Finished Werewolf XIV: The Legend of Canton Falls. Town wins!

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RE: Werewolf XIV: The Legend of Canton Falls. Day 5 ends September 30 at 11 PM CST.

Meaty said:
Goodness that was a short night... I need to be more avctive, I apologize. So as I understand it, someone checked out Dark Void and he's a wolf?

And, because the wolves attacked me last night and I survived, I'm therefore a wolf who attacked myself. Makes a lot of sense when I put it that way, doesn't it.
RE: Werewolf XIV: The Legend of Canton Falls. Day 5 ends September 30 at 11 PM CST.

The "item"(not really an item) can be used as a one-day use of my role last game, it can learn one ability of the target. After I recieved it, my first instinct was Meaty, but since I already used a role block on him, I spontaneously chose you.(I didn't receive the "item" til half-way through the night) The ability received was "Moonlight Conference"(the wolf forum ability). The item then promptly destroyed itself, from finding a wolf, or through overuse, I don't know. We know an ability exists that can fool seers' seerings by the alignments, but as far as we know, it doesn't affect abilities.

Also, I'd like to discredit the notion of Darkvoid being attacked. Not once in the update did it say he was attacked, only that he screamed and claimed to be attacked. Now, this is not normal PMJ update behavior. Usually, he says something along the lines of:

Wolf One: lulzy stuff
Wolf Two: lulzy stuff
Wolf Three: lulzy stuff, go kills someone

Looks completely like a fake move to me.
RE: Werewolf XIV: The Legend of Canton Falls. Day 5 ends September 30 at 11 PM CST.

The story was not worded as it should be for me to think that Dark Void was attacked by the wolves. Considering we have another day with no night phase, I see nothing wrong with lynching quickly today. If Dark Void isn't a wolf then w/e and we can lynch HL for being a big fat liar, that good with everyone?

Vote: Dark Void
RE: Werewolf XIV: The Legend of Canton Falls. Day 5 ends September 30 at 11 PM CST.

Are we like, sheep or something? We have TWO game days to find out who could be a wolf. This is how it looks to me:

Hypnotic: lol guys i got an item and Dark Void has Moonlight Conference
Everyone else: okay *vote*

Personally, I'd lynch Hypnotic because he seems to want to lynch certain people, just so the game can go faster, and that seems wolfy to me. We shouldn't even think about turbo lynch yet, because we have two game days to discuss who to vote for, AND we don't even know if Hypnotic is telling the truth or not. And lynching liars isn't always foolproof.
Until we get enough evidence, I'm not voting for Dark Void.
RE: Werewolf XIV: The Legend of Canton Falls. Day 5 ends September 30 at 11 PM CST.

Infinity didn't get to seer again.

just thought I'd throw that out there.
RE: Werewolf XIV: The Legend of Canton Falls. Day 5 ends September 30 at 11 PM CST.


Q. Can we ____________ ?

A. As long as you don't fill the blank with "quote anything you PM to us", the answer is yes

Say anything you want; lie, bend the truth, be honest, doesn't matter. As long as it doesn't involve a direct quote from me, say whatever you want.
RE: Werewolf XIV: The Legend of Canton Falls. Day 5 ends September 30 at 11 PM CST.

One Approved said:
Infinity didn't get to seer again.

just thought I'd throw that out there.

Infinity did get to seer just didn't get any results.Apparently Blob is Knonar. So that eliminates that theory and I doubt Infinity is a wolf so I think that puts him in the clear.
RE: Werewolf XIV: The Legend of Canton Falls. Day 5 ends September 30 at 11 PM CST.

Unvote: Dark Void
I was defiantly rash when I voted. It looks like one approved is an ability checker, that's great timing choosing infinity now. You basically told us that he is wolf or Kronar, but if he is Kronar then Soammy was lying and may be a threat to the town
RE: Werewolf XIV: The Legend of Canton Falls. Day 5 ends September 30 at 11 PM CST.

You gotta do that in blue, da ze.
RE: Werewolf XIV: The Legend of Canton Falls. Day 5 ends September 30 at 11 PM CST.

Bisharp37 said:
Infinity did get to seer just didn't get any results.Apparently Blob is Knonar. So that eliminates that theory and I doubt Infinity is a wolf so I think that puts him in the clear.


most useless seer role ever rofl. My bad Infinity.
RE: Werewolf XIV: The Legend of Canton Falls. Day 3 ends September 17 at 12 AM CST.

PMJ said:
Day 3

There was much arguing throughout the town. Lynch Blob55 or Riskbreakers? Both seemed plausible, but the town couldn't really come to a consensus. Would the bickering ever end?

Yes, it would. Meaty, with his huge, hulking frame, said, "Okay, I've heard enough." He grabbed Riskbreakers by the neck, hoisted him over his shoulder like a rag doll, carried him over to the Lynch Machine, and hooked him in. Riskbreakers cackled with glee the entire time. The machine activated, and Riskbreakers died. Riskbreakers was:

Role: Barney Strang
Alignment: Town

You are Barney Strang, the town nutcase. You have been crying out about the werewolves for years, and the citizens locked you up so you wouldn't spread your misinformation. You have been released thanks to Thomas Martin, that out-of-town reporter. Now that the werewolves have attacked, you don't want to live on this planet anymore. Time to get yourself killed.

