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Trades [USA] JC Penny - Looking for bulk trades/whole deck

RE: Juliacoolo's card dealership. [H] 15+ X's, Heatom, Charons, RR Holos & more! [W] Easy

Then would you do the TSD and the 3 togekiss for the landmin?
RE: Juliacoolo's card dealership. [H] 15+ X's, Heatom, Charons, RR Holos & more! [W] Easy

No thanks. I don't think I should trade Landmin for cards that have rotating potential.
RE: Juliacoolo's card dealership. [H] 15+ X's, Heatom, Charons, RR Holos & more! [W] Easy

Then how about 3 togekiss for heat rotom and charons?
RE: Juliacoolo's card dealership. [H] 15+ X's, Heatom, Charons, RR Holos & more! [W] Easy

No thanks. Is there anththing else you would want for the togekiss'?
RE: Juliacoolo's card dealership. [H] 15+ X's, Heatom, Charons, RR Holos & more! [W] Easy

Bump #1
RE: Juliacoolo's card dealership. [H] 15+ X's, Heatom, Charons, RR Holos & more! [W] Easy

Would you do this?


1x Togekiss GE (RH)
2x Seedot RR
1x Nuzleaf RR
2x Shiftry RR


Shining Gyarados Neo 3

LMK or counter, CML for stuff.
RE: Juliacoolo's card dealership. [H] 15+ X's, Heatom, Charons, RR Holos & more! [W] Easy

No thanks. he is mint.
RE: Juliacoolo's card dealership. [H] 15+ X's, Heatom, Charons, RR Holos & more! [W] Easy

RE: Juliacoolo's card dealership. [H] 15+ X's, Heatom, Charons, RR Holos & more! [W] Easy

Do you still need the Shiftry?
RE: Juliacoolo's card dealership. [H] 15+ X's, Heatom, Charons, RR Holos & more! [W] Easy

Yes, not as high of a want since the darkrai X shiftry combo doesn't work.
RE: Juliacoolo's card dealership. [H] 15+ X's, Heatom, Charons, RR Holos & more! [W] Easy

Which Regigigas LA do you have? The Recover Mechanism?
RE: Juliacoolo's card dealership. [H] 15+ X's, Heatom, Charons, RR Holos & more! [W] Easy

I have both. My recover one is normal, and my other one is holo.
RE: Juliacoolo's card dealership. [H] 15+ X's, Heatom, Charons, RR Holos & more! [W] Easy

Are they both 100% mint?

If they are, I WILL trade for them.
RE: Juliacoolo's card dealership. [H] 15+ X's, Heatom, Charons, RR Holos & more! [W] Easy

I'll double check. The holo one is 100%, but the other one is in my sisters old deck, so most likely 90-95.
RE: Juliacoolo's card dealership. [H] 15+ X's, Heatom, Charons, RR Holos & more! [W] Easy

Would you mind checking? Thanks. :]
RE: Juliacoolo's card dealership. [H] 15+ X's, Heatom, Charons, RR Holos & more! [W] Easy

Hi. I think i traded with you before on another site. And i thought it involved booster packs. So if you're interested i have 6 sealed RR packs im looking to trade.

I'm interested in your:
Flygon RR
Luxray GL
Mesprit LA
Toxicroak G
Torterra Lv. X (must be pack version and near mint)
SP Energy x X
Upper Energy x X

So let me know if youre interested in working any type of trade out. Thanks!
RE: Juliacoolo's card dealership. [H] 15+ X's, Heatom, Charons, RR Holos & more! [W] Easy

Flygon RR
Luxray GL
Toxicroak G X2
sp energy X2
2 uxie

LMK what we can do. I NEED those uxie.
RE: Juliacoolo's card dealership. [H] 15+ X's, Heatom, Charons, RR Holos & more! [W] Easy

So anything about the other Gigas?
RE: Juliacoolo's card dealership. [H] 15+ X's, Heatom, Charons, RR Holos & more! [W] Easy

Do you have any Rosanne's Research, Poketurn, or BTS for trade?
RE: Juliacoolo's card dealership. [H] 15+ X's, Heatom, Charons, RR Holos & more! [W] Easy

Flygon RR
Luxray GL
Toxicroak G X2
sp energy X2
2 uxie

Uhhhh no. Come on now. We both know that trade is a rip. I'm mostly just interested in trading the RR booster packs as your thread says you want them. If youre not interested in the packs then just let me know and we can both move on. Thanks!