Finished Werewolf XIV: The Legend of Canton Falls. Town wins!

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RE: Werewolf XIV: The Legend of Canton Falls. Day 4 ends September 20 at 6 PM CST.

Guys. Someone needs to flip, we need a lynch.
RE: Werewolf XIV: The Legend of Canton Falls. Day 4 ends September 20 at 6 PM CST.

Remind me again why LF is lynch worthy? I'm not seeing it as I flash through pages. I'm likely missing something obvious, but....?

RE: Werewolf XIV: The Legend of Canton Falls. Day 4 ends September 20 at 6 PM CST.

I think LF has 10 actually. I have nine. I counted again.
RE: Werewolf XIV: The Legend of Canton Falls. Day 4 ends September 20 at 6 PM CST.

General n00bishness and wolfy behavior basically.
RE: Werewolf XIV: The Legend of Canton Falls. Day 4 ends September 20 at 6 PM CST.

King Piplup said:
Sorry, but Infinity's selfdesctruct mode on Page 30 (50 posts a page) pretty much seals it for me. Wolf or not, his play is anti-town. Take out Kronar now, that way we're free when a jucier option appears.

Lucky Fire did almost the same thing then voted for Herself.Hurry! 2 Minutes left.
RE: Werewolf XIV: The Legend of Canton Falls. Day 4 ends September 20 at 6 PM CST.

sillykyle said:
General n00bishness and wolfy behavior basically.

Preferring Infinity, someone who should know better from my perspective, over that.

Last thoughts?!??!
RE: Werewolf XIV: The Legend of Canton Falls. Day 4 ends September 20 at 6 PM CST.

Bisharp37 said:
My sentiments exactly. Anyway we need another vote for Lucky so lucky can't force a No lynch or lynching of Infinity simply by voting.

You've got no chance of a No Lynch. Not because of me. I know I've been a terrible player, so I voted for myself. Fate is inevitable. But still... you're gonna be very disappointed when you find that I'm not a wolf. Oh, it was for the best. -_-
RE: Werewolf XIV: The Legend of Canton Falls. Day 4 ends September 20 at 6 PM CST.

Vote: Lucky Fire

That way we don't have a tie.
RE: Werewolf XIV: The Legend of Canton Falls. Day 4 ends September 20 at 6 PM CST.

I don't think anything counts anymore.
RE: Werewolf XIV: The Legend of Canton Falls. Day 4 ends September 20 at 6 PM CST.

RE: Werewolf XIV: The Legend of Canton Falls. Day 4 ends September 20 at 6 PM CST.

I haven't been this mad since DNA died. I should call this game in my favor because I am not happy with how this game is progressing.

Day 4

People were all like, "Infinity sucks, kill him!" and someone else was like "Lucky Fire is dangerous, lynch her instead!" and Lucky Fire was like okay.jpg and voted for herself. People were torn between the two, and in the end they couldn't decide on a majority. The Lynch Machine was put on auto-pilot; it reached out with its noose, strung up Lucky Fire, and broke her stupid neck. Good. Lucky Fire was:

Role: Calvin Andobs
Alignment: Town

You are Calvin Andobs, a civilian expert consultant for the police force. Your specialty is human behavior, and you claim everyone has a tell. You'll be using your freakish knowledge of social mannerisms to help the town find werewolves. You also have a pet tiger.

Ability 1: Hello, How Are You?
Once each Day, you may PM me the name of a player and a question you would like to anonymously ask that player about his or her role PM. During the following Night, I will send that player your question. When he replies, any lies in his reply will be highlighted in red. You are obsessed with fairness, however, so you may not ask questions involving a player's win condition or alignment, and all of your messages must begin with the question "Hello, how are you?" or they will not be sent.

Win Condition: At least one town-aligned player is alive when all threats to the town have been eliminated

The vote tally ended Infinity 9, Lucky Fire 10, Zyflair 1.

Night 4 ends Sunday, September 23, at 9:30 PM CST.
RE: Werewolf XIV: The Legend of Canton Falls. Day 5 ends September 30 at 11 PM CST.

Night 4

Things were quiet in Canton Falls. Suddenly, a shot rang out near ESP's house. He was found dead from a bullet to the head. ESP was:

Role: Jasper Black
Alignment: Werewolves

You are Jasper Black, a resident of the town. You fancy yourself a ventriloquist and you're actually pretty good at it. As a werewolf, this ability has been enhanced to even make you sound like other people.

Ability 0: Moonlight Conference
You have access to the Outskirts of Town sub-forum and may use it to communicate freely with the other werewolves.

Ability 0: The Price of Deceit
If you die, the next Night will be skipped.

Ability 1: Voice Throw
Once each Night, you may PM me a message of 10 words or less and the names of two living players. The first player will be the recipient of your message, and the second player will be the person I will say the message is from.

Win Condition: At least one werewolf-aligned player is alive when all other players are dead, or nothing can prevent the same

As the town cheered their good fortune, a bloodcurdling scream was heard from the direction of Dark Void's house. When a few brave souls went to investigate, they found Dark Void winded, but alive. "Yeah, there was a werewolf here," he said. "I screamed as loud as I could, and he took off running." He rubbed his neck and shrugged. "Couldn't tell who it was from all that fur, though. Sorry. But I'm alive, so that's good, right?"

They couldn't disagree with that. As the sun came up, they all went about their morning routines before gathering in the town square to discuss the day's lynch.

There are 33 players left (Five days in and we're still at more players than most games, I love it), so you need 17 votes to end the day. As usual, you have 168 hours to make a decision. The deadline is Sunday, September 30 at 11 PM CST.
RE: Werewolf XIV: The Legend of Canton Falls. Day 5 ends September 30 at 11 PM CST.

I'm loving our vigilante. He nabbed the note-sending wolf!
Also, Dark Void either has an immunity role/was protected/is a wolf.
RE: Werewolf XIV: The Legend of Canton Falls. Day 5 ends September 30 at 11 PM CST.

Puff said:
I'm loving our vigilante. He nabbed the note-sending wolf!
Also, Dark Void either has an immunity role/was protected/is a wolf.

why in the world would you think dark void is a wolf after he was just attacked >_>
RE: Werewolf XIV: The Legend of Canton Falls. Day 5 ends September 30 at 11 PM CST.

this is interesting. ESP being a wolf. The note-sending one at that. Does this tell us anything? I feel like it really should.

and we have the opportunity to lynch 2 people today. Or no lynch day 1 and take 6 days to lynch lol.
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