Finished Werewolf XIV: The Legend of Canton Falls. Town wins!

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RE: Werewolf XIV: The Legend of Canton Falls. Day 6 ends September 30 at 11 PM CST.

People who are tight-lipped always have a reason for doing so. I was simply pointing out some possibilities, right or wrong, on what reasons he could have for not speaking up.
RE: Werewolf XIV: The Legend of Canton Falls. Day 6 ends September 30 at 11 PM CST.

ShadowLugia is also clearly doing something as he has stayed in the game. Either he has used his night role actively, if not he must have posted in the wolf forum.
RE: Werewolf XIV: The Legend of Canton Falls. Day 6 ends September 30 at 11 PM CST.

Because of not posting in this thread.
RE: Werewolf XIV: The Legend of Canton Falls. Day 6 ends September 30 at 11 PM CST.

Exactly. Which means he wasn't neccessarily doing something at night to keep himself in the game.
RE: Werewolf XIV: The Legend of Canton Falls. Day 6 ends September 30 at 11 PM CST.

Uh, no, that means that he should have been doing something at night to keep himself in then game. Everyone must post at least once a day, if not and the day was short, they must contact PMJ during the night to tell him they still play. If not, they are pretty much out. SL didn't post day 2 & 5.
RE: Werewolf XIV: The Legend of Canton Falls. Day 6 ends September 30 at 11 PM CST.

Teal, before you put any type of "evidence" you may have against me into consideration, you must understand that I am awful at this game. Second, I'm pretty busy with College so I have missed some voting phases, or I just saw that the majority of players had already voted, so I didn't bother.

And you seem to want me to reveal my role very badly. Hmmm. Either way, I want to keep it under wraps for as long as possible, or at least until I think it could be useful. As for this:

I said:
Anyways, as far as suspicions go, I literally have nothing as far as incriminating evidence goes. Besides Infinity for his seer fail, the last person I remember having suspicion on was Zyflair for all of that "Da ze" nonsense. Correct me if we cleared that up.

It's the result of me not wanting to show my hand just yet. But, if it is of EXTREME importance that I reveal my role, then I suppose I could.
RE: Werewolf XIV: The Legend of Canton Falls. Day 6 ends September 30 at 11 PM CST.

Next up is Eevee. Speak up.
RE: Werewolf XIV: The Legend of Canton Falls. Day 6 ends September 30 at 11 PM CST.

Teal said:
1) Has not voted one wolf.
2) Voted only for Infinity & corn bread.
3) Has accused DNA & LF of being a mix of indie/wolf.
4) Leaned towards Zyflair being a wolf for nonsensical reasons.
5) "I literally have nothing as far as incriminating evidence goes"
6) "The last person I remember having suspicion on was Zyflair for all of that "Da ze" nonsense" - is clearly not even following the game. Can be taken as a townie trait, but surely not a seer thing to say.
7) Other than than - insignificant spam and claims to talk only when he has something to say.

That my good sir, is very convincing;
Vote: ShadowLugia

I will unvote if enough evidence comes through, sorry I cannot help :<
RE: Werewolf XIV: The Legend of Canton Falls. Day 6 ends September 30 at 11 PM CST.

How is that convincing.... at all?
TBH, it completely looks like Teal is trying to find a scapegoat with inactive-ish players. He's trying to pull something out of nothing. SL's posts in no way read wolf to me. Eevee's do, but Eevee's just a suspicious person, lol

Also Teal, asking someone to reveal their role for no good reason is just stupid. Let's say you told me I would die today if I didn't reveal my role. I'd spit in your face, tell you I had no reason to, then shift into obscurity. Doesn't mean I have something to hide, it just means I have no reason to disperse info.
RE: Werewolf XIV: The Legend of Canton Falls. Day 6 ends September 30 at 11 PM CST.

Unlike others, I'm pressing for info on those I don't know enough about and I am suspicious about. Someone needs to do it or the game won't evolve. You are free to help me. I am not finding scapegoats, I am finding normal people and werewolves. I can't find them if I don't know enough.

Every response to such a post of mine gives some information, for example the way they react, even if they don't tell me their abilities. But it is true, alone I can't do very much. I need to support of the town to get the best results. You are doing the opposite.
RE: Werewolf XIV: The Legend of Canton Falls. Day 6 ends September 30 at 11 PM CST.

I agree with what you're trying to do Teal. My problem is not in what you're doing. My problem is that Shadow Lugia doesn't seem like a wolf as much as Shocker does. Or even Eevee. I'd rather lynch one of those two before Shadow Lugia.
RE: Werewolf XIV: The Legend of Canton Falls. Day 6 ends September 30 at 11 PM CST.

Teal has officially passed Shocker in the most # of posts in this thread. Not saying that's a bad thing, just thought I'd point it out.

Anyway, don't see why we're randomly voting for ShadowLugia. I got all the info from Puff I needed, so at this point I think we should hold off on lynching Puff; the only reason I say this is because I have a bad feeling his win condition is "Get lynched". Our only options now are:

1) Shocker (Roari brought up good points)
2) No lynch
3) Shocker
4) SL

Personally I'm not sure any of these options are worth considering, but one of them has to happen either way, so yeah...
RE: Werewolf XIV: The Legend of Canton Falls. Day 6 ends September 30 at 11 PM CST.

I already talked about Shocker and Puff. It's not enough, I need to look into other people too.
Other people I want info on are Mokoko (very suspicious), Cinesra (pretty suspicious), ComfortEagle (pretty suspicious).
I also want doublenikesocks to participate more in the discussion.

lastest list quick reference

The reason why I don't usually write why I suspect someone is that the suspected person can otherwise easily adjust their behaviour and response on my suspicions. The reason why I don't write why I trust someone is because I don't want to remind the wolves of potentially harmful information on them (that they might have even missed). Besides, it's there anyway. You can look it up and make your own judgements if you are interested. ;P

@Yoshi: We already had a person who's win condition was "get lynched". .__.

Unvote: ShadowLugia
Vote: Mokoko
RE: Werewolf XIV: The Legend of Canton Falls. Day 6 ends September 30 at 11 PM CST.

Hello citizens of whatever town this WW game takes place in.

What have I missed in the last day or so?
RE: Werewolf XIV: The Legend of Canton Falls. Day 6 ends September 30 at 11 PM CST.

Sigh... While I admit I'm not as active as I should be, I feel like we're not making great progress in this day...
RE: Werewolf XIV: The Legend of Canton Falls. Day 6 ends September 30 at 11 PM CST.

You have missed a bunch of voting, unvoting, and the calling out of supposedly suspicious people.
RE: Werewolf XIV: The Legend of Canton Falls. Day 6 ends September 30 at 11 PM CST.

Puff said:
You have missed a bunch of voting, unvoting, and the calling out of supposedly suspicious people.

Which, as I said, has gotten us nowhere.
RE: Werewolf XIV: The Legend of Canton Falls. Day 6 ends September 30 at 11 PM CST.

Shocker, speak up. I saw you reading this. You didn't even defend yourself.
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