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Trades [USA] JC Penny - Looking for bulk trades/whole deck

RE: Juliacoolo's card dealership. [H] 15+ X's, Heatom, Charons, RR Holos & more! [W] Easy

Well, If you don't have anything else, (No pokedrawer), then I'll have to pass. Thanks anyways.
RE: Juliacoolo's card dealership. [H] 15+ X's, Heatom, Charons, RR Holos & more! [W]

Juliacoolo said:
Well, If you don't have anything else, (No pokedrawer), then I'll have to pass. Thanks anyways.

k thanks, but what exactly were you looking for? Just wondering
RE: Juliacoolo's card dealership. [H] 15+ X's, Heatom, Charons, RR Holos & more! [W] Easy


I know that my wants are pretty slim, but right now I'm not verry settled with a deck, and don't want to branch out to other decks without completing my only two decks (FLygon and rampchamp). I still want the roseanes, but not for Chomp X. Once again, thanks.
RE: Juliacoolo's card dealership. [H] 15+ X's, Heatom, Charons, RR Holos & more! [W]

Juliacoolo said:

I know that my wants are pretty slim, but right now I'm not verry settled with a deck, and don't want to branch out to other decks without completing my only two decks (FLygon and rampchamp). I still want the roseanes, but not for Chomp X. Once again, thanks.

okay cool, thanks anyway
RE: Juliacoolo's Card Depot. [H] Staple Trainers, Shaymin X, DGX, and much more! [W]Stuff

Might as well bump. #3.
RE: Juliacoolo's Card Depot. [H] Staple Trainers, Shaymin X, DGX, and much more! [W]Stuff

RE: Juliacoolo's Card Depot. [H] Staple Trainers, Shaymin X, DGX, and much more! [W]Stuff

You bumped your thread twice yesterday. Which is against the rules

As seen here:

Secretsof2113 said:
2. You may bump your thread 3 times a week and only 1 time per day. Saying "I pmed you." or "Update!" both count as bumps. If you are caught abusing the bump system, you will receive a warning; If caught abusing more than once a ban will be given. A week begins on Monday and ends on Sunday.

You have been warned for it, and please try keeping correct tracks of your bumps.

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RE: Juliacoolo's Card Depot. [H] Staple Trainers, Shaymin X, DGX, and much more! [W]Stuff

I have: Togekiss GE and Sneasel Neo Genesis.

Please, CML. Thanks!
RE: Juliacoolo's Card Depot. [H] Staple Trainers, Shaymin X, DGX, and much more! [W]Stuff

I have none of your wants, sorry.
RE: Juliacoolo's Card Depot. [H] Staple Trainers, Shaymin X, DGX, and much more! [W]Stuff

Bump # 2.
RE: Juliacoolo's Card Depot. [H] Staple Trainers, Shaymin X, DGX, and much more! [W]Stuff

Final Bump till monday.
RE: Juliacoolo's Card Depot. [H] Staple Trainers, Shaymin X, DGX, and much more! [W]Stuff

CML for Shaymin X (land)
RE: Juliacoolo's Card Depot. [H] Staple Trainers, Shaymin X, DGX, and much more! [W]Stuff

Nothing unless you have something from my wants unlisted. Sorry.
RE: Juliacoolo's Card Depot. [H] Staple Trainers, Shaymin X, DGX, and much more! [W]Stuff

Juliacoolo said:
Nothing unless you have something from my wants unlisted. Sorry.

I have two mr. fuji (fossil, right?)
and 1 scoop up (base?)
and I may trade 1 rare candy.
Those would be tough to get off me though, especially the scoop up since i only have 1.
RE: Juliacoolo's Card Depot. [H] Staple Trainers, Shaymin X, DGX, and much more! [W]Stuff

kronoseal said:
Juliacoolo said:
Nothing unless you have something from my wants unlisted. Sorry.

I have two mr. fuji (fossil, right?)
and 1 scoop up (base?)
and I may trade 1 rare candy.
Those would be tough to get off me though, especially the scoop up since I only have 1.

I do want those, but Shaymin X is worth more.

dragonitetim said:
I have
Vibrava xX RR (Really have many!)
Trapinch X4 RR
Jolteon ex X1 (JPN)

Do you trade for some of them?
I'm don't want any JPN cards. Would you settle for a rare or two for the vibrava and trapinch?
RE: Juliacoolo's Card Depot. [H] Staple Trainers, Shaymin X, DGX, and much more! [W]Stuff

dragonitetim said:
Juliacoolo said:
dragonitetim said:
I have
Vibrava xX RR (Really have many!)
Trapinch X4 RR
Jolteon ex X1 (JPN)

Do you trade for some of them?
I'm don't want any JPN cards. Would you settle for a rare or two for the vibrava and trapinch?

I think there's no problem.
I am interested in
Luxray GL- No thanks.
Flygon RR No thanks
darkrai MD-Gone
cresselia MD-Gone

I will trade
Vibrava x4 RR
Trapinch X4 RR
for any 2 of the above.

Anything else?
RE: Juliacoolo's Card Depot. [H] Staple Trainers, Shaymin X, DGX, and much more! [W]Stuff

CML for dialga g lv X
RE: Juliacoolo's Card Depot. [H] Staple Trainers, Shaymin X, DGX, and much more! [W]Stuff

Sorry, found nothing.
RE: Juliacoolo's Card Depot. [H] Staple Trainers, Shaymin X, DGX, and much more! [W]Stuff

dialga g x and garchomp x

i gots an uxie LA, also cml