Finished Werewolf XIV: The Legend of Canton Falls. Town wins!

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RE: Werewolf XIV: The Legend of Canton Falls. Day 5 ends September 30 at 11 PM CST.

That would be funny lol. Because DV could be a wolf who pretended to attack himself. It's a long shot, and not very likely, but possible.
RE: Werewolf XIV: The Legend of Canton Falls. Day 5 ends September 30 at 11 PM CST.

So currently, looking at this, I've gathered this:
•There might be a town killer(could be werewolves turning against each other, not likely)
•Someone attempted to attack DarkVoid, but he lived(might have been protected), or he could've tried fooling the town into thinking he is a townie(faking being attacked, highly unlikely though)
•Next night will be skipped
•3 wolves are dead by Day 5
So far, it looks like we have a pretty good head start.
RE: Werewolf XIV: The Legend of Canton Falls. Day 5 ends September 30 at 11 PM CST.

Shocker said:
So currently, looking at this, I've gathered this:
•There might be a town killer(could be werewolves turning against each other, not likely)
•Someone attempted to attack DarkVoid, but he lived(might have been protected), or he could've tried fooling the town into thinking he is a townie(faking being attacked, highly unlikely though)
•Next night will be skipped
•3 wolves are dead by Day 5
So far, it looks like we have a pretty good head start.

There is ALWAYS a town killer, it is a staple of WW. ESP was the wolf who attacked Dark Void, which means he could have an ability similar to Glace's Nexus ability, except it blocks kills.
Werewolves can't turn on each other, but they can rat members out. The wolf kill ability states that a wolf kills a townie, not a wolf kills a wolf.

Based on that night, I think it is safe to say that Blob55 is town aligned...for now.

Infinity, what result did you get? If you forgot again, I know who's going to be lynched.
RE: Werewolf XIV: The Legend of Canton Falls. Day 5 ends September 30 at 11 PM CST.

Fast post from phone: I told you so. I tooold you so! Who was right about rather no lynching? Hm? Hm?
Now that I have annoyed you enough, bye until I'm at home.
RE: Werewolf XIV: The Legend of Canton Falls. Day 5 ends September 30 at 11 PM CST.

I hope DV isn't crying wolf, da ze.

But in any case, good to see you're still alright, sir.
RE: Werewolf XIV: The Legend of Canton Falls. Day 5 ends September 30 at 11 PM CST.

Blui129 said:
There is ALWAYS a town killer, it is a staple of WW. ESP was the wolf who attacked Dark Void, which means he could have an ability similar to Glace's Nexus ability, except it blocks kills.
Werewolves can't turn on each other, but they can rat members out. The wolf kill ability states that a wolf kills a townie, not a wolf kills a wolf.

Based on that night, I think it is safe to say that Blob55 is town aligned...for now.

Infinity, what result did you get? If you forgot again, I know who's going to be lynched.
I got neutral again, but if you wait for me to try next Night, I'll have something for you guys.
RE: Werewolf XIV: The Legend of Canton Falls. Day 5 ends September 30 at 11 PM CST.

Infinity said:
I got neutral again
Helps your situation sooo much.
RE: Werewolf XIV: The Legend of Canton Falls. Day 5 ends September 30 at 11 PM CST.

Infinity said:
I got neutral again, but if you wait for me to try next Night, I'll have something for you guys.



@Dark_Void_Killing_ESP_Who_Turned_Out_To_Be_A_Wolf: WHOA. Great job, dude! Got another wolf!
RE: Werewolf XIV: The Legend of Canton Falls. Day 5 ends September 30 at 11 PM CST.

Kecleon-X said:
@Dark_Void_Killing_ESP_Who_Turned_Out_To_Be_A_Wolf: WHOA. Great job, dude! Got another wolf!
DV wasn't the killer, da ze.
RE: Werewolf XIV: The Legend of Canton Falls. Day 5 ends September 30 at 11 PM CST.

