Finished Werewolf XIV: The Legend of Canton Falls. Town wins!

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RE: Werewolf XIV: The Legend of Canton Falls. Day 3 ends September 17 at 12 AM CST.

Lucky Fire said:
The weapon was the bomb. You happy?

Unlikely. The reporters would have had to known that a bomb was being thrown at you that very night if the bomb was an item being passed.
RE: Werewolf XIV: The Legend of Canton Falls. Day 3 ends September 17 at 12 AM CST.

yeah guys

spoiler alert, whoever is #12 on rb's wagon when he gets lynched gets lynched too



Riskbreakers - 11

Twenty needed to lynch.
RE: Werewolf XIV: The Legend of Canton Falls. Day 3 ends September 17 at 12 AM CST.

PMJ said:
spoiler alert, whoever is #12 on rb's wagon when he gets lynched gets lynched too



Now whoever votes next (assuming someone will) knows they won't die. Wowwww. You would PMJ.

On a more serious note, nothing to see here peoples.
RE: Werewolf XIV: The Legend of Canton Falls. Day 3 ends September 17 at 12 AM CST.

Okay, I've heard enough.
RE: Werewolf XIV: The Legend of Canton Falls. Day 3 ends September 17 at 12 AM CST.

...Uh oh, what did Meaty just do!?
RE: Werewolf XIV: The Legend of Canton Falls. Day 3 ends September 17 at 12 AM CST.

Deus: Nightmare Autarch said:
...Uh oh, what did Meaty just do!?

Ended the day, now stfu and watch.
RE: Werewolf XIV: The Legend of Canton Falls. Day 3 ends September 17 at 12 AM CST.

Game freeze.
RE: Werewolf XIV: The Legend of Canton Falls. Day 3 ends September 17 at 12 AM CST.

Day 3

There was much arguing throughout the town. Lynch Blob55 or Riskbreakers? Both seemed plausible, but the town couldn't really come to a consensus. Would the bickering ever end?

Yes, it would. Meaty, with his huge, hulking frame, said, "Okay, I've heard enough." He grabbed Riskbreakers by the neck, hoisted him over his shoulder like a rag doll, carried him over to the Lynch Machine, and hooked him in. Riskbreakers cackled with glee the entire time. The machine activated, and Riskbreakers died. Riskbreakers was:

Role: Barney Strang
Alignment: Town

You are Barney Strang, the town nutcase. You have been crying out about the werewolves for years, and the citizens locked you up so you wouldn't spread your misinformation. You have been released thanks to Thomas Martin, that out-of-town reporter. Now that the werewolves have attacked, you don't want to live on this planet anymore. Time to get yourself killed.

Ability 0: Suicide Watch
You can't hold any Items. If someone attempts to pass an Item to you, the pass will fail, but you will learn who tried to make the pass at the start of the next Day. Furthermore, you are forbidden from claiming you are aligned with any faction but the town. Doing so could yield disastrous results.

Ability 1: Moonlight Conference
Once each night, you may PM me the names of two players. You will visit those two players for no effect.

Win Condition: Get lynched

Cheers erupted in the populace. Finally, that loser was dead. They all wanted it and now they had it, thanks to Meaty.

Riskbreakers has fulfilled his win condition and is Werewolf XIV's first confirmed winner!

Night time, kids! You have until Friday, September 14, at 6 PM CST to send in your actions. I'm cutting the Night a few hours short so I have enough time to set up Day 4 before I leave for work that night.
RE: Werewolf XIV: The Legend of Canton Falls. Night 3 ends September 14 at 6 PM CST.


Meanwhile, Zorua was hit by Sheer Cold and died. Zorua was:

Role: Gale
Alignment: None

You are Gale. You and Kronar came here in a time machine powered by equal parts rage and lust. Your favorite activities involve following the Indians until the end of time and hot licking. You're also terminally ill and need constant medication. Unfortunately for you, Kronar left your meds in your time and now you're stuck here. Because of this, you're not speaking to him right now. You're open to forgiving him, but only if he did something really cool.

Ability 0: Surgery Roulette
Each time the game switches between Day and Night, the chances of you succumbing to your plethora of illnesses increase by 5%.

Ability 0: Level 5 Death
If you live to see it, a random werewolf will die at the start each Day that is a multiple of 5.

