Finished Werewolf XIX: Mafia Wins

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RE: Werewolf XIX: Day 3 ends January 25th

Shining Goodra said:
You guys are not smart at all....

Vote: MtheW

What KoN said. If you have a suspicion towards someone, tell us why you are suspicious of them, or no one will follow your vote.
RE: Werewolf XIX: Day 3 ends January 25th

He seems to excited to vote out a townie after just now getting in the game (due to being inactive) and something just don't seem right. Also has anyone thought of the mis-conception that wolf really is townie? Only brought on by having wolf in his name, which would make all other town think he's wolf but in the end we'd only be voting off one of our selves? While the scum watch and laugh while making there votes knowing we're sending a good guy to there demise.

Wolf doesn't have much of a chance defending himself when it seems the entire possi is on him.. I feel bad for him actually... but go ahead and vote him out, come back and call me wrong on saying he shouldn't have been voted out.

I rest my case.
RE: Werewolf XIX: Day 3 ends January 25th

sillykyle said:
Nothing to worry about here, just some friendly arguing. =D In all seriousness though James, if you get lynched here I'll be satisfied.

Oh ok. I thought this was going to be a thing where you'd go for my head every game. Well, good thing it's going to happen this game, instead of another.
RE: Werewolf XIX: Day 3 ends January 25th

Shining Goodra said:
He seems to excited to vote out a townie after just now getting in the game (due to being inactive) and something just don't seem right. Also has anyone thought of the mis-conception that wolf really is townie? Only brought on by having wolf in his name, which would make all other town think he's wolf but in the end we'd only be voting off one of our selves? While the scum watch and laugh while making there votes knowing we're sending a good guy to there demise.

Wolf doesn't have much of a chance defending himself when it seems the entire possi is on him.. I feel bad for him actually... but go ahead and vote him out, come back and call me wrong on saying he shouldn't have been voted out.

I rest my case.

We're not voting for him because wolf is in his name, that was a joke...
RE: Werewolf XIX: Day 3 ends January 25th

entire possi is on him.. I feel bad for him actually...

Don't. When a game with two hosts has someone edit the post (I edited a post a while back, without anyone noticing), and neither of them even notice, I doubt they're even paying close attention to it. Lynch me, it's only Day 2 (Ignore the misleading title)
RE: Werewolf XIX: Day 3 ends January 25th

So if WanderingWolf is town (which the seer told me, and what I believe to be true) you will have confirmed the seer to be right if you kill him. That means the wolfs who are also reading this will know I am the last person to know the seer and eat me. I'd say wait a day for the wolfs to waste their kill on one of us so you get your confirmation. Or at least wait until more are confirmed before you choose to sacrifice one of us.

I already unvoted WW. I have no leads right now, so I won't vote this round.
RE: Werewolf XIX: Day 3 ends January 25th

Oh, and any future people confirmed by the seer, don't claim. I did it because I was going to be lynched anyway.

Don't claim that you are seered, and you know who the seer is :/
RE: Werewolf XIX: Day 3 ends January 25th

Almost as soon as the day started did people jump all over WanderingWolf, who himself put up the towel and gave up. As a result he was lynched without regret.

WanderingWolf was

corn bread said:
You are a vanilla townie.

Your have no abilities other than your voice.

Win condition: Eliminate all threats to the town

Night 4 begins now and ends January 28th 3:00 PM GMT.
RE: Werewolf XIX: Night 4 ends January 28th

If Corn Bread doesn't show up by Sunday then I will have to update. Please send all night actions to me.
RE: Werewolf XIX: Night 4 ends January 28th

The night was eventful. People all throughout the town used their abilities that night, each and every one of theme to accomplish their goals. Those whose g goal it was to defeat the coalition however, tried to no avail.

The day began and the town began to congregate toward the stoplight.Two bodies were found by some on their way. The first belonged to Drohn whose body was reported to be "beyond point of recovery, completely ridden with bullet holes."Drohn was:
corn bread said:
You are a vanilla townie.

Your have no abilities other than your voice.

