travelling trainer wearing boots (I like the male protagonist since he's the first wearing boots!) instead of classy shoes, maybe some fingerless gloves (like Brendan from Hoenn). Choosing hats is harder...perhaps a flat cap like Lucas', a cap more like T.Rocket's or a beret.
Colors...mostly black, brown, gray and a little bit of green.
RE: Pokemon X/Y: Trainer Outifits

Fee said:
FloodBadge said:
you're not supposed to put them all like that. You copy the color and put it in a square and compare the colors in squares not near other brighter more attractive colors. Colors that pull your attention towards them have always been known to make other things seem darker and less noticed.

=/ You're not even funny. Really? Do it yourself then. I already made the pixels bigger and easier to grab via paint.

@LuRYVm: I don't like trying to make my character's look like me. There aren't usually enough options to do that anyway. In any game.

I can't do it myself, as MS Paint doesnt want to open for me and neither does photoshop..
Oh, the word I was looking for was Color Swatch! like this
or something i guess.
RE: Pokemon X/Y: Trainer Outifits

FloodBadge said:
Fee said:
=/ You're not even funny. Really? Do it yourself then. I already made the pixels bigger and easier to grab via paint.

@LuRYVm: I don't like trying to make my character's look like me. There aren't usually enough options to do that anyway. In any game.

I can't do it myself, as MS Paint doesnt want to open for me and neither does photoshop..
Oh, the word I was looking for was Color Swatch! like this
or something i guess.

I wasn't going to say this since I'd said I was done arguing about it but two of the three comparisons I did were above and below each other. In other words they were next to the same colors. I didn't put one next to a "brighter more attractive colors". Above them was white. To the left of them was light blue and to the right of them was tannish yellow...well to be fair the bottom one was closer to the dark blue part of the image than the one above it. Besides that however they were so close to each other that if they were being affected by the other colors next to them you'd notice since at the point where they were closest they'd start to look the same. I'll be fair though. Maybe it really is my vision and what seems like an obvious difference to me isn't as obvious to other people. I don't mind doing one more test closer to what you were wanting.


There you go. The one under acquaintances is to the left and the one under passersby is to the right. The last ones are both brownish because that's the point where the eye meets the skin. So like I said one has slightly darker skin as well. But maybe Gacs was right and the reason the pixels are different is due to the hair. This doesn't confirm that we can change skin and eye color beyond those three choices it just proves that those two don't look exactly the same.
RE: Pokemon X/Y: Trainer Outfits

Anyone else think that Miis will come into play?
You can get a mask or something that looks like your Mii, and you can see it in battle, and the overworld....
Does anyone think that's possible?
RE: Pokemon X/Y: Trainer Outfits

...Giant out of place bobbleheads that barely look right... Unless you mean it recreates the Mii in a Pokemon look.
RE: Pokemon X/Y: Trainer Outfits

98Greener said:
Anyone else think that Miis will come into play?
You can get a mask or something that looks like your Mii, and you can see it in battle, and the overworld....
Does anyone think that's possible?

Nope. That's an Animal Crossing thing. Seems too silly for Pokémon, or more like seems too silly for them to want to include it the first time they do customization.
RE: Pokemon X/Y: Trainer Outfits

If they want to put the mii as an option they need to make a special anime mii app
RE: Pokemon X/Y: Trainer Outfits

98Greener said:
Anyone else think that Miis will come into play?
You can get a mask or something that looks like your Mii, and you can see it in battle, and the overworld....
Does anyone think that's possible?

I would find that either hilarious or disturbing and I'm not sure which.
RE: Pokemon X/Y: Trainer Outfits

We can see the customization menu here:

Well, at least one of them since we have three options to choose from. ^^'