Finished Werewolf XIV: The Legend of Canton Falls. Town wins!

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RE: Werewolf XIV: The Legend of Canton Falls. Day 11 ends November 15 at 3 PM CST.

@KA: (Late reply) You'll notice the night update has never mentioned roleblocking. You must have it out for me or something...

@Bisharp37: That doesn't rule you out as a suspect.

@HL: I remember. He did, in fact, confirm that Blob had that ability after I told everyone Blob was Kronar and mentioned the ability.

I don't really remember the Blah instance, but I would expect him to be telling the truth.
RE: Werewolf XIV: The Legend of Canton Falls. Day 11 ends November 15 at 3 PM CST.

I already stated I have an Information gathering role. Remeber I Confirmed Blob had an ability called Investiagate Mk II (Which Blob did have)

I don't remember this. I do remember you telling us about Blah, but i don't remember this part.
RE: Werewolf XIV: The Legend of Canton Falls. Day 11 ends November 15 at 3 PM CST.

One approved is who is standing out the most for me right now. He's "helped" the town the entire game by telling us who used their ability three times, and it would be a perfect cover up for a shooter role. I know that I could simply be completely wrong and he could just be a helper for the town, but since he's one of the four major suspects, I wouldn't be surprised if it was him.
RE: Werewolf XIV: The Legend of Canton Falls. Day 11 ends November 15 at 3 PM CST.

>_> Need I get the quote?

Bisharp37 said:
I feel it's sort of necessary and proves we can sort of trust Spammy.My ability is Called "Pinkie Sense." it says I can visit one player during the night if that player uses an ability during that night I will be notified and 2 nights later receive info revealing one ability they used that night.But I can confirm that Blob definitely has Investigate MK II and used it twice.I just didn't think it was very suspicious and kind of hinted towards town-allied but I guess I was wrong....=(

Here's the quote. He did in fact say he found Investigate MK II on Blob.

Bisharp37 said:
Well,Finally have something that makes sense. Let's just say I've been on Blob's case a little.I can guarantee that Blob used an ability on Night's 2 and 3. However I "Visited" other players after those nights.

Hm. "Visited." Do you perhaps mean "shot"? The shooter killed someone on both of those nights.
RE: Werewolf XIV: The Legend of Canton Falls. Day 11 ends November 15 at 3 PM CST.

Spammy the killer has shot someone Every night(Except the skipped one.) Your Point Is....?
RE: Werewolf XIV: The Legend of Canton Falls. Day 11 ends November 15 at 3 PM CST.

Thank you for finding the quote. Going through 50 pages of 50 posts each page is rofl.

...also what Bisharp said. The shooter has killed somebody every night except the skipped one, and of course night 1 where the shooter got trolled twice.

One approved is who is standing out the most for me right now. He's "helped" the town the entire game by telling us who used their ability three times, and it would be a perfect cover up for a shooter role. I know that I could simply be completely wrong and he could just be a helper for the town, but since he's one of the four major suspects, I wouldn't be surprised if it was him.

I have not "helped" the town the entire game, I have helped them. Without quotes. For example, I was the one who defended SL when everybody demanded that he revealed his role to the public. (because I knew he had used his role 3 times by night 3, which is something the seer would be doing.)
RE: Werewolf XIV: The Legend of Canton Falls. Day 11 ends November 15 at 3 PM CST.

Hmm... Bisharp37 is looking veeeerry suspicious right now. He, and King Arceus, are the only two people whose behavior seems incredibly suspicious. Look at how Bisharp attacked Spammy, who we know to be a seer, as soon as he accused him. KA did that as well.
RE: Werewolf XIV: The Legend of Canton Falls. Day 11 ends November 15 at 3 PM CST.

Most difficult part about finding the shooter is that it doesn't matter if they've seemingly been supporting the town the whole game, they don't have teammates to worry about killing.

@Bisharp: I was just pressing you. My point was the shooter didn't shoot anyone night 1, only on night 2 and so on. And if I recall correctly, you said you didn't use your ability 3 times by night 3... unless I'm wrong there, if so please correct me. :)

@Puff: Yeah idk what KA's deal is. He said I was not following the thread when clearly he was not reading very well. He was extremely aggressive... oddly so. That's the only reason I'm suspicious of him. I wouldn't normally expect a lover to be the shooter, but his behavior concerns me.