Ability 0: Pity Party
You can't be lynched.

Ability 1: Teamwo
Once each Night, you may PM me the name of a player. If Kronar PMs me the same player's name, you each will learn that player's entire role PM.

Win Condition (Kronar is forgiven): Survive until the end of the game
Win Condition (Kronar is not forgiven): Kronar dies before you do

(clarification: this is not a modkill; Zorua died from Surgery Roulette's death chance)
RE: Werewolf XIV: The Legend of Canton Falls. Night 3 ends September 14 at 6 PM CST.

90-minute warning
RE: Werewolf XIV: The Legend of Canton Falls. Night 3 ends September 14 at 6 PM CST.

deadline +7

I'll send out role resolutions and then night update
RE: Werewolf XIV: The Legend of Canton Falls. Night 3 ends September 14 at 6 PM CST.

There's a couple things I need to address before I get into the night update. First, I got actions after I posted the 90-minute warning (and one after deadline), which when you think about it is kind of inexcusable. I shouldn't have to babysit you guys and remind you guys to get your actions in. The only reason I do is because I want an interesting game, not one where only a few people submit night actions and things go terribly because all the protection roles are slacking or some key townie isn't pulling his weight (these are for example only and are not necessarily true about the current game).

Some of you--a lot of you--are on that ball. Stay on it. But some of you aren't, and that needs to change. I'm sure I'm not the only one who wants a fun game, so let's all do our part to make it happen.

Second--and I apologize for not mentioning this--penalties. I want people to think carefully about who they're using their night roles on. So when you PM me your action, it's pretty much locked. If you change your mind, I will let you, but the cost for doing so is an inability to vote and post during the next Day. (I mentioned this happened to Blah in WW12.) This is in place so people aren't just picking their targets all willy-nilly. Think before you submit (but don't forget to submit!!!!!!).

If you have any questions, post or PM. Now then, the moment Shocker's you've all been waiting for:

Night 3

Someone was mad.

But he wasn't giving up. He hated DNA with a hatred so intense, the hatred felt hatred, so again he shot him right between the eyes. This finally did DNA in. DNA was:

Role: Joan Dearden
Alignment: None

You are Joan, a creepy girl who lives on the outskirts of Canton Falls. Everyone thinks you are strange and no one in town likes you. You're not skilled enough to kill anyone directly, but you'll be pleased with just screwing with everyone as much as you can.

Ability 1: Teehee
Once each odd-numbered Night, you may PM me "Cursing <player1> and <player2>", where <player1> and <player2> are living players. During the next Day, those players will have a vote weight of 0.

Ability 2: Forbidden!!
Once each even-numbered Night, you may PM me the name of a player (excluding yourself) and either the number 1 or the number 2. That player will be unable to use the ability that corresponds to that number (if any) during that Night.

Ability 3: La-dee-dah~
Once each Night, you may PM me the name of a player. That player will wake up the next day and have a mark on his head. It has no effect, but everyone will sure think it does!

Ability 4: Mum's the Word
Once every third night, you may PM me the names of three players. Those players will be restricted to 30 words per post during the next day.

You may choose the same target for multiple abilities if you wish.

Win Condition: Be alive when someone else dies holding the Creepy Doll or the Super Creepy Doll

Pleased, his killer went home and ate some ramen noodles.

Meanwhile, Team Werewolf were getting their heads together and had a lengthy discussion over who to kill. In the end, they chose Porygon-X to be the one to die. They sent a brave soul out to kill him. As he opened the door to Porygon-X's house, he learned Porygon-X was lying in wait! The two had a huge tussle and the werewolf was just barely able to subdue Porygon-X. Porygon-X was:

Role: Zebulon Miller
Alignment: Town

What kind of name is Zebulon, anyway? That's the question you frequently get asked. Needless to say, you had your fair share of teasing as a kid, and you responded by kicking the stuffing out of them. As a result, you are seen as a bully and one of the most hated people in town. The only reason you haven't been lynched is because Thomas Martin insists you get a fair shake.

Ability 0: Revenge of the Teased
If your alignment is investigated, it will return as "Werewolves."

Ability 0: Enhance Your Calm, John Spartan
The werewolves are everywhere and you're mad as hell. So much so that if a werewolf goes to kill you, you will kill him before succumbing to your injuries. Each Day you will calm down a little more and be 10% less likely to kill your killer.

