Finished Werewolf XIV: The Legend of Canton Falls. Town wins!

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RE: Werewolf XIV: The Legend of Canton Falls. Day 4 ends September 20 at 6 PM CST.

It might be a limited use ability. Nobody has mentioned receiving a note accusing a person.
RE: Werewolf XIV: The Legend of Canton Falls. Day 4 ends September 20 at 6 PM CST.

1. I'm pretty sure Infinity is Kronar and "forgetting" to use his role is some lame excuse. probably has an "I WILL END YOU!" role
2. LF was already suspicious to me and now she's voting and retracting her vote very quickly.
3. Zyflair, Blob, and Blah are all suspicious, too, but not as much as LF is to me.
RE: Werewolf XIV: The Legend of Canton Falls. Day 4 ends September 20 at 6 PM CST.

Blah is what I agree most on.
RE: Werewolf XIV: The Legend of Canton Falls. Day 4 ends September 20 at 6 PM CST.

Wait why is Blah Suspicous again?
RE: Werewolf XIV: The Legend of Canton Falls. Day 4 ends September 20 at 6 PM CST.

He did pretty much what LF did: quickly voted and changed his answer when people pointed it out.
RE: Werewolf XIV: The Legend of Canton Falls. Day 4 ends September 20 at 6 PM CST.

I don't think voting and unvoting is a reason to cause too much suspicion. At least not enough to lynch. I mean, if you voted for somebody who was later thought to be a townie, and then realized your mistake, what would you do? Unvote and look like a fool? Or leave your vote hanging and look like an arrogant idiot who can't admit that they're wrong?
RE: Werewolf XIV: The Legend of Canton Falls. Day 4 ends September 20 at 6 PM CST.

Blui129 said:
Maybe PMJ could tell us :p
PMJ, was the "I curse Zoidberg" a important thing or was it just you being funny?

yeah it was just for lulz. has no bearing on the game.
RE: Werewolf XIV: The Legend of Canton Falls. Day 4 ends September 20 at 6 PM CST.

Let's lynch Zoidberg anyway.
RE: Werewolf XIV: The Legend of Canton Falls. Day 4 ends September 20 at 6 PM CST.

Teal said:
I would not vote Infinity. I think he is totally harmless.

Yeah well I think he's head of a 2nd wolf faction feuding with the wolf group. I've got about as much proof as you do.

Honestly though, present your facts when you've got an opinion or just don't even say anything at all.

Infinity said:
It's number 3.

Whoo same to you too buddy. Great defense. You almost sound like you want to get lynched. Either present us with a defense about how and why you forgot to seer, or we're just gonna have to assume you're Kronar and lynch you. It's really rather suspicious that you "forget" to seer the night after Gale dies, meaning that whoever Kronar is absolutely can't seer anymore.

The more we look at the facts, the less and less likely I think you are to survive.
RE: Werewolf XIV: The Legend of Canton Falls. Day 4 ends September 20 at 6 PM CST.

I've been busy all week with Regionals testing and Battle Roads and school and such. It just slipped my mind, honesty.
RE: Werewolf XIV: The Legend of Canton Falls. Day 4 ends September 20 at 6 PM CST.

Teal said:
This killer (DNA's killer) doesn't really seem town-aligned. Why on earth shoot DNA?

Because he is a Trollgod!!!

HypnoticLuxray said:
Man, this day really needs a kickstart.

Vote Infinty

This is to show him we mean business. He's obviously hiding something. Here are the possible conclusions, from most to least likely as of right now:

He's Kronar(an indie, most likely) roar.
He's a wolf who sold out his alpha to gain a free pass from the town.
He's a reeeeaally bad seer.
He's a seer who's hiding something about his role/ability's from us.

Since none of these are good for us, the only logical option is to lynch him. Unless, we put enough pressure on him for him to crack. TBH, the reason I didn't vote him earlier is because if he is Kronar, it's not hard to imagine a revenge killer role. But I'm willing to take one for the team.

Hm. I agree with all of those points. With his really flimsy arguments it is hard not to be suspicious. However, if he is the Seer...?

Teal said:
Also Infinity. In case you are really a seer. Shut up about your "seeings" until you find a wolf.

