Finished Werewolf XIV: The Legend of Canton Falls. Town wins!

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RE: Werewolf XIV: The Legend of Canton Falls. Day 9 ends October 26 at 3 PM CST.

PMJ said:
Role: Chuck Grimes
Alignment: Town

You are Chuck Grimes, a thief. You're pretty good at what you do, despite being such a huge guy.

Ability 0: Quick Pass
You can't hold an Item for more than 2 Nights. The Item will be randomly passed to a player who isn't holding an Item at the end of the second Night.

Ability 1: Jack
Once each Night, you may PM me "Pickpocketing <player>" where <player> is the a player, living or dead. If that person has an Item, you will steal it. This theft supersedes the manual passing of an Item. You may both pass and attempt to steal an Item in the same Night, but if your pass fails, your theft will obviously fail as well.

Win Condition: At least one town-aligned player is alive when all threats to the town have been eliminated
Alright, I could've sworn I've seen this role PM before. Is there anyone else dead in the thread with this role? Or am I just imagining things?
RE: Werewolf XIV: The Legend of Canton Falls. Day 9 ends October 26 at 3 PM CST.

HypnoticLuxray said:
PMJ said:
Role: Chuck Grimes
Alignment: Town

You are Chuck Grimes, a thief. You're pretty good at what you do, despite being such a huge guy.

Ability 0: Quick Pass
You can't hold an Item for more than 2 Nights. The Item will be randomly passed to a player who isn't holding an Item at the end of the second Night.

Ability 1: Jack
Once each Night, you may PM me "Pickpocketing <player>" where <player> is the a player, living or dead. If that person has an Item, you will steal it. This theft supersedes the manual passing of an Item. You may both pass and attempt to steal an Item in the same Night, but if your pass fails, your theft will obviously fail as well.

Win Condition: At least one town-aligned player is alive when all threats to the town have been eliminated
Alright, I could've sworn I've seen this role PM before. Is there anyone else dead in the thread with this role? Or am I just imagining things?

I think your thinking of sillykyles role.
RE: Werewolf XIV: The Legend of Canton Falls. Day 9 ends October 26 at 3 PM CST.

I was waiting for someone to post again so I could make the connection.

He wound up doing it for me. :(

Parts of Kyle/Alex Role said:
You are Edwin Boyd, a thief.

Ability 1: Item Swiper
Once each Night, you may PM me "Pickpocketing <player>" where <player> is the a player, living or dead. If that person has an Item, you will steal it. This theft supersedes the manual passing of an Item. You may both pass and attempt to steal an Item in the same Night, but if your pass fails, your theft will obviously fail as well.

Fffffound it.

Not as similar as I thought, but same basic structure/
RE: Werewolf XIV: The Legend of Canton Falls. Day 9 ends October 26 at 3 PM CST.

What do you want to know?

Sorry for the absence, by the way.
RE: Werewolf XIV: The Legend of Canton Falls. Day 9 ends October 26 at 3 PM CST.

Not even dns was a wolf? Geez.

Spammy, what does your (ability)list look like?

King Arceus, are you sure Rusticks is town? Rusticks, are you sure King Arceus is town?

Argetlam, could you get more active please? Do you guys think that Cillarmy [now Argetlam] might have gotten just regular protection or his ability protected him or so (night 1)?

TheGuy, please remember to reconfirm your role next night through the newspaper (because of Cinesra's ability).

Meaty, why can you say that you have heared enough? Are you the mayor?

Bisharp, why would we believe you are town? And I didn't target you (or anyone for that matter), so please explain why you thought so.

Kecleon-X what is your role & abilities?

Blui129, please explain your ability etc. so we can actually understand what you do.

First I thought there are 8 wolves + Dark Void who gets converted because of the high player count, but then again there is this shooter who shoots everyone every night (which again lowers the player count) so we might have only 7 + Dark Void after all. That would mean that there are 3 wolves left.

@PMJ: You forgot to mark Reshiwott as dead.

