Finished Werewolf XIV: The Legend of Canton Falls. Town wins!

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RE: Werewolf XIV: The Legend of Canton Falls. Day 6 ends September 30 at 11 PM CST.

Yeah, suppose I can actually vote this time.

Vote: Shocker

If there are any objections, speak up now.
RE: Werewolf XIV: The Legend of Canton Falls. Day 6 ends September 30 at 11 PM CST.

Welp. I'm dead, and I can't figure out how to defend myself, yup. Good game.
I'm pretty much going to become another Lucky Fire. To an extent.

You know, I figured out a really good way to help the town. But then you killed me, so that's gone.

Vote: Shocker
RE: Werewolf XIV: The Legend of Canton Falls. Day 6 ends September 30 at 11 PM CST.

Trying to get people to unvote in a last ditch effort to save yourself...

That's certainly...



I'm here all week, folks. :3
RE: Werewolf XIV: The Legend of Canton Falls. Day 6 ends September 30 at 11 PM CST.

Vote: Shocker
RE: Werewolf XIV: The Legend of Canton Falls. Day 6 ends September 30 at 11 PM CST.

Chariblaze said:
So going through the posts of dead scum to find any defenses, I naturally didn't find much. ESP and Glace are experienced enough not to slip up, Dark Void had no time, and Pmysterious didn't post enough. But I did find the little exchange between Roari and ESP that can be looked at in different ways...

This could be meaningless, and probably is. But that last part by ESP posted could almost make it a covering up of a slip up on Roari's part. Bah.

It's meaningless. I told you my role because I have nothing to hide.
RE: Werewolf XIV: The Legend of Canton Falls. Day 6 ends September 30 at 11 PM CST.

Forgot to put a space. >.<
Vote: Shocker
RE: Werewolf XIV: The Legend of Canton Falls. Day 6 ends September 30 at 11 PM CST.

Spammy said:
If he's at least truthful about his role, I don't think a townie would have something that changes based on who targets you at night. It just doesn't make sense to me. Which is why I believe Shocker might be an indie.
Umm, wat!? That doesn't make ANY sense.
Spammy said:
And, if you think about it, it really doesn't make sense that the wolves would have let the annoying new guy live this long, unless of course, he's was one of them.
Umm, wat!? It's more like the opposite. .___. The town usually ends up lynching the "annoying new guys". Also, if Shocker is telling te truth about his ability, it's not much of a threath to the wolves so there is no reason for them to get rid of Shocker.

I wouldn't vote Shocker right now even though I don't trust him that much.

I don't see how sillykyle's post is any more convincing than anything else. Shocker is accused of being wolf => does something so he isn't anymore. Excuse me, but how does THAT make him a wolf? Think if he is a townie and that happens, what is he supposed to do?

ComfortEagle & Cinesra, I want to hear of you two.
RE: Werewolf XIV: The Legend of Canton Falls. Day 6 ends September 30 at 11 PM CST.

what do you want to hear
RE: Werewolf XIV: The Legend of Canton Falls. Day 6 ends September 30 at 11 PM CST.

Why you have played the way you have so far. You can do better than that.

Also one more vote for Shocker and that's it. If you vote last now after this and Shocker turns out to be town, you better be ready to face huge suspicion. The "evidence" against Shocker is enough for suspicion, but at least he has a pretty solid defense unlike for example Mokoko, who imo feels like a better lynch right now.

Maybe you guys could consider that all people who I have defended so far have turned out to be town and all people who I have voted off have turned out to be wolves. Heck, even the guy I executed in kingmaker was a wolf and the execute was based on these same hunches as off which I am acting off right now too. (Was that a real sentence?) Blame it on luck, I don't care, but maybe it's something to think about.
RE: Werewolf XIV: The Legend of Canton Falls. Day 6 ends September 30 at 11 PM CST.

Shocker: 14
Mokoko: 2
RE: Werewolf XIV: The Legend of Canton Falls. Day 6 ends September 30 at 11 PM CST.

You're forgetting something

RE: Werewolf XIV: The Legend of Canton Falls. Day 6 ends September 30 at 11 PM CST.

Yeah it would be game freeze if 14 votes were needed to lynch.
RE: Werewolf XIV: The Legend of Canton Falls. Day 6 ends September 30 at 11 PM CST.

I thought it was 16 total, my bad.
RE: Werewolf XIV: The Legend of Canton Falls. Day 6 ends September 30 at 11 PM CST.

Seriously people, let PMJ call the game freezes. We don't know if there are any vote manipulators in the game or what they do, so we can't be sure when we really have enough votes.
RE: Werewolf XIV: The Legend of Canton Falls. Day 6 ends September 30 at 11 PM CST.


Vote: Shocker
RE: Werewolf XIV: The Legend of Canton Falls. Day 6 ends September 30 at 11 PM CST.

Welllllll, its the 30th and we need a lynch...

Vote: Shocker
RE: Werewolf XIV: The Legend of Canton Falls. Day 6 ends September 30 at 11 PM CST.

Can't beat 'em, Join 'em.
Vote: Shocker
RE: Werewolf XIV: The Legend of Canton Falls. Day 6 ends September 30 at 11 PM CST.

Just in case of a miscount...

Vote: Shocker

RE: Werewolf XIV: The Legend of Canton Falls. Day 6 ends September 30 at 11 PM CST.

/me is a rebel

Rusticks leave the gamefreezes to PMJ. Also, it seems you have a habit of voting last.

I have something to say to Teal.

It doesn't make sense to ME that a townie would have a role that changes to the role that targets you at night. So if that role actually exists, and Shocker indeed has it, it makes more sense to me that he's an indie than a townie.

But it also makes sense to me that he'd be a wolf for the reasons Roari stated. I'll agree my annoying guy thing is a very weak argument, though.
RE: Werewolf XIV: The Legend of Canton Falls. Day 6 ends September 30 at 11 PM CST.

sillykyle said:
Seriously people, let PMJ call the game freezes.

I don't care if you guys call game freeze if it's obvious. Worst that could happen is you're wrong and you look like a derp, but hey who cares.

I don't have time to post any flavor

Shocker was lynched, he was:

Role: Genevieve Barswick
Alignment: Town

You are the smokin' hot Genny Barswick, the most beautiful woman in town. Unfortunately, you're a mime, and that's probably the biggest reason you're still a virgin despite the fact that you are highly intelligent, very flexible, and extremely talented with every part of your body.

Ability 0: One Twenty-Two
You will learn almost any ability that you are targeted with, provided you survive the Night; however, you are limited to 1 action per Night regardless of how many abilities you have learned. You will receive an updated role PM with every new ability you learn.

Ability 1: Incriminate
Once each Night, you may PM me the names of 3 players. If any of those players' alignments are investigated, they will appear to be sided with the werewolves. If there are 30 or less players remaining, you may only PM 2 players. If there are 15 or less players remaining, you may only PM 1 player.

Ability 2: Teehee
Once each odd-numbered Night, you may PM me "Cursing <player1> and <player2>", where <player1> and <player2> are living players. During the next Day, those players will have a vote weight of 0.

Ability 3: La-dee-dah~
Once each Night, you may PM me the name of a player. That player will wake up the next day and have a mark on his head. It has no effect, but everyone will sure think it does!

Ability 4: Mum's the Word
Once every third night, you may PM me the names of three players. Those players will be restricted to 30 words per post during the next day.

Win Condition: At least one town-aligned player is alive when all threats to the town have been eliminated

sucks to be you guys

Night 6 ends 72 hours from now
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