What deck do you think will win Worlds 2009?

Gliscor said:
^Kingzel is good, but not fantastic to survive the meta. With Luxray GL being ever so popular with Lucario GL, Trash Bolt would own Kingdra. Then, even if you do damage Luxray they could just Poke Turn him. And then what? Bright Look over Floatzel GL Lv.X and then KO it. Soon, with so many Bright Look's, you'll be losing so many Pokemon quickly.


Ship it!

(floatzel's no good btw)
Magnezone Promo (METAL one)with Dialga G LV.X. Both can abuse Upper Energy with ease, don't have a particular weakness except to Fire types, disrupt while hitting hard and can have free retreat or Energy recovery (Depending on what other Zone you tech).
^Either way, Magnezone is still slow. Machamp can probably outspeed it. And when you say you don't have to worry about Fire Types, what about when you Level Up? Surely, you are running Magnezone Lv.X. Against LuxApe, they can easily bring up your Dialga G Lv.X and then Infernape 4 can KO it.

Ariadosguy: Eh...
I know that (DUH) but 1, you can 1HKO Ape back with the help of Crobat G and Upper Energy. And if you play Bubble Coat and 4 Sp Metals like I do in my build, the Ape part can only struggle.

I don't think LuxApe is going to be all that at Worlds. If anyone plays Mesprit with SSU and Power Spray (Palkia G Lock anyone?), then Luxape's strat is ruined big time as it can't disrupt for 1 extra turn, meaning more setup for the opponent. And I assume the contestants are smart enough to know that Spray and Mesprit will be out there.

I'm sorry, but Bubble coat is not a way to cover weakness. Didn't we find that out- like a year ago?

Luxape will be good. It always will be, even when outclassed by Blaziken.
Meh. LuxApe for me is only relying on what I start with. Like Jake (From PBChat) said: (LuxApe's) starts are more important than the matchup. (Not a quote; he said something like that.) Meh.

Legos...are okay... The Power-locking is REALLY nice, and it can also be another Luxray variant... It's pretty good...but I've also got a SD! It's got about auto-win to most decks popular in the format. It can take its time to set up; believe me...

So IMO, a really good Leogs or a SD.

EDIT: After reading awsome_umbreon's posts, saying he was such a good player and such...:

awsome_umbreon said:
Someone said:
No!! No!! No!! Bibareal!

Tyranitar spinning tail twice and Omastar the bench.

Power spray?
XD Fail. You can't devolve SP Pokemon, silly! Why would Power Spray be an answer to Omastar? I wonder if anyone else caught this... =P

I'm pretty sure a deck will win that runs energy removal, bill and more of awesomeness
Brawler, here's exactly what I think of Gengar's odds at winning worlds. When I was using Legos back at states, and when I was using Dialga Gallade at nats, the first thing that popped into my head when I saw a Gastly wasn't "oh no Gengar", but rather "Oh boy! Here comes an easy win!". :p
I wonder whatever happened to Giratina? It was pretty popular and hyped when PT came out, and I wonder if we'll see it at worlds. I doubt it'll be popular, though.
It's good, with Weavile. Though, with all the snipe decks like Honchkrow and that, it's pretty dangerous to play that deck right now.

Attach 2 special dark and 2 Psychic, and you could be doing up to 200 in total by T2.
Giratina isn't too bad, but loading the energy on to it is sometimes a problem. It makes an easy Donk for Machamp.
What about GG with a 3-0-1 Gengar tech....?!?!?!?

I mean really, get Gastly start a lot to stop donk and charge on bench, then when you get Gengar out start Poltergist and kill Machamp decks a lot, but still it doesn't stop much other decks like Gengar, etc., etc., except for Speedrill.
Shadowwiidragon said:
Giratina isn't too bad, but loading the energy on to it is sometimes a problem. It makes an easy Donk for Machamp.

Unless you have Unown G, then Giratina has a small shot. 60 x2 = 120 with a simple Crobat or Plus-Power drop to a Machamp.

I can already tell at least 1 donk deck will take a division.