Finished Werewolf XIV: The Legend of Canton Falls. Town wins!

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RE: Werewolf XIV: The Legend of Canton Falls. Day 4 ends September 20 at 6 PM CST.

Kecleon-X said:
Vote Count:

Infinity: 12

Lucky Fire: 6

Zyflair: 1

Eevee: 2 (apparently)

Don't do vote counts. (This goes for everyone.)

Some players may or may not have effects on them that alter the weight of votes cast on them. You might end up misleading the town if you assume otherwise.
RE: Werewolf XIV: The Legend of Canton Falls. Day 4 ends September 20 at 6 PM CST.

Kecleon-X said:
Eevee: 2 (apparently)
Yes she had two because I have a double vote item. ;)
RE: Werewolf XIV: The Legend of Canton Falls. Day 4 ends September 20 at 6 PM CST.

I've got about seven votes now. Remember the warning... you definitely won't be pleased if you find out I was a townie all along when you lynch me. However, I'm pretty sure people are aiming more towards me. Also, btw, I'm just inactive due to school and other things. >_>

I'm looking at Infinity, but I'm mostly unbiased now. I won't vote and join a bandwagon unless I see someone I think is a werewolf.

So far, we only have voted off one wolf, Glace.
Hmm... honesty only goes so far in this game... yet people are starting to realize that there are people they can trust... right?

Right now, several people think I'm a wolf. I'm just being honest here. I'd vote myself if I could, truly.
RE: Werewolf XIV: The Legend of Canton Falls. Day 4 ends September 20 at 6 PM CST.

The choice seems to be between Lucky Fire and Infinity at this point.So Her'es my thoughts on both players
I'll do Lucky Fire First:

Blob55 said:
"You got lucky last night. I'm coming for you."

The previous night she sent me a letter which, made me say the Doctor thing.

Lucky Fire said:
Skimmed a bit through this. I'm a little surprised nobody's voted for me yet.

Also, yeah, I sent a letter to Blob55. And I'm not the huntsman here. I'm just a humble reporter who doesn't use her role much. :p

Hmm... this will be interesting.

These two posts confuse me Lucky Fire claims to have sent a note to Blob saying "You got lucky last night. I'm coming for you." Then saying she's just a reporter who doesn't use her role much. Even though this is very suspicious it can easily proven/dis proven we will have a confirmed townie/Wolf depending on what is stated by the newsreporter. This is what is leaning me away from voting Lucky Fire at least today.

Infinity: Found us a wolf but is acting extremely suspicious not giving reasoning behind anything he's saying.Many suspect him yet he can't offer up a good enough defense.Not to mention if infinity does seer someone this is Much easier to lie about and if infinity is a wolf he can just say Insert Name here is a townie and be correct due to knowing who's on his team.All of this paired with:
Infinity said:
Look guys, I'm not Kronar, I'm not Kronar, I'm not Kronar, I'm not Kronar, I'm not Kronar, I'm not Kronar, I'm not Kronar, I'm not Kronar, I'm not Kronar, I'm not Kronar. Lynching me is a REALLY, REALLY bad idea.

Makes me want to vote Infinity so I will:

RE: Werewolf XIV: The Legend of Canton Falls. Day 4 ends September 20 at 6 PM CST.

I know that. But it stands against my usual nature, I'm afraid.

But I'm also considering Infinity to be a townie. Hmm... should I vote myself, or someone else?
RE: Werewolf XIV: The Legend of Canton Falls. Day 4 ends September 20 at 6 PM CST.

Lucky Fire... your brain is a magnet. How it works is a mystery.

You say stuff like "I will die anyway", you vote randomly, you keep saying that you have nothing against people voting you out, you send Blob a really really weird note, your "reporter teammates" accuse you of having an illegal item.

Care to explain your behaviour? What is your role again and why did you send Blob that note? Why would your teammates accuse you? Please defend yourself...

Also, while we did not vote him off, PMysterious is dead and was a wolf.
RE: Werewolf XIV: The Legend of Canton Falls. Day 4 ends September 20 at 6 PM CST.

Teal said:
Lucky Fire... your brain is a magnet. How it works is a mystery.

You say stuff like "I will die anyway", you vote randomly, you keep saying that you have nothing against people voting you out, you send Blob a really really weird note, your "reporter teammates" accuse you of having an illegal item.

That's because I think that fate is meant to be. So I won't just throw myself in the tracks and get run over. I let it pass by, and accept my fate.

Teal said:
Care to explain your behaviour? What is your role again and why did you send Blob that note? Why would your teammates accuse you? Please defend yourself...

