Finished Werewolf XIV: The Legend of Canton Falls. Town wins!

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RE: Werewolf XIV: The Legend of Canton Falls. Day 1 ends Thursday, September 6, 2012,

ComfortEagle said:
you should have realized how asinine that idea is as soon as you posted.

He should have realized before he posted.
RE: Werewolf XIV: The Legend of Canton Falls. Day 1 ends Thursday, September 6, 2012, at 8 PM CST.

King Piplup said:
That would be BEYOND OP. Worse than bulletproof masons with investigative roles OP.

And that's saying something.

Told you guys CB wouldn't say much when he got back on.

Eh, I guess I'll hasten the inevitable:

Vote: corn bread

Like I said, the wolves won't kill him, and if there's a back-fire to the town it'd probably be better to face it now than late-game where it could really hurt.
RE: Werewolf XIV: The Legend of Canton Falls. Day 1 ends Thursday, September 6, 2012, at 8 PM CST.

The largest game on pokebeach and i get lynched day fricking 1.And whawts worse,it's pretty much the best use of my role.
RE: Werewolf XIV: The Legend of Canton Falls. Day 1 ends Thursday, September 6, 2012, at 8 PM CST.

Vote: Cornbread

I think he's the best vote at this point for reason's I've already stated. And quite frankly I'm too curious as to what his role is exactly.
RE: Werewolf XIV: The Legend of Canton Falls. Day 1 ends Thursday, September 6, 2012, at 8 PM CST.

You asked for it. I feel sad for you.
RE: Werewolf XIV: The Legend of Canton Falls. Day 1 ends Thursday, September 6, 2012, at 8 PM CST.

corn bread said:
The largest game on pokebeach and i get lynched day fricking 1.

It's not like you asked for it or anything. :p
RE: Werewolf XIV: The Legend of Canton Falls. Day 1 ends Thursday, September 6, 2012, at 8 PM CST.

corn bread said:
I want you all to read my role carefully,if you do then you will realize why any town killing roles should strike tonight

What are you saying?!?

Speak English and stop giving hints you can outright tell us you don't have to be so weird you know.
RE: Werewolf XIV: The Legend of Canton Falls. Day 1 ends Thursday, September 6, 2012, at 8 PM CST.

corn bread said:
The largest game on pokebeach and i get lynched day fricking 1.And whawts worse,it's pretty much the best use of my role.
But if you're so willing to die day 1, that means that your role must be really good - so good that you're willing to take one for the team...right? Why else would you be convincing us to lynch you?
RE: Werewolf XIV: The Legend of Canton Falls. Day 1 ends Thursday, September 6, 2012, at 8 PM CST.

Just wait till I die and read it.
RE: Werewolf XIV: The Legend of Canton Falls. Day 1 ends Thursday, September 6, 2012, at 8 PM CST.

Blob55 said:
What if I just go back a re-read the stuff that happened the last day?
There's no last day. You broke the unbreakable rule
RE: Werewolf XIV: The Legend of Canton Falls. Day 1 ends Thursday, September 6, 2012, at 8 PM CST.

Deus: Nightmare Autarch said:
But if you're so willing to die day 1, that means that your role must be really good - so good that you're willing to take one for the team...right? Why else would you be convincing us to lynch you?

Yeah,but its the fact that my only use is to die,and since this game is so large it will take forever to end,and my role will make it even slower.But whatever,just put my ability to good use okay?
RE: Werewolf XIV: The Legend of Canton Falls. Day 1 ends Thursday, September 6, 2012, at 8 PM CST.

As long as it doesn't harm us. It better be good, corn bread, we need something to help the town.
RE: Werewolf XIV: The Legend of Canton Falls. Day 1 ends Thursday, September 6, 2012, at 8 PM CST.

corn bread said:
Yeah,but its the fact that my only use is to die,and since this game is so large it will take forever to end,and my role will make it even slower.But whatever,just put my ability to good use okay?

Make it slow? We want to win quickly and sweep the wolves. Explain? I'm impatient.
RE: Werewolf XIV: The Legend of Canton Falls. Day 1 ends Thursday, September 6, 2012, at 8 PM CST.

I get it. Maybe his role stops the wolves from killing for X number of nights?
RE: Werewolf XIV: The Legend of Canton Falls. Day 1 ends Thursday, September 6, 2012, at 8 PM CST.

Overpowered, my goodness why is everybody thinking corn bread has this godly power or something?
RE: Werewolf XIV: The Legend of Canton Falls. Day 1 ends Thursday, September 6, 2012, at 8 PM CST.

^Ding Ding Ding Ding,we have a winner.
RE: Werewolf XIV: The Legend of Canton Falls. Day 1 ends Thursday, September 6, 2012, at 8 PM CST.

Now gimmie all yo money, this is a robbery!
Joking of course, man I'm bored. Preview posts people, preview them!
RE: Werewolf XIV: The Legend of Canton Falls. Day 1 ends Thursday, September 6, 2012, at 8 PM CST.

Sorry Shocker,that was directed at Puff.
RE: Werewolf XIV: The Legend of Canton Falls. Day 1 ends Thursday, September 6, 2012, at 8 PM CST.

I am scared.
RE: Werewolf XIV: The Legend of Canton Falls. Day 1 ends Thursday, September 6, 2012, at 8 PM CST.

inb4 corn bread has the most useless role in the all of the history of WW and is just a waste of space
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