Win Condition: At least one town-aligned player is alive when all threats to the town have been eliminated

However, on his way back home, however, PMysterious bled out and died after his battle with Porygon-X. PMysterious was:

Role: Sean
Alignment: Werewolves

You are Sean, a sad little boy who was converted when he was wandering alone in the woods after dark. Now you are the saddest werewolf ever. No one likes you, probably because of your poor attitude.

Ability 0: Moonlight Conference
You have access to the Outskirts of Town sub-forum and may use it to communicate freely with the other werewolves.

Ability 1: Live Stream
You have a bad attitude and are an annoyance to everyone. Once each Night you may PM me the name of a player. You will visit that player and ask him to watch your live stream on YouTube and be your friend. That player will respond with an emphatic NO, but that won't stop you! You'll spend the whole night begging him to watch, even from outside his house. He'll be so distracted by your whining that he will be unable to use any abilities.

Ability 2: Paralyzer
Three times per game during any Day, you may use this ability. All votes that have been submitted will be locked and unable to be changed. (If a player hasn't voted, it will be locked as soon as it is submitted.)

Win Condition: At least one werewolf-aligned player is alive when all other players are dead, or nothing can prevent the same

In the morning paper, there were three major headlines. The first said, "Thomas Martin is my name, solving mysteries is my game." The second read, "It's the editor here, I'll post some messages, never fear!" And the third one read, "We're no strangers to love".

As the people gathered in the town square, Lucky Fire noticed Shocker had a skull and crossbones on his head, just like her, but Shocker was too busy crying his eyes out over DNA's dead body to notice. (mod note: the second part of that sentence is not relevant to the game; the first part is)

Day 4 starts now, and I am filled with sadness.

/me sigh

There are 35 players left; you need 18 votes for a lynch. Due by September 20th at 6 PM.

RE: Werewolf XIV: The Legend of Canton Falls. Day 4 ends September 20 at 6 PM CST.

...Wait. DNA just put a crossbones on my head.

So it wasn't Risks after all. Well, who to vote now...?
RE: Werewolf XIV: The Legend of Canton Falls. Day 4 ends September 20 at 6 PM CST.

So DNA was the troll, da ze.

As much as I regret seeing his death, an indie's an indie.

Porygon-X, thank you for your services, da ze. :3
RE: Werewolf XIV: The Legend of Canton Falls. Day 4 ends September 20 at 6 PM CST.

lol, Riskbreakers didn't send the note. Ironically, claiming to have gave him the win. But I guess we're still at a stalemate there.

Also, DNA wasn't wolf or townie. So, what does that make of his Zyflair defense? Is it still legit or no?
RE: Werewolf XIV: The Legend of Canton Falls. Day 4 ends September 20 at 6 PM CST.

HypnoticLuxray said:
So, what does that make of his Zyflair defense? Is it still legit or no?
How about a question for you, da ze:

Do you like magic tricks? ;3
RE: Werewolf XIV: The Legend of Canton Falls. Day 4 ends September 20 at 6 PM CST.

HypnoticLuxray said:
lol, Riskbreakers didn't send the note.

Unless someone gave him the ability to send it, but you're right, he probably didn't haha.

Well, that was an interesting night to say the least. We're probably getting near to killing all of the indies at this point since 3-4 have died. And the 2nd wolf! We got lucky that Porygon was able to return the kill though. And we now know how that whole vote freeze happened the first day.

Anyone get any seering done last night? Or any clues at all?
RE: Werewolf XIV: The Legend of Canton Falls. Day 4 ends September 20 at 6 PM CST.


As DNA lay dying, he raised his fist to the heavens and declared, "With my last breath, I curse Zoidberg!"
RE: Werewolf XIV: The Legend of Canton Falls. Day 4 ends September 20 at 6 PM CST.

I was using my ability on you, ESP; I got nothing, not that I expected to: my ability doesn't give me info. It's just fancy.
RE: Werewolf XIV: The Legend of Canton Falls. Day 4 ends September 20 at 6 PM CST.

inb4 Zoidberg just got vanilla'd.
WOOT! a Wolf and an Indie gone in 1 night! this is going well.
But me lost our miller D:\
Oh, and the paralyzer's gone :D

You know the rules
And so do IIIII!
I like how the editor rickrolled us.
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