Puff, would you like to help me look at how KA has acted throughout the thread? Look for any clues? =)
RE: Werewolf XIV: The Legend of Canton Falls. Day 11 ends November 15 at 3 PM CST.

Puff, I haven't attacked anyone. I'm merely sticking up for myself. I haven't once called Spammy suspicous.I merely defended myself and asked Spammy to clarify a point that made no sense to me. I don't think Spammy is suspicous, in fact quite the contrary I stuck up for him when he claimed info about Blob and my opinion of him stilll stands. Spammy, The shooter fired at Chillarmy (Now Argetlam) Night 1.Wait that reminds me of something. Argetlam, Why didn't you edit your name into the news update? Speaking of the night update... TheGuy why would you think we would have to kill Puff? Puff is a confirmed townie.
RE: Werewolf XIV: The Legend of Canton Falls. Day 11 ends November 15 at 3 PM CST.

Oh, sorry. D: I just looked at the ways people died, I didn't bother going back and see the actual night update :x That was stupid. >_>

Well if Argetlam was shot at that means he isn't the shooter.

I believe you for now Bisharp. :)

It's down to One Approved and King Arceus, then.
RE: Werewolf XIV: The Legend of Canton Falls. Day 11 ends November 15 at 3 PM CST.

Bisharp37 said:
Wait that reminds me of something. Argetlam, Why didn't you edit your name into the news update?

I think I got role-blocked. I never got the chance to edit the update (PMJ never sent it to me).
RE: Werewolf XIV: The Legend of Canton Falls. Day 11 ends November 15 at 3 PM CST.

Bisharp37 said:
Wait that reminds me of something. Argetlam, Why didn't you edit your name into the news update?

I think I got role-blocked. I never got the chance to edit the update (PMJ never sent it to me).
RE: Werewolf XIV: The Legend of Canton Falls. Day 11 ends November 15 at 3 PM CST.

Spammy said:
Oh, sorry. D: I just looked at the ways people died, I didn't bother going back and see the actual night update :x That was stupid. >_>

Well if Argetlam was shot at that means he isn't the shooter.

I believe you for now Bisharp. :)

It's down to One Approved and King Arceus, then.

Just saying that people we "confirmed" as having specific roles could still have double roles as the shooter or something. (See: Masons who are also werewolves in previous games.) We would "confirm" him as a mason by his mason buddies. Then he would ruthlessly slaughter the town because everybody just assumed he was innocent. Unless he got seer'd or something.
RE: Werewolf XIV: The Legend of Canton Falls. Day 11 ends November 15 at 3 PM CST.

Just saying if you get rid of me you won't be helping yourselves any.
RE: Werewolf XIV: The Legend of Canton Falls. Day 11 ends November 15 at 3 PM CST.

I even posted that I got an item that let me use a night ability two times instead of once. If was was the shooter, clearly I wouldn't have said I got an item that lets me do that.
RE: Werewolf XIV: The Legend of Canton Falls. Day 11 ends November 15 at 3 PM CST.

posting because I cant see anything
RE: Werewolf XIV: The Legend of Canton Falls. Day 11 ends November 15 at 3 PM CST.

So who are out confirmed townies?

Also posting because I can't see anything.
RE: Werewolf XIV: The Legend of Canton Falls. Day 11 ends November 15 at 3 PM CST.

Pokebeach why so glitchy...
I can't see any posts after Argetlam's double post, so here's hoping this fixes that.
RE: Werewolf XIV: The Legend of Canton Falls. Day 11 ends November 15 at 3 PM CST.

Blah said:
posting because I cant see anything
TheGuy said:
Also posting because I can't see anything.
Puff said:
I can't see any posts after Argetlam's double post, so here's hoping this fixes that.
Looks like we have tons of great problem solvers. This glitch has existed fir a while now, and you still haven't figured it out? Yikes.
RE: Werewolf XIV: The Legend of Canton Falls. Day 11 ends November 15 at 3 PM CST.

Hypnotic, I'm reading your posts, it's just easier to read normally so I can actually quote them easily etc.
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