Yeah, so did I, last game.Glace said:I thought my defense was pretty good, but I slowly feel apart.
When I first got the role, I made a fake role as a cover up.
Role: Emma Barker
Alignment: Werewolves
You are Emma Barker, the Canton Falls Werewolf. Long thought dead, you have been living in secret as a werewolf. You have your sights set on terrorizing this town because you feel they didn't do enough to save you. It's time to get revenge.
Ability 0: Moonlight Conference
You have access to the Outskirts of Town sub-forum and may use it to communicate freely with the other werewolves.
Ability 1: Nexus
There is a 20% chance that any abilities that target you during Night will be randomly redirected. You will not know they have been redirected.
Ability 2: And Omega
Once each Night, you may PM me the names of a werewolf and a non-werewolf. The werewolf you chose will kill the non-werewolf you chose. If you die, this ability will be passed to a random werewolf.
Ability 3: Assert Dominance
Once a game during any Day, you may post, in bold, "CHALLENGING <player>," where <player> is a living player. All votes for the Day will be reset, and for the remainder of that Day, the only votes that can be cast are for you and <player>. You can't use this ability if the Paralyzer ability is in effect, or if 84 hours have passed since the start of that Day.
Win Condition: At least one werewolf-aligned player is alive when all other players are dead, or nothing can prevent the same
Accuser said:PMJ is a wolfPMJ said:NUH UHAccuser said:yes, I investigated you and it returned guiltyPMJ said:I'm miller, of course it returned guilty. lynching me is a big mistake broAccuser said:I don't believe you, Vote: PMJPMJ said:look, I'll prove it
Role: Jack
Alignment: Town
You are Jack. People think that you like to fall and break your crown, but you're just trolling them so the babes will give you sympathy lovin'. Unfortunately for you, the only one falling for it is some gross-looking hag named Jill.
Ability 0: Troll Penalty
If your alignment is investigated, it will return as "Werewolves."
Ability 0: She's the Only One Who Puts Out
If Jill dies, you will commit suicide. You can speak to Jill freely (her identity will be sent in a separate PM).
Win Condition: At least one town-aligned player is alive when all threats to the town have been eliminated
Black God said:PMJ has been modkilled for being a tard and quoting a role PM. He was:
Role: Supreme Overlord
Alignment: Blacks
You are the supreme overlord of black people.
Ability 0: But Of Course
Blacks are always guilty, even when they're innocent.
Ability 0: no jkjkjk lololol
Once each Night you may PM me the name of a player. If that player is white, he will put on blackface and join the Blacks.
Ability 0: Black Power
If you are lynched, the first person whose vote is on your wagon at the time of your lynching will be killed.
Win Condition: Blacks never win.
Accuser said:PMJ is a wolfPMJ said:NUH UHAccuser said:yes, I investigated you and it returned guiltyPMJ said:I'm miller, of course it returned guilty. lynching me is a big mistake broAccuser said:I don't believe you, Vote: PMJPMJ said:Thanks for voting me; I also have an ability that lets me kill the first person on the wagon when I dieAccuser said:crap. if I unvote does it go away?PMJ said:I asked Black God about it and he said yes. it's only counted if I actually get lynched, unvoting keeps you safe.Accuser said:I think PMJ is telling the truth so Unvote: PMJ
TheGuy said:If Glace is a wolf, I would add Lucky Fire and alexmf2 to the suspect list for being newer players and being so against voting for Glace, someone who seems almost a confirmed wolf.
Role: Karla
Alignment: None
You are Karla, an angel descended from the heavens. You appear human to everyone else. Your job is to save one poor soul from this bloody conflict, no matter what.
Ability 0: The Chosen One
Once a game at any time you may PM me the name of any player, excluding yourself. That player will become your Chosen for the rest of the game.
Ability 1: Angelic Force [unlocked]
Once a game at any time, you may use this ability if your Chosen has not died. Your Chosen will be protected from death for one Night/Day cycle. If your Chosen would die, you will die instead, even if your Chosen received outside protection at the same time.
Win Condition [unlocked]: Your Chosen survives to the end of the game
Role: Phoebe
Alignment: None
You are a fortune teller known only as Phoebe. Though you do have some slight skill, you're more content scamming people out of their money.
Ability 0: Predict the Future
Once each Night, you may PM me "Predicting <x> will be lynched tomorrow," where <x> is either "no one" or the name of a player. If you guess right, you will find good fortune.
Ability 1: Sensor [locked]
Correctly "Predict the Future" once to unlock this ability.
Win Condition: Correctly "Predict the Future" twice
Role: Bhikshu
Alignment: Town
You are Bhikshu, a monk. You have visited this tainted town in an attempt to purify it in your own way. You pray fervently every night.
Ability 1: Paula
Once each night, you must pray about any one item on this list:
1. The sun
2. The moon
3. A rope
4. A bird
5. A flask
6. The letter C
7. A flag
8. An axe
9. A coin
The effect of each prayer is unknown to you, but you do know that God works in mysterious ways. Your teachings also prevent you from praying for any one thing more than once. If you forget to pray during any given Night, God will demand your body as a sacrifice and you will commit suicide to please Him.
Win Condition: At least one town-aligned player is alive when all threats to the town have been eliminated
alexmf2 said:Tonight I was given a note. The contents of the note was simple. It said that X was a wolf. It was signed by Y.
X is a new player who has not posted very much, and who I (and probably the rest of the town) would not have any regret in lynching.
Y is a well respected and good player, who I (And probably the rest of the town) would normally be inclined to trust due to his skill in WW.
Normally, like I said, I would be inclined to trust the note giver. But there are some things nagging me. The first is that X just happens to be a (No offense intended) not so good player. Of course, some bad players will just happen to be wolves, but I would be much more inclined to believe the more if X had been another well respected (or at least active) player. As it is I'm worried that Y purposely made X a bad player because, like I said, we would be more inclined to lynch him.
The second (and bigger) thing is that I received a note saying who was a wolf in the first place. I somehow doubt PMJ would make a Seer that could give notes to people. That would effectively not be much worse than the police force of last game, and PMJ clearly stated he would not do something like that. Of course, there is still the chance that there is a towny with a not giving role who somehow learned that someone was a wolf. But I believe more strongly that there is simply a wolf with a note giving role, trying to get us to lynch a towny. Then the wolves could kill me this night and the town would never know who it was signed by. Hell, the person who "signed" it might now even be the person who sent it.
Of course, there is a reason I did not reveal the names in the note. I don't want to reveal a potential Seer. So I wanted to hear your guys thoughts first.
Just finished re reading this. Wow, I like the word inclined a lot, don't I?
Also lol at dmaster.