Finished Werewolf XIV: The Legend of Canton Falls. Town wins!

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RE: Werewolf XIV: The Legend of Canton Falls. Day 9 ends October 26 at 3 PM CST.

I can't see the three lastest posts unless I try to make a new post, let's see if this fixes it.

@OP: He says he reflects anything BUT the wolf kill. Falkner Banks was Mokoko's role.
RE: Werewolf XIV: The Legend of Canton Falls. Day 9 ends October 26 at 3 PM CST.

Blah: 2
Blui129: 2
Kecleon-X: 1

There are 17 players left, so you need 9 votes to lynch and 29 hours in which to get them.

If no simple majority is reached, whoever has the most votes will be lynched. If there is a tie at deadline, there will be no lynch.
RE: Werewolf XIV: The Legend of Canton Falls. Day 9 ends October 26 at 3 PM CST.

RE: Werewolf XIV: The Legend of Canton Falls. Day 9 ends October 26 at 3 PM CST.

Why do I feel whenever someone disagrees with Teal, he automatically calls them suspicious.

Me: I don't think we should do No Lynches
Teal: Shut up, your a wolf
Teapot: We really should kill these dangerous indies
Teal: Shut up, your a wolf

I'm sorry, but what?
RE: Werewolf XIV: The Legend of Canton Falls. Day 9 ends October 26 at 3 PM CST.

Read as:
"I, One Approved, am a wolf and want to waste days lynching a person who we, the wolves can't kill for sure (because the killer might get Perish Song'ed) and a person who might be helpful to the town".

Also, indie =/= confirmed treath to the town. Just look at some previous now dead indies in this game.

@Kecleon: That's a pretty convient cover fake ability for a wolf though, so dunno.

Btw. it just occured to me that Blui might be the shooter and he has to shoot 10 people in order to win, so:
Vote: Blui129
His story is not believable at all.

I've started to notice this as well. In addition to the fact that he is not only extremely active, but actually attempting to steer the entire town on every single vote, which is the same tactic DNA took up last time. Also convenient that he places himself on the confirmed townies list when nobody actually confirmed him ever.
RE: Werewolf XIV: The Legend of Canton Falls. Day 9 ends October 26 at 3 PM CST.

This is why I think Shadow Lugia should clear him with his ability =/

It is rather late in the game, and I'm pretty sure we could win without Teal at this point, even if he happened to be a townie (which I'm seriously beginning to doubt).

We should put some pressure on Teal.
RE: Werewolf XIV: The Legend of Canton Falls. Day 9 ends October 26 at 3 PM CST.

PMJ said:
Blah: 2
Blui129: 2
Kecleon-X: 1

There are 17 players left, so you need 9 votes to lynch and 29 hours in which to get them.

If no simple majority is reached, whoever has the most votes will be lynched. If there is a tie at deadline, there will be no lynch.

You're SURE that's the vote count.

...cuz I voted for Bisharp37. If the vote count is correct, just say it so I can sulk over my 0 vote weight x___x.
RE: Werewolf XIV: The Legend of Canton Falls. Day 9 ends October 26 at 3 PM CST.

Spammy said:
This is why I think Shadow Lugia should clear him with his ability =/

It is rather late in the game, and I'm pretty sure we could win without Teal at this point, even if he happened to be a townie (which I'm seriously beginning to doubt).

We should put some pressure on Teal.

I'd be all for SL clearing him once and for all. That would definitely clear some doubts up.
RE: Werewolf XIV: The Legend of Canton Falls. Day 9 ends October 26 at 3 PM CST.

One Approved said:
I'd be all for SL clearing him once and for all. That would definitely clear some doubts up.

Agreed. Teal seems wolfish. I was thinking of this earlier today while reading one of his posts, and it was brought up just a few posts later, so I was quite satisfied.
RE: Werewolf XIV: The Legend of Canton Falls. Day 9 ends October 26 at 3 PM CST.

The only problem we have is that the wolves might not let SL live through the night. Unless somebody can protect him :| (our priest is dead iirc)
RE: Werewolf XIV: The Legend of Canton Falls. Day 9 ends October 26 at 3 PM CST.

No, I'm not sure. I probably just forgot. Here's a real tally

Blah: 3
Blui129: 2
Kecleon-X: 2
Bisharp37: 1

sixteen hours left
RE: Werewolf XIV: The Legend of Canton Falls. Day 9 ends October 26 at 3 PM CST.

Kecleon-X said:
*Le taken from PMJ's Day 7 update.

Role: Falkner Banks
Alignment: Town

You are Falkner Banks, an old guy who spends his time feeding birds in his old age. Nothing really bothers you.

