Finished Werewolf XIV: The Legend of Canton Falls. Town wins!

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RE: Werewolf XIV: The Legend of Canton Falls. Day 1 ends Thursday, September 6, 2012, at 8 PM CST.

Dark Void said:
Bolstered by the continuing stupidity of new No Lynch votes even with unvoting disabled, I have received a greater sense of urgency to bandwagon cornbread. However, I find the fact that he will not reveal more specifics of his role highly suspicious. As whoever hosted the last game he was in (PMJ I think?) remarked, behind his clever facade of terribad spelling and grammar he is a remarkable werewolf player. As such, I will not vote for cornbread until he gives us more specifics on his role (and even then he has held out for long enough to have composed some such lies regarding its supposed merits for the town-aligned faction) and I will not vote for No Lynch at all ever as it strongly opposes my ideals and tactical decisions in this game. With that good gentlemen I bid you farewell.

extremely smart person said:
Well, if we do no lynch, we have a 0% chance of hitting a wolf and we have a 100% chance of losing a townie the next night. However, if we do lynch, we have an approx. 25% chance to hit a wolf, and a 75% chance to hit a townie, possibly even an important role like the priest. On top of that, we still lose a townie to the wolves, regardless of how we lynch. So we either lynch a random person and risk losing 2 townies, or we vote No Lynch and only lose one.

No Lynch is not a bad option, it is in fact our best option.
RE: Werewolf XIV: The Legend of Canton Falls. Day 1 ends Thursday, September 6, 2012, at 8 PM CST.


extremely smarter person who said:
1. cornbread is a townie who will not die when lynched. This is bad because it turns into No Lynch, which is bad for the town (seriously, 1 in 3 chances. That's pretty good, and your argument of us losing 2 townies as opposed to 1 is stupid because by that logic we'd never lynch unless we have a seer-proven wolf, which means we'd never win any game besides DNA's)
RE: Werewolf XIV: The Legend of Canton Falls. Day 1 ends Thursday, September 6, 2012, at 8 PM CST.

Nengeni said:
Why don't we just go no lynch today, and vote Corn tomorrow? This way if someone has a night kill they can use it on him (and rendering any downsides useless) and if not we might get more information.

I'm all for this.
RE: Werewolf XIV: The Legend of Canton Falls. Day 1 ends Thursday, September 6, 2012, at 8 PM CST.

Dark Void said:
Bolstered by the continuing stupidity of new No Lynch votes even with unvoting disabled, I have received a greater sense of urgency to bandwagon cornbread. However, I find the fact that he will not reveal more specifics of his role highly suspicious. As whoever hosted the last game he was in (PMJ I think?) remarked, behind his clever facade of terribad spelling and grammar he is a remarkable werewolf player. As such, I will not vote for cornbread until he gives us more specifics on his role (and even then he has held out for long enough to have composed some such lies regarding its supposed merits for the town-aligned faction) and I will not vote for No Lynch at all ever as it strongly opposes my ideals and tactical decisions in this game. With that good gentlemen I bid you farewell.

So what do you think we should do, provided corn bread keeps quiet.
RE: Werewolf XIV: The Legend of Canton Falls. Day 1 ends Thursday, September 6, 2012, at 8 PM CST.

Non Sequitur said:
Gee, I haven't heard this before. Thanks, Nengeni.
Also, your logic is terrible as well. You can't retract votes anymore, in case you didn't know.

Your welcome.

And I don't see your point. If no one votes, we will end the day with a majority on no lynch. And then tomorrow we can either vote corn, vote someone else if he's dead, or vote someone else if we get a new lead.

No one need to retract votes, unless I'm missing something.
RE: Werewolf XIV: The Legend of Canton Falls. Day 1 ends Thursday, September 6, 2012, at 8 PM CST.

To everyone saying "ahhhhh corn bread is a wolf/indie, let's not lynch him!"

What the heck.