Darkvoid got attacked after ESP got shot, so it was probably another wolf who attacked DarkVoid. Unless PMJ doesn't follow chronological order.
RE: Werewolf XIV: The Legend of Canton Falls. Day 5 ends September 30 at 11 PM CST.

All kills happen simultaneously.
RE: Werewolf XIV: The Legend of Canton Falls. Day 5 ends September 30 at 11 PM CST.

Alrighty then. We had a nice night. Good work to whoever killed ESP!

Now to get down to business...Infinity. You said that you got neutral in your investigation. I've come to terms that you are some sort of seer who's alliance is still unknown (you could be a wolf-seer hybrid and called out Glace as a cover-up). However, I do have a question for you.

When you check someone, your results come up as positive, neutral, or negative. I can't remember which one lets you see their role, and neutral does nothing. So, what does the last result do?
RE: Werewolf XIV: The Legend of Canton Falls. Day 5 ends September 30 at 11 PM CST.

Shocker said:
So currently, looking at this, I've gathered this:
•There might be a town killer(could be werewolves turning against each other, not likely)

Why would the wolves turn against each other? Especially Since ESP's death would hinder them greatly? They lose a player(helps us get closer to winning.) ESP had a decent ability.(Sort of backfired though.) If ESP dies a night is skipped.(We have another chance to get them and they can't kill someone.)Considering this I think they that the wolves would want to keep ESP around as long as possible.I'm leaning more towards indie (Knonar?)rather than town allied killer

•Someone attempted to attack DarkVoid, but he lived(might have been protected), or he could've tried fooling the town into thinking he is a townie(faking being attacked, highly unlikely though)

I'm leaning towards protection ability or maybe was protected by the priest. I doubt the wolves would make such a risky gambit.

•Next night will be skipped

Meaning we have more discussion time.So we need to use it.Unlike last time were we rushed in the last 3 minutes and made terrible choices regarding who to Lynch.

•3 wolves are dead by Day 5
So far, it looks like we have a pretty good head start.

And the wolves can't make a kill Tonight due to it being skipped.So that puts us in a pretty good position. Let's just make sure we use the night being skipped instead of being quite for most of the time and rushing discussion.

My thoughts are in bold.

@Blob Didn't you say Lucky Fire made you say that thing about being the priest?
Unless I'm reading it incorrectly I don't see that as one of Lucky Fire's abilities so why claim Priest?
RE: Werewolf XIV: The Legend of Canton Falls. Day 5 ends September 30 at 11 PM CST.

I have two incriminating things to say.

1. There was no wolf kill. I role blocked Meaty. Coincidence? Maybe, IDK, but certainly possible.

2. Remember how DNA said he got an item, that wasn't really an item, that allowed him to seer Zyflair? If you recall, I didn't believe him. Hint hint I was wrong. That being said, I didn't want to scan Meaty in case something(like the above) came up. So, I pulled a spontaneous move at the last second, and pretty much

Vote: Dark Void

Beats me what that bs in the update was about, but he's our guy.

Praise will be accepted, but keep it at a minimum please.
RE: Werewolf XIV: The Legend of Canton Falls. Day 5 ends September 30 at 11 PM CST.

Well, you could tell us first this incriminating role name.
RE: Werewolf XIV: The Legend of Canton Falls. Day 5 ends September 30 at 11 PM CST.

... lol. So you really saw the ability, not an alignment, eh. I just remember someone saying that there is an ability that targets three people at once and they show up as wolves that night or so.
RE: Werewolf XIV: The Legend of Canton Falls. Day 5 ends September 30 at 11 PM CST.

Pretty sure it was Shocker who said that, I assumed "show up as wolf" meant a alignment, but I suppose it's possible.

Well, If it helps persuade you, the "item" self-destructed after I used it. In the description, it mentioned being quite fragile, so my best guess is that it's done once it find a wolf. Either that or number of uses, but eh, I feel like the first is more likely.
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