Win condition:Eliminate all threats to the town
The second belonged to RaichuGirl, who seemed to have been simply murdered. Almost no one gawked at RaichuGirl's death, for to all it seemed that the character of RaichuGirl housed a deep secret...
RaichuGirl was:
corn bread said:
You are the Illuminati doctor

Night ability-Each night you may PM me the name of another player, that player will be protected from death.

Masonry-You may discuss with your fellow Illuminati members(whose names will be sent to you in a separate PM) outside the game.

Win condition:The Illuminati make up 1/2 the remaining players or nothing can prevent that from happening
Alas, RaichuGirl stood for neither the town nor coalition but instead for a secret party that was currently housed in the city. How will the known presence of the Illuminati change this game's outcome? We will just have to see.

Day 5 begins now and ends February 11th at 6:00 PM GMT

21 players alive, 11 to lynch.
RE: Werewolf XIX: Day 5 ends January February 11th

So last night, there were no deaths, now this night there were 2. I'm really curious what caused 2 kills this night, but 0 the last night. Maybe the doctors got really lucky? Or a combination of that and inactive alphas? I don't know, and discussing any more won't really help us. Also lol @ RG being on the indie team for the 1,000th time in a row.

So, who to lynch today? Unless anyone has anything to add, the only options I can think of are lynch someone who bandwagoned on WW yesterday, or lynch Grant (who also bandwagoned). None of the bandwagoners really stand out to me, so I'm thinking Grant. Any opinions?
RE: Werewolf XIX: Day 5 ends January February 11th

Scum doc most likely means there's a serial killer.

GM DracLord said:
Masonry. I wonder how many people in that organization

That looks like it's just the flavor for the scum chat.
RE: Werewolf XIX: Day 5 ends January February 11th

Just realized there are 2 scum groups. Serial killer might not be in the game.

@MOD: Could you put links to the day/night start/end posts in the OP?
RE: Werewolf XIX: Day 5 ends January February 11th

SMP said:
Scum doc most likely means there's a serial killer.
That's me
GM DracLord said:
Masonry. I wonder how many people in that organization

That looks like it's just the flavor for the scum chat.

Sorry, I lied earlier. I'm actually indie serial killer, but my wincon is to get rid of the Illuminati. I unlock a new ability once I kill two of them, I can't believe I actually got that guess right last night! Drohn is -surprise- dead as he was cleared town. Was it Chronus who knew the seer? Hit me up OC if you trust me, or the seer yourself do that. Although I don't really care about missing and killing town once or twice, it would be nice to cooperate with the seer to benefit both of us.
RE: Werewolf XIX: Day 5 ends January February 11th

Posting to note that I will be inactive for a few days due to not having internet access at camp.
RE: Werewolf XIX: Day 5 ends January February 11th

Haunted Water said:
I'm still alive in this one, right?
Too lazy to check
You are indeed. Do you want to remain in (we do have subs).
RE: Werewolf XIX: Day 5 ends January February 11th

grantm1999 said:
SMP said:
Scum doc most likely means there's a serial killer.
That's me

That looks like it's just the flavor for the scum chat.

Sorry, I lied earlier. I'm actually indie serial killer, but my wincon is to get rid of the Illuminati. I unlock a new ability once I kill two of them, I can't believe I actually got that guess right last night! Drohn is -surprise- dead as he was cleared town. Was it Chronus who knew the seer? Hit me up OC if you trust me, or the seer yourself do that. Although I don't really care about missing and killing town once or twice, it would be nice to cooperate with the seer to benefit both of us.


Indie Serial Killer is not a good thing for the town. We're already far enough ahead in this game that we don't need to take a risk with your extra kill, and we don't really have any way of knowing that you want to kill the Illuminati. I know that makes me sound like an Illuminati, but that's what I think. I guess if the Seer can see full role PMs and wants to make an alliance with you, I'd be fine with that, but there really isn't any way for us to know if the Seer wants to team up with you. I'll wait to see what others have to say about this (or if the Seer decides to claim for some stupid reason), but if nothing relevant pops up, I'm probably voting for you today.
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