Ability 0: Ascetic
You are immune to all non-lethal ability effects.

Win Condition: At least one town-aligned player is alive when all threats to the town have been eliminated

@Blui: ^

@Teal: If by flavor text you mean my profile, then here, in my own words:

I am Joshua Midgard from out of town. I recently moved in and started my own buisiness that sells mirrors. I am obsessed with them.

I am having to post from my 3DS, so posting takes a while.
What can happen to them:
Wolf kill
Huntsman kill
That's heaps, and seeing as he only had that one ability, I really doubt that there'd be someone who blocks EVERYTHING.
RE: Werewolf XIV: The Legend of Canton Falls. Day 9 ends October 26 at 3 PM CST.

If my counting is correct we only have 4~5 hours left until Blah is lynched UNLESS someone can make a convincng argument as to why it would be in our best intrest to keep blah around and get rid of someone else.
RE: Werewolf XIV: The Legend of Canton Falls. Day 9 ends October 26 at 3 PM CST.

one more hourrrrrrrrrrrrr
RE: Werewolf XIV: The Legend of Canton Falls. Day 9 ends October 26 at 3 PM CST.

You guys have totally not read my posts if you think I'm a wolf. Wake up. A wolf that makes a list of his suspicions (um hello) and You are also soo forgetting that Cinesra was on my suspicions list, that I had a reason for EVERY suspicion and you couldn't find any arguments against those, and that EVERY person who I listed as pro-town and was lynched or nightkilled turned out as TOWN.

And I called OP "a wolf" to make him realize that he is arguing in favour of the wolves, not the town. I still believe that OP is actually town. Maybe. <__> If his ability is real he is town, if he lied well he's not.

I gave you guys enough reasons to keep Blah alive.

The wolves want to waste a day lynching a person (BLAH) who we KNOW FOR SURE IS NOT A WOLF and the wolves can't kill for sure without taking a risk because the nightkiller of blah might get Perish Song'ed and DIE. A WOLF MIGHT DIE KILLING BLAH AND LYNCHING BLAH WASTES A DAY WE CAN USE TO LYNCH AN ACTUAL WOLF, ALSO THE WOLF RATION GETS BIGGER COMPARED TO OTHER PLAYERS WHEN BLAH IS LYNCHED.


What. Is. So. Frigging. Hard. To. Understand. About. That.

@TheGuy: You better not forget to reconfirm that you are Thomas Martin tonight.

Vote: HypnoticLuxray

HypnoLux is not that stupid. He was a good player last game, but compared to that he just "sucks" this game, form the viewpoint of the town that is. His opinions are stupid and he doesn't see logic where he would normally see it for sure, probably because he is a wolf and he can't agree for that reason. Now he is even starting a doubt-wagon against me, the most contributing townie so far. He had to reveal that he got info from the toy because TDL was around, it would also give him a great cover as I would most probably start trusting him and my word was more appreciated at that point than it is unfortunately now. HypnoLux also says he can role block, which is usually actually a wolf ability, not a town abilty as a townie role that role blocks is a very bad role in the hands of pretty much everyone else but an experienced player. If anyone, HypnoticLuxray is the REAL "DNA" this game, contributing bad ideas to the town.

I somewhat, but only somewhat believe Kecleon-X, I believe Blui129 is good for now and lynching Blah is pure idiocity.

I ask PMJ to extend the deadline a bit as my post probably won't even show up for a while. .__.
RE: Werewolf XIV: The Legend of Canton Falls. Day 9 ends October 26 at 3 PM CST.

posting so Teal can post again

still not unvoting blah btw
RE: Werewolf XIV: The Legend of Canton Falls. Day 9 ends October 26 at 3 PM CST.

I forgot to say that I still have double vote, so even one more vote for HypnoticLuxray will already set the HypnoLux votes on par with Blah votes, so for now we only need 2 more votes for Hypnotic to lynch him. Better option than Blah for sure. (Even one Blah => HypnoLux change is a majority.)
RE: Werewolf XIV: The Legend of Canton Falls. Day 9 ends October 26 at 3 PM CST.

Vote: Blah

I don't believe we have a better option this late in the day.
RE: Werewolf XIV: The Legend of Canton Falls. Day 9 ends October 26 at 3 PM CST.

Pretty much any option is better than Blah. Even Kecleon-X is much better then Blah. If Kecleon was telling the truth, his role is no power role and it affects only him. It doesn't save anyone, it doesn't get us info and nobody will target him after him telling that, even if he was town and telling the truth. Basically he is a (pseudo)vanilla, like Blah. The ONLY difference is that with Kecleon-X we would actually have the chance of getting a wolf. I would still vote HypnoticLuxray, though.
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