If he's a wolf we'd need to lynch him at some point anyway. If he's a town he's not lying about his role helping us. The only way this is bad for the town is if it's some indie role that needs to be lynched to win, which strikes me as stupid and broken, so I don't think PMJ would put that in the game. Whatever it is, it's better than a no lynch and the only reason I'm not voting for him now is because of the lack of info he's giving us. I won't vote until I hear more about his role. Basically what Teal and Dark Void are saying. CORN BREAD, TELL US WHAT YOUR FREAKING ROLE DOES!!!
RE: Werewolf XIV: The Legend of Canton Falls. Day 1 ends Thursday, September 6, 2012, at 8 PM CST.

Oh master of Werewolf DarkVoid, how does thou know corn bread will be a bad lynch?

You are guessing that corn bread's role might end the day without a lynch. Are you going to postpone the possibility that the town could benefit?
RE: Werewolf XIV: The Legend of Canton Falls. Day 1 ends Thursday, September 6, 2012, at 8 PM CST.

To all the people saying "lol he's a wolf lets lynch him regardless of"

The town most likely has a killer, so we'll just let the townie killer kill cornbread. If we don't then sure, lets lynch cornbread tomorrow.
RE: Werewolf XIV: The Legend of Canton Falls. Day 1 ends Thursday, September 6, 2012, at 8 PM CST.

Nengeni said:
@Non: That logic is horrible.

Why don't we just go no lynch today, and vote Corn tomorrow? This way if someone has a night kill they can use it on him (and rendering any downsides useless) and if not we might get more information.
Your logic is no better. The wolves could get rid of corn bread tonight if he is a townie. :C

Can't we afford this risk at this point? >-< No lynch is soo boring, at least lynching corn bread would not be boring. ;P

If he's a wolf we'd need to lynch him at some point anyway. If he's a town he's not lying about his role helping us. The only way this is bad for the town is if it's some indie role that needs to be lynched to win, which strikes me as stupid and broken, so I don't think PMJ would put that in the game. Whatever it is, it's better than a no lynch and the only reason I'm not voting for him now is because of the lack of info he's giving us. I won't vote until I hear more about his role. Basically what Teal and Dark Void are saying. CORN BREAD, TELL US WHAT YOUR FREAKING ROLE DOES!!!
Exaaactly. Plus PMJ said he would never write a role that has to be lynched in order to win after WW12 ended!
RE: Werewolf XIV: The Legend of Canton Falls. Day 1 ends Thursday, September 6, 2012, at 8 PM CST.

Glace said:
So what do you think we should do, provided corn bread keeps quiet.

Kill one of the various other idiots that will invariably manage to show their faces and stupidity on Day 1 despite it lasting half a week. Let's take Nature's Profit for example, he voted for himself after vote lock (I think it was after vote lock anyway) which fell flat on its face because everyone ignored him as cornbread had already gone further into that.

I'm stating him not dying as a simple possibility. I do not know he will be a bad lynch; I specifically stated all of the probabilities I could think of that would make him reasonably want himself lynched.
RE: Werewolf XIV: The Legend of Canton Falls. Day 1 ends Thursday, September 6, 2012, at 8 PM CST.

Chillarmy said:
To all the people saying "lol he's a wolf lets lynch him regardless of"

The town most likely has a killer, so we'll just let the townie killer kill cornbread. If we don't then sure, lets lynch cornbread tomorrow.
Are you KIDDING me? And what if he IS town and has a useful role? That would be an ultimate backfire, wasting the townie kill and making the job of the WW:s much easier!
RE: Werewolf XIV: The Legend of Canton Falls. Day 1 ends Thursday, September 6, 2012, at 8 PM CST.

Chillarmy said:
To all the people saying "lol he's a wolf lets lynch him regardless of"

The town most likely has a killer, so we'll just let the townie killer kill cornbread. If we don't then sure, lets lynch cornbread tomorrow.