The news editor should consider confirming their position in-thread. It's not like the editor would become a wolf target. We could semiclear a person that way. Same maybe with the mayor (unless it's a really powerful role maybe).
RE: Werewolf XIV: The Legend of Canton Falls. Day 9 ends October 26 at 3 PM CST.

@Teal I honestly have no idea if KA is town or not, but I assume that since he fixed the lynch machine he's in the clear.



It's a ploy, and the lynch machine is still broken, and his role gives both of us lynch immunity. Wouldn't fixing the machine put him in the clear as it is? Why would he need lynch immunity?
RE: Werewolf XIV: The Legend of Canton Falls. Day 9 ends October 26 at 3 PM CST.

King Arceus, are you sure Rusticks is town? Rusticks, are you sure King Arceus is town?

Why wouldn't I be town if I fixed the lynch machine? Neither of us have spoken to each other about alignments, but I doubt Rusticks is a wolf. I remember the game where DV and I were lovers each on opposite sides. We made a deal that I don't vote for wolves that aren't acting like a wolf. If the wolf acted poorly which caused suspicion then I'd have no choice but to vote for them. In exchange he kept me safe from the wolves. We almost won also had it not been for one town person shooting me at night.
RE: Werewolf XIV: The Legend of Canton Falls. Day 9 ends October 26 at 3 PM CST.

Oh, and I was never 100% confirmed as town.
RE: Werewolf XIV: The Legend of Canton Falls. Day 9 ends October 26 at 3 PM CST.

(for the record, I can confirm that KA is town)
RE: Werewolf XIV: The Legend of Canton Falls. Day 9 ends October 26 at 3 PM CST.

Did he send you his role PM?
RE: Werewolf XIV: The Legend of Canton Falls. Day 9 ends October 26 at 3 PM CST.

... Anyone else notice how Teal's latest suspects have all been townies...? Bar Cinesra, who was probably an inactive wolf, anyway.

SL, use your ability to clear Teal.

Also, Rusticks is an indie. Just so you guys know. He has an ability that was shown as locked when I saw his role PM (he has two other abilities). If you wanna know more just ask.
RE: Werewolf XIV: The Legend of Canton Falls. Day 9 ends October 26 at 3 PM CST.

Bisharp37 said:
ShadowLugia said:
Another triple post! And King Arceus takes the lead!

I tried catching him on chat after I discovered PM's didn't work, but he had already left. I'm not mad or anything, it doesn't really matter at this point in the game anyways. Also, I'd like to know when we cleared Teal as well.

To the best of my knowledge I don't think we ever actually cleared Teal.

@One Approved- Nothing Special. Blah dies and we lose a threat to the town.

...then why aren't we lynching him o_o
RE: Werewolf XIV: The Legend of Canton Falls. Day 9 ends October 26 at 3 PM CST.

One Approved said:
Bisharp37 said:
To the best of my knowledge I don't think we ever actually cleared Teal.

@One Approved- Nothing Special. Blah dies and we lose a threat to the town.

...then why aren't we lynching him o_o

That's exactly what I am preposing.Anyway If Teal didn't target me with an ability then I am sure that it was Blah. Trust me this role isn't pretty. If It came from Blah (which actually seems more likely) Then it means Blah is a SERIUOUS Threat and possibly not an Indie at all.

RE: Werewolf XIV: The Legend of Canton Falls. Day 9 ends October 26 at 3 PM CST.

Spammy said:
... Anyone else notice how Teal's latest suspects have all been townies...? Bar Cinesra, who was probably an inactive wolf, anyway.

SL, use your ability to clear Teal.

Also, Rusticks is an indie. Just so you guys know. He has an ability that was shown as locked when I saw his role PM (he has two other abilities). If you wanna know more just ask.

If you did it before I found him of course it will show up as locked. I had an ability that was locked at the beginning also. It is probably the same one as me.
RE: Werewolf XIV: The Legend of Canton Falls. Day 9 ends October 26 at 3 PM CST.

Teal said:
Blui129, please explain your ability etc. so we can actually understand what you do.