Ability 0: Suicide Watch
You can't hold any Items. If someone attempts to pass an Item to you, the pass will fail, but you will learn who tried to make the pass at the start of the next Day. Furthermore, you are forbidden from claiming you are aligned with any faction but the town. Doing so could yield disastrous results.

Ability 1: Moonlight Conference
Once each night, you may PM me the names of two players. You will visit those two players for no effect.

Win Condition: Get lynched

Cheers erupted in the populace. Finally, that loser was dead. They all wanted it and now they had it, thanks to Meaty.

Riskbreakers has fulfilled his win condition and is Werewolf XIV's first confirmed winner!

Night time, kids! You have until Friday, September 14, at 6 PM CST to send in your actions. I'm cutting the Night a few hours short so I have enough time to set up Day 4 before I leave for work that night.

Not only wolves have the ability Moonlight Conference. PMJ must be reusing role names, perhaps all roles that allow you to communicate with other people out of the thread (and maybe even some roles that don't do that) are named Moonlight Conference?
RE: Werewolf XIV: The Legend of Canton Falls. Day 5 ends September 30 at 11 PM CST.

I think that's probably an error on PMJ's part.
RE: Werewolf XIV: The Legend of Canton Falls. Day 3 ends September 17 at 12 AM CST.

Dark Void said:
Not only wolves have the ability Moonlight Conference. PMJ must be reusing role names, perhaps all roles that allow you to communicate with other people out of the thread (and maybe even some roles that don't do that) are named Moonlight Conference?
Weakest defense ever. Like even worse than what Infinity said. LOL
Obviously Barney's ability is there to help him get lynched. He also visits people so that some person who can see who visits/targets who can get suspicious of him and stuff.
Besides, you would have to know WHY you have that ability and not be asking US if every mason has it.

Yeah, byebye Dark Void.
RE: Werewolf XIV: The Legend of Canton Falls. Day 5 ends September 30 at 11 PM CST.

Shocker said:
I think that's probably an error on PMJ's part.



Dark Void: 10

Need 17 votes. You have plenty of time.
RE: Werewolf XIV: The Legend of Canton Falls. Day 5 ends September 30 at 11 PM CST.

In that case, Dark Void better do some explaining quick on what his "Moonlight Conference" ability is for.
RE: Werewolf XIV: The Legend of Canton Falls. Day 5 ends September 30 at 11 PM CST.

Shocker said:
Are we like, sheep or something? We have TWO game days to find out who could be a wolf. This is how it looks to me:
Nope. We have 1 game day to find a lynch, then another game day to find another lynch. Two people will be lynched before the next night.

Hypnotic: lol guys i got an "item" and Dark Void has Moonlight Conference
Everyone else: okay *vote*
Fixed. It's not an item, and I'm being perfectly serious. I'M NO TROLLL

Personally, I'd lynch Hypnotic because he seems to want to lynch certain people, just so the game can go faster, and that seems wolfy to me.
Until the point that I seered someone, I haven't strongly wanted to lynch anyone. I voted Infinity because I was ticked off at him, honestly. No one really jumped out at me. I'm a little suspicious of Meaty, but that may be unfounded. Dark Void is the first person who I am certain is a wolf.

We shouldn't even think about turbo lynch yet, because we have two game days to discuss who to vote for
nope, we have 1.,
AND we don't even know if Hypnotic is telling the truth or not.
While I can't technically prove that I'm telling the truth, I can certainly prove the object exists. On Day 2, DNA claimed he got an object(not an item) that could find one ability of who he targeted, Zyflair. He was 90% certain Zy was a townie. The Day after DNA died, I questioned if this was the truth, since DNA basically had a troll role. Zyflair immediately responded by indirectly revealing one of my ability names. I took that as, "the item exists, deal with it."
So Zyflair, wanna confirm what I said is true? Anyway, after I targeted DV, the object self-destructed. My guess is that it was from finding a wolf, but I suppose it could have been limited uses too.

And lynching liars isn't always foolproof.
Good thing there are no liars here, eh?
Until we get enough evidence, I'm not voting for Dark Void.
Your loss.

Dark Void said:
Not only wolves have the ability Moonlight Conference. PMJ must be reusing role names, perhaps all roles that allow you to communicate with other people out of the thread (and maybe even some roles that don't do that) are named Moonlight Conference?
Read as:
Riskbreakers, who had a troll role, had the same ability as the wolves. I also have that ability. I must be innocent, right?

Yah, your as good as dead, lol
RE: Werewolf XIV: The Legend of Canton Falls. Day 5 ends September 30 at 11 PM CST.

Sorry, HL. I ain't confirming nothing for you today, da ze. ;P

Also, apologies in advance; I'd be saying alot more, but it's midterm week, so can't really give alot of thoughts.
RE: Werewolf XIV: The Legend of Canton Falls. Day 5 ends September 30 at 11 PM CST.

Well, DV is our first lynch. We might as well start discussing our second lynch as we are waiting for people to vote DV.

Any ideas?
RE: Werewolf XIV: The Legend of Canton Falls. Day 5 ends September 30 at 11 PM CST.

Your argument would be more believable if it was on somebody who wasn't supposed to be lynched.

Vote: Dark Void

I feel a bit safer in doing this now that we've discussed the topic thoroughly.
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