My role is a reporter. I sent Blob the note because I'm a bit curious as to see if he's lying or not. And my 'teammates' are unknown to me- they are simply doing their jobs.
RE: Werewolf XIV: The Legend of Canton Falls. Day 4 ends September 20 at 6 PM CST.

Thank you. Everything makes more sense now. So if you are a reporter you can write stuff into the updates, right?
RE: Werewolf XIV: The Legend of Canton Falls. Day 4 ends September 20 at 6 PM CST.

Oh...wait. I'm not a reporter; I'm a civilian consultant. Oops.

Vote: Lucky Fire

I don't deserve to stay in the game if I'm not going to pay attention.
RE: Werewolf XIV: The Legend of Canton Falls. Day 4 ends September 20 at 6 PM CST.

Lucky Fire said:
Oh...wait. I'm not a reporter; I'm a civilian consultant. Oops.

Vote: Lucky Fire

I don't deserve to stay in the game if I'm not going to pay attention.

...what is this I don't even
RE: Werewolf XIV: The Legend of Canton Falls. Day 4 ends September 20 at 6 PM CST.

Lucky Fire said:
People, who else?

Oh, I thought you meant a consultant to something like the Newspaper, Police Force, Pizza Hut, etc.
RE: Werewolf XIV: The Legend of Canton Falls. Day 4 ends September 20 at 6 PM CST.

One Approved said:
...what is this I don't even
My thoughts exactly. The only reason why I don't unvote, though, is that I would rather lynch this probably "not-helpful-at-all townie" than a possible seer. No matter how stupid or bad a player Infinity is, I don't want to take the risk of possibly lynching a seer.

dmaster is probably crying in a corner

@Kec: "Civilian" consultant. She even said it.
RE: Werewolf XIV: The Legend of Canton Falls. Day 4 ends September 20 at 6 PM CST.

Lucky Fire, stop being stupid and stop voting for yourself. Do you see the replacement list? I see doublenikesocks, who would love to play this game, and instead we have you, an obvious newbie who decides to first vote for Bisharp37 because he was the first person on the player list or something like that, and then you vote for yourself.

If you keep up this stupid behavior, then I'll just assume you're a stupid townie and we'll move on. So keep making mistakes and then everyone will just disregard you as a player.

I'm not voting Infinity because I actually believe he is a clutch seer. In this case, he can probably see someone under certain conditions. Whether the conditions he posted are true or not is up to me and everyone else to decide. All I know is that some of you are voting and just saying "Yeah you're suspicious". Yes, I'm looking at you, Shocker and ShadowLugia...
RE: Werewolf XIV: The Legend of Canton Falls. Day 4 ends September 20 at 6 PM CST.

After reading, I'm really not sure why we are voting for Infinity, could someone give me a run down on why. I've been skimming the thread and I haven't seen why, other than the fact that he knew who a wolf was last day and doesn't have anything today.
RE: Werewolf XIV: The Legend of Canton Falls. Day 4 ends September 20 at 6 PM CST.

Dark Void said:
First of all, Infinity didn't list "conditions". He stated there's a chance his investigation will do something and a chance that it won't, not that he can seer if specific things happen. We've listed perfectly good reasons for lynching him, if you choose to ignore them that's you're problem not ours but we did not just say "yeah you're suspicious". Also, how are Shocker and/or ShadowLugia suspicious? iirc the only reason people wanted to vote off Shocker is because he's annoying not because he's actually thought to be a baddie, and I don't recall ShadowLugia being suspected by anyone (I might be remembering wrong, feel free to correct me if I am). Care to elaborate?

Don't play games with me, you know what I meant by conditions. The reason I choose to ignore the reasons is that despite Infinity's stupidity today, I am inclined to believe is a seer that we can rely on (I'm also saying clutch seer because he may not always be able to see someone). I never said Shocker and SL were suspicious; what I meant is that I'm widely against turbo lynching with not a lot of reasoning to back it up, especially when we may be putting ourselves in jeopardy, giving the wolves an advantage. And no problem; I know that from experience the way I word things can be confusing.

TL;DR I'd like to see some more solid evidence against Infinity, instead of lynching him because he's stupid. If we're lynching someone for that reason, then go after someone like Lucky Fire.
RE: Werewolf XIV: The Legend of Canton Falls. Day 4 ends September 20 at 6 PM CST.

Infinity: 9
Lucky Fire: 8
Zyflair: still 1

You have less than 24 hours. If no one reaches majority, whoever has the most votes will be lynched. If there is a tie, there will be no lynch.
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