First I thought there are 8 wolves + Dark Void who gets converted because of the high player count, but then again there is this shooter who shoots everyone every night (which again lowers the player count) so we might have only 7 + Dark Void after all. That would mean that there are 3 wolves left.

@PMJ: You forgot to mark Reshiwott as dead.

The news editor should consider confirming their position in-thread. It's not like the editor would become a wolf target. We could semiclear a person that way. Same maybe with the mayor (unless it's a really powerful role maybe).

I really can't tell what my abilities do, because one of them locks saying the name, or effect of the other ability. Just wait for tomorrow. :(. But I am an indie, and my role name is Lord Byron of Snoofingsville.
RE: Werewolf XIV: The Legend of Canton Falls. Day 9 ends October 26 at 3 PM CST.

Spammy said:
... Anyone else notice how Teal's latest suspects have all been townies...? Bar Cinesra, who was probably an inactive wolf, anyway.
Did you notice that all of them were inactive? I even included reasons on my lastest list. And KP and Eevee were listed mainly as "go away" as I didn't even care anymore about their alignments, they were a nuisance for not cooperating and making the town almost waste two days as they turned up as townies.

Spammy said:
SL, use your ability to clear Teal.
Because the incriminator will totally not target me tonight after you saying this. xD

Spammy said:
Also, Rusticks is an indie. Just so you guys know. He has an ability that was shown as locked when I saw his role PM (he has two other abilities). If you wanna know more just ask.
Is he a good indie?

Spammy, can you tell us which people you have seen the role PM of?

ShadowLugia, can't you clear ANYONE? Has NOBODY alive shown up as town upon inspection?

@Blui: That's pretty hard to believe. What does your first ability do then? Bisharp can you elaborate on what happened last night and why you think Blui targeted you?
RE: Werewolf XIV: The Legend of Canton Falls. Day 9 ends October 26 at 3 PM CST.

Teal said:
ShadowLugia, can't you clear ANYONE? Has NOBODY alive shown up as town upon inspection?

Nope. The actual times I've been able to use my ability (which isn't many times, sorry), they've always came up as Wolf or yielded no results.
RE: Werewolf XIV: The Legend of Canton Falls. Day 9 ends October 26 at 3 PM CST.

Because if no one targets him he's completely harmless.
RE: Werewolf XIV: The Legend of Canton Falls. Day 9 ends October 26 at 3 PM CST.

Because the incriminator will totally not target me tonight after you saying this. xD

Read as:

Here's my excuse before I show up as wolf on a seering.

Blui129 said:
I really can't tell what my abilities do, because one of them locks saying the name, or effect of the other ability.
Read as:

Utter BS.

An ability like that would never have been made. PMJ literally changed the rules so we can say whatever the hell we feel like about our roles. And he changed that for you?

Somehow, I feel like this kid is an indie(he confirmed it himself) who wins and ends the game on Day 10. I know PMJ likes taking indies out of the game, but it's not hard to imagine at least one game winning indie. He seems like one to me, and I don't want to take a chance with that absurd lie.

and if it's not a lie than PMJ is an absurd person
Vote: Blui129
RE: Werewolf XIV: The Legend of Canton Falls. Day 9 ends October 26 at 3 PM CST.

HypnoticLuxray said:
Because the incriminator will totally not target me tonight after you saying this. xD
Read as:
Here's my excuse before I show up as wolf on a seering.
Of course? It's pretty probable after that. Seering me is a waste anyway, how can you even think I'm a wolf. If you think so read again all of my posts and come and say that again...
Bisharp37 said:
One Approved said:
...then why aren't we lynching him o_o

That's exactly what I am preposing.Anyway If Teal didn't target me with an ability then I am sure that it was Blah. Trust me this role isn't pretty. If It came from Blah (which actually seems more likely) Then it means Blah is a SERIUOUS Threat and possibly not an Indie at all.

Wait, BLAH? I thought you were talking about BLUI. o_O I seriously doubt that Blah targeted you, he is supposed to be a siren. Please be more specific of what happened.

Btw. it just occured to me that Blui might be the shooter and he has to shoot 10 people in order to win, so:
Vote: Blui129
His story is not believable at all.
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