Finished Werewolf XIV: The Legend of Canton Falls. Town wins!

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RE: Werewolf XIV: The Legend of Canton Falls. Day 10 ends November 5 at 3 PM CST.

Argetlam said:
Okay, for me, let me say that I agree with Guy, someone roleblocked him (or me) - I got and approved it, but it wasn't posted.

It's posted now. PMJ forgot like always. Good to know who my editor is.
RE: Werewolf XIV: The Legend of Canton Falls. Day 10 ends November 5 at 3 PM CST.

I'd personally love to know where you guys got the idea that I am an indie.
RE: Werewolf XIV: The Legend of Canton Falls. Day 10 ends November 5 at 3 PM CST.

Oh, yeah! Sorry :x

I forgot, PMJ messed up (SURPRISE) and in the role PM he sent me, Rusticks was aligned indie. He later PM'd me that Rusticks was in fact town and he had made a mistake. Sorry X_X

I forgot about that when Puff asked about Rusticks.

So yes, Rusticks is a townie. Derp de herp. Again, sorry for that. >_>;

Here's a list of people who could possibly be the shooter:
One Approved
Blui129 (I'm not even sure he's still in the game, PMJ please clear up what happened; I'm positive Blob55 was Kronar and Gale is dead... unless you gave 2 peeps the same role Blui cannot be Gale, I think you mean Blob55 won, PMJ). Anyway, if Blui is still in the game I think he has a good chance of being the shooter.

Very Unlikely but still just a little possible (unless someone has concrete proof otherwise):
Argetlam (We have been lead to believe he's the editor of the newspaper)
Blah (We think he's an indie Siren)

Bisharp can't be, he would have had to use his ability more than 3 times because the shooter has been making a kill nearly every single night.
Puff and SL: I'm pretty sure we saw their role PMs. Confirmed town.
KA and Rusticks: Confirmed town (unless by some strange act of Black God KA is the shooter and also a lover).
TheGuy: Confirmed town.
Me: Confirmed town.
RE: Werewolf XIV: The Legend of Canton Falls. Day 10 ends November 5 at 3 PM CST.

Blui is (unfortunately) a winner; the night update is correct. He is not in the game any more.

And Meaty is pretty close to being modkilled.
RE: Werewolf XIV: The Legend of Canton Falls. Day 10 ends November 5 at 3 PM CST.

PMJ has PM'd me. Bisharp you have not used a night role 3 times.

If you thing I'm wrong, I would just like to note that abilities that are "Always On" eg: Moonlight Confrence, will not be seen by my role. This is because werewolves do not "use" Moonlight Confrence. Likewise, if you have a role that is always on, I will not see it because you do not need to "use" it 3 times. You use it once, and it stays on.
RE: Werewolf XIV: The Legend of Canton Falls. Day 10 ends November 5 at 3 PM CST.

Bisharp37 said:
@ Meaty - Please explain your abilities a little more.You got Riskbreakers lynched with "I've heard enough" and you didn't really give any explanation of how your role allowed you to do this.

Basically I'm allowed to end a day and lynch someone with only half the required votes and be outed as the source. This could only be used once, and I have another ability but it doesn't affect any of you.
RE: Werewolf XIV: The Legend of Canton Falls. Day 10 ends November 5 at 3 PM CST.

@One Approved that is correct I haven't used an ability 3 times yet.Now that we can confirm your ability is legit can you post a list of people who used an ability 3 times by night 3.We don't have anyone to protect anymore.The seer was exposed as well as two backups and the priest was already killed.
RE: Werewolf XIV: The Legend of Canton Falls. Day 10 ends November 5 at 3 PM CST.


...Yes, Blob55 is on that list twice.
RE: Werewolf XIV: The Legend of Canton Falls. Day 10 ends November 5 at 3 PM CST.

@ One Approved- Do you have any info for nights 1&2? Apparently the mysterious amulet allows you to use a role twice in one night. That would allow someone to be on the list before Night 3.
RE: Werewolf XIV: The Legend of Canton Falls. Day 10 ends November 5 at 3 PM CST.

I do not have any info for before night 3 because the Mysterious Amulet is supposed to "power up" your abilities, not let you use them twice.
RE: Werewolf XIV: The Legend of Canton Falls. Day 10 ends November 5 at 3 PM CST.

Incorrect; the last time I got the amulet it let me use The 411 (my ability that lets me see the next person on my suspect list) twice.
RE: Werewolf XIV: The Legend of Canton Falls. Day 10 ends November 5 at 3 PM CST.

I know. That was how your ability got powered up. It affects each ability differently. What if your only ability is "always on" and you get the amulet? You wouldn't get to use your ability twice. Your ability got powered up by letting you see 2 people, but it only counts for 2 uses.
RE: Werewolf XIV: The Legend of Canton Falls. Day 10 ends November 5 at 3 PM CST.

The point is: you said the amulet is not supposed to let you use your abilities twice, and it can. >_>

Meaty, tell us the ability you have that doesn't affect us or I'm inclined to vote for you.
RE: Werewolf XIV: The Legend of Canton Falls. Day 10 ends November 5 at 3 PM CST.

Bisharp37 said:
@One Approved that is correct I haven't used an ability 3 times yet.Now that we can confirm your ability is legit can you post a list of people who used an ability 3 times by night 3.We don't have anyone to protect anymore.The seer was exposed as well as two backups and the priest was already killed.

Your'e not gonna get anywhere with this.

When the game started, I was completely ability-less. I cannot say the same now.
RE: Werewolf XIV: The Legend of Canton Falls. Day 10 ends November 5 at 3 PM CST.

Right, so I left Cinesra on the living players list (oops). No one caught it so you guys all fail too.

Anyway, since he's dead, there are only 13 people left, not 14, which means you guys need 7 votes to lynch, not 8.

Carry on.
RE: Werewolf XIV: The Legend of Canton Falls. Day 10 ends November 5 at 3 PM CST.

How are we down to just 13 already :eek:
RE: Werewolf XIV: The Legend of Canton Falls. Day 10 ends November 5 at 3 PM CST.

Rusticks said:
How are we down to just 13 already :eek:

Modkills and a lot of them.

@Meaty~If it doesn't affect us then you can tell us about it?

@HL~What abilities have you gained exactly?

@PMJ~No free wolf kill?
RE: Werewolf XIV: The Legend of Canton Falls. Day 10 ends November 5 at 3 PM CST.

He wasn't in the game on Day 10, so no.
RE: Werewolf XIV: The Legend of Canton Falls. Day 10 ends November 5 at 3 PM CST.

We should reach a consensus on who to vote for.

In my opinion there are only 2 real possible suspects for the shooter: HypnoticLuxray and Meaty

Meaty is only there because he won't tell us his ability that "doesn't affect us." Otherwise I would think he was town-aligned; his "I've heard enough" ability seems like a townie ability to me. His relative inactivity is also suspicious.

As for HypnoLux, we've not seen any rock-solid proof of his alignment. He claims to have had no ability to use until a while into the game, and he claims that ability allows him to roleblock. If he's telling the truth, I doubt he's the shooter because giving a killing role roleblocking abilities just seems OP as heck. If he's lying, however, I think he's our shooter.

Vote: HypnoticLuxray

Btw the next two on my list are King Arceus and Teal so don't expect any leads from me tomorrow. :(
RE: Werewolf XIV: The Legend of Canton Falls. Day 10 ends November 5 at 3 PM CST.

Vote: HypnoticLuxray

You'd be wasting your time lynching me.
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