But if he has a useful role, we waste it.
RE: Werewolf XIV: The Legend of Canton Falls. Day 1 ends Thursday, September 6, 2012, at 8 PM CST.

Teal said:
Are you KIDDING me? And what if he IS town and has a useful role? That would be an ultimate backfire, wasting the townie kill and making the job of the WW:s much easier!

Yeah, on one hand if he is a townie who won't die when lynched then this will hurt us significantly, wasting what is a very powerful and probably one time use role aligned with the town as well as another townie who could possibly be a help in taking out the wolves. On the other hand, if its a wolf/indie who doesn't die when lynched or hurts the town in some way when lynched this will be helpful for us. On the other hand, lynching him is just as risky a move. On the other hand, I have 4 hands.
RE: Werewolf XIV: The Legend of Canton Falls. Day 1 ends Thursday, September 6, 2012, at 8 PM CST.

I refuse to No Lynch ever, because it's stupid. Everyone who claims it to be our best option? You seriously need to study your textbooks more.

And since obviously, we won't get another bandwagon going on anyone except cornbread...

Vote: cornbread

The town most likely has a killer, so we'll just let the townie killer kill cornbread. If we don't then sure, lets lynch cornbread tomorrow.

I'm just going to tell you this, from experience. If you say anything along the lines of: "Yo seer, seer thisguy/me; kill this person town killer" They specifically won't do it because someone in the thread told them to.

(why teal wasn't seered Night one)

@Everyone except Darkvoid and maybe teal posting at this point in time:

Your logic is terribad.
RE: Werewolf XIV: The Legend of Canton Falls. Day 1 ends Thursday, September 6, 2012, at 8 PM CST.

DarkVoid, voting for some random who is trolling seems very wolfy to me...

as in you want to vote off someone, but don't want to take the chance it is for the town.
RE: Werewolf XIV: The Legend of Canton Falls. Day 1 ends Thursday, September 6, 2012, at 8 PM CST.

Terribad? Hey, I can make up new words too! Like..uh...horriworse! Yeah!
All joking put aside, the reason No Lynch is the best option is because that not only the fact he could harm us upon lynch if he's a wolf/indie, if he's town that means wolves get 2 townies. I think the people trying to lynch corn bread are a little suspicious, but not that much. (Looking at HypnoticLuxray)
RE: Werewolf XIV: The Legend of Canton Falls. Day 1 ends Thursday, September 6, 2012, at 8 PM CST.

Vote Glace
RE: Werewolf XIV: The Legend of Canton Falls. Day 1 ends Thursday, September 6, 2012, at 8 PM CST.

Shocker said:
Terribad? Hey, I can make up new words too! Like..uh...horriworse! Yeah!
All joking put aside, the reason No Lynch is the best option is because that not only the fact he could harm us upon lynch if he's a wolf/indie, if he's town that means wolves get 2 townies. I think the people trying to lynch corn bread are a little suspicious, but not that much. (Looking at HypnoticLuxray)

If he's town we get an immensely helpful ability activated...
RE: Werewolf XIV: The Legend of Canton Falls. Day 1 ends Thursday, September 6, 2012, at 8 PM CST.

Glace said:
DarkVoid, voting for some random who is trolling seems very wolfy to me...

as in you want to vote off someone, but don't want to take the chance it is for the town.

I'm not voting for some random. I'm saying that someone else stupid will probably show up. I don't want to take the chance it is for the town? What in the world does that mean. But, I'm afriad HL has a point; you're all bandwagoning on that poor dude No Lynch so hard without any reasonable logic that our only hope may be to kill cornbread anyway. I'll hold out just a bit longer just in case that perfect idiot shows up though.
RE: Werewolf XIV: The Legend of Canton Falls. Day 1 ends Thursday, September 6, 2012, at 8 PM CST.

Blob55 said:
Vote Glace

Are you serious? Lol.

You give no reasoning whatsoever.
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