Why? Don't we want to know about confirmed townies so we don't lynch them?

Infinity said:
It's number 3.
Infinity said:
I'm that kind of derpy guy lol
Well, knowing a confirmed townie or indie is better than not, right?
Infinity said:
I've been busy all week with Regionals testing and Battle Roads and school and such. It just slipped my mind, honesty.


Even though his excuses are the worst stuff I've ever seen next to ThePliskin's excuses for not running Gengar, I do not agree in Lynching Infinity today. Lets wait until tomorrow and... See how this unfolds.

Cinesra said:
1. I'm pretty sure Infinity is Kronar and "forgetting" to use his role is some lame excuse. probably has an "I WILL END YOU!" role. Probably. Maybe he has an "I WILL END YOU" role, but it is unlikely that it will result in death of the first voter.
2. LF was already suspicious to me and now she's voting and retracting her vote very quickly. Lucky Fire is very suspicious to me. Random voting, random retracting and overall odd behavior is quite wolfy indeed.
3. Zyflair, Blob, and Blah are all suspicious, too, but not as much as LF is to me. Blob is probably not a wolf, unless she is the note sender and somehow knew we were going to lynch Safariblade, thus keeping her out of the limelight. Blah is just as suspicious to me as Lucky Fire in regards to behavior. Why Zyflair? Was it because he voted Blob earlier today?
RE: Werewolf XIV: The Legend of Canton Falls. Day 4 ends September 20 at 6 PM CST.


Zyflair: 1
Infinty (whoever that is): 1

You need eighteen votes and have approximately 55 and a half hours to do so.

Remember, if there is a tie at deadline, there will be no lynch.
RE: Werewolf XIV: The Legend of Canton Falls. Day 4 ends September 20 at 6 PM CST.

Kecleon-X said:
Why? Don't we want to know about confirmed townies so we don't lynch them?

'Cause he'll pretty much lynch them. Wolves want confirmed townies down 'cause we wouldn't lynch them.
Only reveal them when they're going to get lynched.
RE: Werewolf XIV: The Legend of Canton Falls. Day 4 ends September 20 at 6 PM CST.

I voted because I truly believe Blob suspicious. Call me a quick-to-vote bandwagoner if you want, but I was doing what I thought was right.

However, due to the fact that no one agrees with me, and that there's plenty of other people who are suspicious at the moment, leaving my vote on her was pointless. As One Approved pointed out, it would be way worse if I had left my vote where it is and simply ignored everything everyone was saying.

Anyway, onto other stuff going on, I think lynching Infinity is a horrid idea at the moment. If he's our seer, we just lynched him for no reason. I would see how the events of tonight play out and decide tomorrow. It's just to risky right now.
RE: Werewolf XIV: The Legend of Canton Falls. Day 4 ends September 20 at 6 PM CST.

I'm Supicous of both Lucky Fire and Roari. Roari because of something he said Day 2 about having to die to help the town. I also wouldn't mind voting for Lucky either though. I doubt Lucky's the huntsman,The note doesn't really convince me I think it's more of a threat to Blob than anything.
RE: Werewolf XIV: The Legend of Canton Falls. Day 4 ends September 20 at 6 PM CST.

fine takeshi gets a vote too.

takeshi 1 zyflair 1 that other guy 1
RE: Werewolf XIV: The Legend of Canton Falls. Day 4 ends September 20 at 6 PM CST.

Guys, guys, guys.

If Infinity is really a wolf, what does that say about the people defending him, da ze? :O
Then again, I want to know who would pull a Zyflair this early (someone that must really hate Glace).
RE: Werewolf XIV: The Legend of Canton Falls. Day 4 ends September 20 at 6 PM CST.

That doesn't say anything about the people defending him lol. Some of them could be wolves, of course, but the others could just be people who truly don't think he's a wolf. I don't necessarily think he's a wolf, but I think something suspicious is going on.
RE: Werewolf XIV: The Legend of Canton Falls. Day 4 ends September 20 at 6 PM CST.

@Bisharp37, I have some sort of kamikaze-ability. Luckily dmaster took the hit for me.
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